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若当地法律规定商户有责任以及 Wish 有义务确认商户的税务合规情况,商户应向 Wish 提供其订单详情(如订单数量、价值、代收税费和代缴税费等),以便 Wish 定期审查商户是否完全遵守当地法律。若商户存在不合规情况,Wish 有权从平台删除该商户账户。

如需 Wish 客服协助解决税务设置问题,请发送电子邮件至 taxsettings@wish.com。请在邮件中提供您的商户 ID 以及问题说明,另请务必将电子邮件抄送您的客户经理,以便wish平台能够及时审核并解决您的问题。


In which countries may Merchants have an obligation to collect and remit transaction tax on their own?

Merchants who make sales through the Wish marketplace may have an obligation to collect and remit tax based on their sales into a respective country, where Wish does not collect on their behalf. This obligation may be subject to the value of the goods.


The Merchant shall be required to provide Wish with details regarding its sales (e.g. volume, value, tax collected, tax remitted, etc.) for Wish to perform periodic reviews that the Merchant is fully compliant with the local law, where the Merchant is liable and Wish has a legal obligation to confirm the Merchant’s tax compliance. Where the Merchant fails to be compliant, Wish reserves the right to remove the Merchant from its platform.

To receive support for issues with your Tax Settings, please email Wish at taxsettings@wish.com. When you reach out, please include your merchant ID and a description of the issues you encounter; be sure to copy your Account Manager in your email as well, so we can review and address your question in a timely manner.

