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关于 Shopify Email 的常见问题解答(二)

Shopify Email Shopify Email 问题



如果我的 Shopify Email 停止发送邮件了,我应该怎么做?

联系 Shopify 支持以解决此问题。


您的订阅者的电子邮件提供商可能存在问题,或者电子邮件可能已被筛选为垃圾邮件,并且订阅者没有意识到这一点。其他可能的因素包括您的打开率过低,或者此电子邮件宣传活动的退回率、“标记为垃圾邮件”率或取消订阅率过高。由于许多因素都不在 Shopify 的控制范围内,因此无法保证所有客户都能收到您的电子邮件。


不应该。如果您的邮箱列表有超过 1000 个订阅者,则受批处理过程的影响,您的电子邮件可能需要一段时间才能送达整个订阅者列表。Shopify Email 会自动按批次发送电子邮件,以帮助避免垃圾邮件筛选和提高送达率。电子邮件的送达时间因在线商店而异,取决于送达率、退回率和订阅者参与度等因素。其他可能的原因包括您的电子邮件从收件箱被退回的频率,或者被手动报告为垃圾邮件的频率。

如果您的电子邮件在 4 小时内仍未全部送达,请联系 Shopify 支持。


购买电子邮件地址列表并将其添加到您的订阅者列表可能会损害您的声誉,并对您的电子邮件可送达率产生负面影响。当您使用购买的未经同意的电子邮件地址列表向他人发送电子邮件时,您将面临打开率降低和邮件被标记为垃圾邮件的风险。在您的在线商店、结账页面、POS 上以及真实的活动(例如市场或快闪店)中提供电子邮件注册途径都是确保订阅者具有更高参与度的好方法。





Will customers be able to see who else is getting the email?

No, all other recipient email addresses are hidden.

What should I do if my Shopify Email has stopped sending?

Contact Shopify Support to troubleshoot the issue.

Why didn’t everyone receive the email that I sent out?

There could be an issue with your subscriber's email provider or the email might have been filtered as spam and your subscriber didn’t realize it. Other possible factors include that your open rate was too low, or the bounce rate, the "marked as spam" rate, and unsubscribe rates were too high for this email campaign. Due to various factors out of Shopify's control, there's no guarantee that all customers will receive your emails.

Not all my subscribers were emailed at once. Should I resend the email?

No. If your email list has over 1,000 subscribers, then emails might take some time to reach your entire subscriber list due to a process called batching. Shopify Email automatically sends out emails in batches to help avoid spam filters and improve delivery rates. The time it takes for your emails to send varies by online store, based on factors like delivery rates, bounce rates, and how engaged your subscribers are. Other possible contributing factors include how often your emails are bounced from inboxes, or manually reported as spam.

If your email still hasn’t been fully delivered within four hours, then contact Shopify Support.

Can I just buy a list of email addresses?

Buying a list of email addresses and adding them to your subscriber list can damage your reputation and have a negative impact on your email deliverability. When you email people from a list of unsolicited email addresses that you bought, you run the risk of decreasing your open rate and being flagged as spam. Providing an email sign-up in your online store, at checkout, on the POS, and at real life events such as markets or pop-up shops are all good ways to ensure more highly engaged subscribers.

Enabling doule opt-in can also help acquire engaged subscribers, and it's required by law in some countries.

What happens when subscribers unsubscribe from my mailing list?

If a subscriber clicks the Unsubscribe link from the email that they receive, then they’ll be redirected to your store and shown a message informing them that they were successful. If a subscriber marks an email from you as spam, then they'll also be removed from your subscriber list. Any email address that bounces back will also be suppressed from all further email sends.

