




提示: 如果您决定配送单个包裹,请了解业务费率,以便管理运费。查看物流公司列表。


  • 卖家平台 如同您在亚马逊国内商城开店一样,您也可以使用卖家平台门户的工具管理订单。您可以快速浏览需要发货的订单数量、客户反馈评分和付款汇总。“亚马逊销售指南”介绍了如何管理库存和提升销量。

  • 业务分析 亚马逊提供了各种报告,供您查看和下载。您可以使用这些报告追踪销售趋势、未发货的订单、库存状态等等。

  • 买家订单沟通与付款管理 亚马逊负责与买家订单相关的基本沟通,例如,亚马逊在您确认发货后向买家确认发货信息、向买家收取付款以及将付款存入您的账户。

  • 亚马逊商城交易保障。 有时,买家会因为没有收到商品或商品与预期不符而提出赔偿要求。此时,卖家和买家可借助亚马逊商城交易保障计划进行沟通来解决问题。该计划有助于提高客户满意度。




注意: Amazon.in(印度)和 Amazon.cn(中国)目前不向这两个国家境外的卖家开放。

当您开始在全球开展销售业务时,尽管您已在主商城使用亚马逊物流服务,但该服务并不会因此而自动扩展到其他亚马逊商城。例如,如果您目前在 Amazon.com 开店,且想要在 Amazon.co.uk 开店,则必须为 Amazon.co.uk 新建一个卖家账户,并将您在英国商城账户中的商品转换为亚马逊物流。但是,如果您已经在一个亚马逊欧洲商城(如 Amazon.de)开店,且希望在另一个亚马逊欧洲商城(如 Amazon.co.uk、Amazon.fr、Amazon.it 或 Amazon.es)开店,则可以使用同一个卖家平台账户。 有关分步说明,请查看开店流程。


  • 提升商品的曝光率和销量。 亚马逊物流是一项可提高商品销量的配送解决方案。亚马逊物流如何帮助您实现竞争优势?在提供 Amazon Prime 优惠的国家/地区,很多高级会员会根据商品的高级服务配送资格过滤搜索结果,因此,如果您没有使用亚马逊物流,他们甚至可能都看不到您的商品。

  • 以当地语言提供全天候客户支持。 作为亚马逊物流服务的一部分,我们会为买家在亚马逊下达的订单提供一流的客户服务,帮助您保持较高的客户满意度。亚马逊会以您开店所在商城的当地语言提供客户支持。

  • 灵活性。 亚马逊物流能够很好地迎合卖家业务扩展的需求,帮助您妥善应对一年中的几个销售旺季。无论是单件还是数千件商品,亚马逊物流都一视同仁。您可以决定由亚马逊物流在任意指定的时间配送的商品数量。这种灵活性对于全球开店的新卖家来说更是福音。

  • 配送满意度。 除了客户支持之外,通过亚马逊物流服务配送商品,您的商品还可以享受一系列买家推崇的亚马逊配送体验 — 配送不仅迅捷还常常免运费,包裹可以得到追踪,并提供礼品包装等服务。

  • 提高配送速度。 由于您的库存可能储存在您开展销售业务的国家/地区,因此,与直接从您目前所在地发货相比,我们可以更快地将商品配送给当地买家。



重要: 不论您在哪一个亚马逊商城开店,买家都将负责支付将商品退回到当地退货地址所产生的费用。如果您提供的是国际退货地址,则需要补偿买家支付的国际退货运费。





Global Selling Fulfillment Options

Fulfilling customer orders can be one of the biggest challenges of selling globally. Amazon offers solutions that can help you, whether you fulfill orders yourself or choose to have Amazon fulfill them for you with Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).

Fulfilling orders on your own

If you want to fulfill your own orders, and you decide to ship orders to another country, be aware of the relevant customs requirements. The orders you ship to another country may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and fees charged by the destination country. Amazon will not be responsible for any customs duties and taxes associated with FBA inventory. Any shipments arriving at an Amazon fulfillment center with customs duty charges due will be returned to sender.

You can choose to use a private carrier, or you can mail packages through the postal system. Whichever carrier you select, contact them to find out shipping costs as well as any size, weight, or other restrictions.

Tip: If you decide to ship individual parcels, research business rates to manage your shipping costs. See a list of logistics companies.

Even if you do your own packing and shipping, Amazon provides tools and services to help streamline your business and to provide your buyers with a positive experience.

  • Seller Central. Just as when you sell in your home Amazon marketplace, the Seller Central portal provides access to the tools you need to manage your orders. You can see at a glance such information as how many orders you have to ship, your feedback rating, and your payments summary. The Amazon Selling Coach provides information that can help you manage your inventory and increase your sales.

  • Business analytics. Amazon provides reports for you to view and download. You can use these reports to keep track of sales trends, unshipped orders, inventory status, and more.

  • Buyer order communications and payment management. Amazon takes care of basic communications related to the customer order, such as confirming shipment with the buyer after you confirm to Amazon that you have shipped the order, collecting payment from the buyer, and crediting your account.

  • A-to-z Guarantee. In the event that a buyer requests reimbursement because an order never arrived or was different from what they expected, the A-to-z Guarantee program facilitates communication between you and the buyer to help make things right. The program helps increase customer satisfaction.

Fulfilling orders by using Fulfillment by Amazon

If you've determined you can sell your product in a given marketplace but prefer not to fulfill customer orders yourself, Amazon can do it for you. Sign up for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), and Amazon will pick, pack, and ship inventory on your behalf. FBA can help your online sales increase by providing greater exposure to your products and offering fast shipping to your Amazon customers --a highly attractive benefit. In addition, all of your FBA orders are backed by Amazon's world-class customer service in the language of the local marketplace to answer customers' questions about their orders. With FBA, Amazon also takes care of returns handling for the orders we ship for you.

Amazon currently offers FBA services to sellers in Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Note: Amazon.in (India) and Amazon.cn (China) are not currently open to sellers based outside these countries.

If you already use FBA in your primary marketplace, it does not automatically extend to another Amazon marketplace when you begin selling internationally. For example, if you currently sell on Amazon.com and want to sell on Amazon.co.uk, you must create a new seller account for Amazon.co.uk and convert your listings to FBA in that UK marketplace account. However, if you are already selling in one Amazon European marketplace, such as Amazon.de, and want to sell in another Amazon European marketplace, such as Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.fr, Amazon.it, or Amazon.es, you can use the same Seller Central account. Review Register and Launch for step-by-step instructions.

Benefits to choosing FBA when selling internationally include:

  • Higher visibility and sales. FBA is a fulfillment solution that can also increase your sales. How does FBA help give you a competitive edge? In countries where the Amazon Prime program is available, many Prime members will filter product searches based on eligibility for Prime shipping, so they may not even see your offers if they are not in FBA.

  • Around-the-clock local-language customer support. Amazon's world-class customer service is included as part of FBA for orders placed on Amazon, which helps you maintain high levels of customer satisfaction. Customer support is provided in the local language of the marketplace where you are selling your products.

  • Scalability. FBA is scalable with your business' growth and helps you handle peaks during busier times of the year. FBA can accept a single unit or thousands of units of a product. You decide how many units you send through FBA at any given time. This flexibility is particularly helpful when you are entering a new marketplace.

  • Delivery satisfaction. In addition to customer support, your FBA products receive the trusted Amazon delivery experience that customers value - from a wide range of fast, often free delivery options to package tracking and gift wrapping options.

  • Increased shipping speed. Since your inventory could be stored in the country in which you are selling, we may be able to deliver your order to local customers faster than you would be able to directly from your current location.

Deciding on a fulfillment option

There are many factors in determining whether you want to fulfill international orders yourself or through Fulfillment by Amazon, such as your business' cost structure, how hands-off you want to be with fulfillment, and whether you can provide local-language customer support independently. Either method you choose comes with a different set of cost considerations, so set your pricing strategy according to the economics of the fulfillment option you select.

Important: When you sell in any Amazon marketplace, your customer will be responsible for paying for returns to a local address. If you provide an international return address, you will need to reimburse them for international shipping fees.

Alternatively, if you fulfill with FBA, your customers can send their returns directly to a an Amazon fulfillment center located in the same country as the marketplace site. Learn more about your fulfillment options.

One key difference between the two fulfillment methods lies in handling international customer returns. When you sell in any Amazon marketplace, you'll need to provide a local return address for your customers or offer them free shipping on returns. When you use FBA in a particular marketplace, FBA will provide the local return address and will take care of receiving returns on your behalf. In contrast, when you sell in a marketplace outside your home country and fulfill those customer orders yourself, you provide your own local address for returns --or else reimburse the customer for international shipping charges. If you expect to reimburse customers for international shipping charges, you may want to build the expected rate of product returns into your product pricing so you can absorb this cost. Learn more in Customer Support and Returns.

Before deciding on a fulfillment option, be aware that storing your inventory in another country -such as when you use FBA in a particular marketplace- may have tax implications for your business. Learn more in Taxes and Regulations.

