

  • 在计算机上使用编辑器对模板进行更改。

  • 创建模板的备份。

  • 如果您已达到 20 个模板的限制,请保存模板以供稍后使用。


备注:从 shopify 模板商店购买模板时,该模板仅授权给最初为其购买它的商店。如果要将模板许可转移给其他商店,则需要联系 Shopify 支持团队。

发布新功能时,未经授权的模板没有资格获得支持或更新。要了解有关许可的详细信息,请参阅 Shopify 的服务条款。



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到在线商店 > 模板

  1. 对于要下载的模板,请点击操作 > 下载模板文件

该模板会以 .zip 文件格式发送到与您的员工登录信息关联的电子邮件地址。

下载模板后,可安全地将其从 Shopify 后台中删除。如果之后想要再次添加相同模板,您可以上传该模板。


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店

  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店

  3. 轻触管理模板

  1. 对于要下载的模板,请点击操作 > 下载模板文件

该模板会以 .zip 文件格式发送到与您的员工登录信息关联的电子邮件地址。

下载模板后,可安全地将其从 Shopify 后台中删除。如果之后想要再次添加相同模板,您可以上传该模板。


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店

  2. 销售渠道部分,轻触在线商店

  3. 轻触管理模板

  1. 对于要下载的模板,请点击操作 > 下载模板文件

该模板会以 .zip 文件格式发送到与您的员工登录信息关联的电子邮件地址。

下载模板后,可安全地将其从 Shopify 后台中删除。如果之后想要再次添加相同模板,您可以上传该模板。


Downloading themes

You can download a theme to your computer if you want to do the following:

  • Use an editor on your computer to make changes to the theme.

  • Create a backup of your theme.

  • Save the theme for later use if you've reached the limit of 20 themes.

Theme downloads don't include images. If you want to upload the theme to another store, then you need to re-add images separately.


PC :

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

  1. For the theme that you want to download, click Actions > Download theme file.

The theme is sent in a .zip file to the email that's associated with your staff login.

After you download a theme, it's safe to delete it from your Shopify admin. If you want to add the same theme again in the future, then you can upload it.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Manage themes.

  1. For the theme that you want to download, click Actions > Download theme file.

The theme is sent in a .zip file to the email that's associated with your staff login.

After you download a theme, it's safe to delete it from your Shopify admin. If you want to add the same theme again in the future, then you can upload it.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Manage themes.

  1. For the theme that you want to download, click Actions > Download theme file.

The theme is sent in a .zip file to the email that's associated with your staff login.

After you download a theme, it's safe to delete it from your Shopify admin. If you want to add the same theme again in the future, then you can upload it.

