


  • 【集成到卖家平台】


  • 【亚马逊协助配送】

    您无需为承运人创建单独的账户,也不需要为使用此计划进行任何信用核查。您只需要在取件时准备好您的 KYC 和货件文件。

  • 【商业清关】


  • 【亚马逊商定费率和无缝付款】


  • 【上门取件和配送】


  • 【端到端追踪】


  • 【特快配送解决方案】

    此计划提供特快配送解决方案。平均配送时间为 7-8 个日历日。

  • 【支持资源】

    您可以向您的亚马逊账户管理员或我们的支持电子邮件 (global-fba-azn@amazon.com) 上报问题,我们将协助与承运人协调来解决您的问题。


您可以使用现有的亚马逊物流工作流程来购买配送服务,将货件发送至亚马逊运营中心。您可以购买的配送选项取决于您提供的发货地址。向参与计划的承运人预约亚马逊物流货件,只需要执行 8 个简单的步骤。

  1. 要创建亚马逊物流货件,请从卖家平台的“库存”下拉菜单中选择“管理库存”。选择您要配送的所有商品,然后从“针对选定商品执行操作”下拉菜单中选择“发/补货”

  2. “发/补货”页面上,选择“创建新入库计划”“添加至现有入库计划”

    • 要创建新计划,请使用标准化货件创建流程(请访问向亚马逊发/补货以了解更多信息)。

    • 要向现有计划添加商品,请从【添加至入库计划】下拉列表中选择该计划。

  3. 在美国卖家平台创建亚马逊物流货件后,在“预处理货件”页面中,从亚马逊物流标准化货件创建流程的货件类型中选择“小包裹快递”之后,您将在承运人部分看到可用的承运人选项。请参阅以下图片:

  4. 请遵循当前亚马逊物流货件包装工作流程,输入包装箱重量(单位:磅)和尺寸(单位:英寸)。如有多个包装箱,则必须输入货件中每个包装箱的重量和尺寸。请参阅以下图片:

  5. 确认包装箱及其尺寸后,您必须输入下列清关所需的信息:

    • 针对担保书或承诺书选择: 海关担保书/承诺书(以适用者为准)。如果同时满足以下三点,则货件可以通过联邦快递的担保发送到美国。在其他情况下,您需要在取件时提供海关担保书或承诺书。

    • 商品描述: 对商品及其预期用途的完整描述(例如: 非临床用温度计、洗发水、保湿洁面乳)。请尽可能准确地描述,以免在清关时出现问题。

    • 申报价值: 商品价值基于收取的关税和税费。

    • 商品及服务税编号: 您的商品及服务税编号

    • CSB 选择(CSB V/IPHV - 高价值商品): 通常,如果货件申报价值低于 50 万印度卢比,您可以选择CSB V 以加快清关速度。IPHV 需要正式清关,这通常适用于申报价值超过 50 万印度卢比的货件或需要认证的商品(例如: 美国食品药品管理局认证)

    • 发票类型: 商品及服务税发票/非商品及服务税发票

    • 发票条款选择: DDU - 未完税交货,承运人将在目的地从亚马逊收取任何关税,亚马逊将在收到承运人发票后向您的卖家账户收取关税。

    • 如果承运人是联邦快递:

    • 电子商务货件选择: 电子商务

    • 印度商品出口计划/非印度商品出口计划: 这表示您是否想要享受印度政府提供的印度商品出口计划货件优惠。请参阅此链接,以了解有关印度商品出口计划的更多信息。

    • 已支付商品及服务税: 已支付商品及服务税金额(如有)

    • 发票日期: 发票上提及的日期,格式为 DD/MM/YY

    • 发票编号: 发票编号

    1. 商品不受美国政府机关(美国食品药品管理局、美国环境保护局、美国鱼类及野生动物管理局、美国交通部等)管制

    2. 商品无需缴纳反倾销/反补贴税

    3. 货件价值低于 500,000 美元

  6. 确认海关信息后,您可以选择承运人取件日期和时间段,然后输入取件地址。如果您选择投件,您将看到需要协调投件的承运人的详细联系信息。点击计算后,您将看到根据包装箱尺寸和重量估算的货件运费(不包括美国海关收取的关税)。您必须同意承运人的条款和条件并点击“接受费用”以接受费用。接受费用后,您可以在 24 小时内通过点击“取消费用”来取消货件的取件/投件时间段。取消后,我们不会向您收取费用。24 小时过后,您将无法取消取件/投件时间段,并且将向您的卖家平台账户收取估算金额。


    【已预约取件 + 显示费用】

    【投件 + 显示费用 + 取消费用选项】

  7. 接受费用后,您可以下载打印包装箱标签以及必须在取件/投件时交给承运人的相关承运人标签。

  8. 打印包装箱标签后,点击完成货件。此操作将向承运人发送通知,要求其确认取件时间段,您将能够在卖家平台上追踪货件。

注意: 查看有关购买从印度发往美国运营中心的配送服务常见问题 (FAQ) 解答。



  • 商业发票 IPHV

  • 承运人货物托运单 (SLI)


  • 商业发票 (CSBV)

  • 装箱单

  • 出口价值申报单

  • 申报单

进出口商代码副本 (IEC) - 您可以在此处注册进出口商代码 - http://dgft.gov.in/ 要申请进出口商代码,请转至【服务 > 进出口商代码 > 线上进出口商代码申请】

授权经销商代码(AD 代码)- 您可以通过开立银行信笺抬头的当前出口和进口账户的银行获取授权经销商代码函。从银行获取授权经销商代码函后,需要在出口口岸向印度海关登记。请访问印度进出口网站,了解更多信息。

注意: 授权经销商代码函必须在发货地海关清关的出口口岸向印度海关登记。

  • 材料安全数据表(电池)

  • 电池检查清单(含电池的商品)

  • 不含有害化学物质的商品(保健和美妆类商品材料安全数据表)

  • 分析证书 (COA) – 适用于保健和美妆类商品

  • 儿童商品证书 (CPC) – 适用于玩具类商品

  • 辐射声明书 – 适用于激光类商品

  • 非危险品声明书

  • 植物检疫证书 – 适用于茶叶、香料以及植物种子制成的任何商品

  • 原产地证书

  • 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局进出口许可证


发往运营中心但并非海关登记进口商 (IOR) 的货件需要符合以下文件标准,才能进行准确有效的清关:

  • 清晰、准确地描述进口的所有物品。

  • 所有要进口的商品价值正确。如果物品为售出商品,显示的价值应为已付或应付价格。

  • 无论价值如何,所有货件都需要提供完整并准确的商业发票或形式发票(如果商品未售出)。发票上需要提供以下信息:

    • 发货人/制造商

    • 最终收货人 - 购买方和/或商品收件人

    • 详细描述 - 不接受含糊的描述。发票上应注明商品的详细描述

    • 价值和货币 - 商品的准确价值以及货币

    • 原产国 - 商品种植、生产或最终制造的国家/地区

    • 所有商品都要明确注明海关编码

    • 必须为英文版本

    • 额外收费/折扣应注明

    • 发票上还应该注明购买方


  1. 请通过 Ftn_bond@ftn.fedex.com 联系联邦快递贸易网络,以获取授权委托书 (POA) 表格

  2. 将授权委托书提交给联邦快递贸易网络,以便其准备和处理担保请求

  3. 同意担保费:单笔交易保证金 (STB) 最低为 60 美元,持续保证金 (CB) 每年最低为 500 美元

  4. 请通过联邦快递贸易网络担保团队获取批准的担保

有关发货前美国进口或出口的一般法规问题,请通过 rcg@fedex.com 将问题直接发送至监管咨询小组 (RCG)

如果运营中心货件需要符合合作伙伴政府机构清关要求(美国食品和药品管理局 (FDA) 商品和美国鱼类和野生动物管理局 (FWS) 商品),并且合作伙伴政府机构清关要求在美国具有实体办事处,则需要遵守其他限制。




运输时间美国: 7-8 个日历日
  • 无危险品、电池或其他禁售商品。请参阅联邦快递条款和条件,以了解禁售商品列表。

  • 请让包裹保持开封状态,以便联邦快递承运人可以在取件或投件时检查包裹。

  • 每个包裹的最大重量为 68 千克(150 磅)。

  • 包裹尺寸长度不得超过 274 厘米(108 英寸),长度和周长之和不得超过 330 厘米(130 英寸)。

  • 卖家在发货时还应遵守亚马逊包装指南


联邦快递将在发货地和目的地提供清关服务。卖家将作为海关登记出口商和外国海关登记进口商(在正式清关的情况下,适用于价值超过 500,000 美元的发票)*

* 不适用于特定商品。请参阅常见问题“谁可以作为货件的海关登记进口商 (IOR)?”,了解更多详情。

  • 联邦快递在覆盖区域内取件时收取

  • 在指定的联邦快递站点投件时收取


  1. 在安排货件时选选择件日期和时间。

  2. 联邦快递承运人将前往您的取件地址。

  3. 请在取件时提供身份证明和地址证明。


    • 公司名下过去三个月的固定电话或手机账单

    • 公司注册证书

    • 要求的纳税证明以及已签署的了解客户 (KYC) 表格

    • 要求的国际账户进出口商代码副本以及已签署的 KYC 表格

    • 要求的 TAN 副本以及已签署的 KYC 表格

    • 表格 32 或主管在线验证和照片编号(如果主管签署 FSC)。

    • 公司注册证书

    • 公司大纲及章程

    • 公司纳税证明

    • 【身份证明(任意一项)】

    • 【地址证明(任意一项)】

  4. 确保在取件时准备好以下文件:

    • 商业发票

    • 装箱单

    • 货物托运单

    • 进出口商代码和 KYC 文件

    • 原产地证书(如需要)

    • 美国目的地货件的《有毒物质控制法》(TASA) 证书

    • 任何特定于配送商品的其他相关清关文件。

  5. 联邦快递将验证配送文件、进出口许可证和发货人身份。

  6. 联邦快递将执行开箱检查

  7. 取件时确认货件重量。确认后,联邦快递将执行取件扫描。


  • 外包装受损。

  • 发现危险品、带电池的商品或禁售商品。

  • 发货单证不完整或不合规。

  • 航空运单不合规(所有航空运单必须打印在 A4 纸上)。

  • 确认发货人身份为货运转销商或货运代理。

  • 取件请求或变更并非通过亚马逊卖家平台进行。通过联邦快递支持部门提出的取件请求和变更请求将被视为无效。

您可以在 24 小时内通过卖家平台取消取件。如果您想要在此之后取消,请联系 global-fba-azn@amazon.com


  1. 在安排货件时选择投件。

  2. 拨打 1800 22 6161/1800 209 6161(免费电话)致电联邦快递客户支持专线,确认是否可以投件和货件安排。提供计划名称“AMZN-PCP”。

  3. 准备好以下信息:

    • 期望投件日期和时间

    • 目的地国家/地区及邮政编码

    • 清关类型和清关口岸(正式类型)

    • 包裹总数量

    • 重量

    • 卖家的联系人姓名、电子邮件地址和电话号码

    • 亚马逊交易编号

    • 航空运单号

    • 投件站地址

  4. 联邦快递客户支持团队将确认投件地点。

  5. 投件时,请提供身份证明和地址证明。

    • 公司名下过去三个月的固定电话或手机账单

    • 公司注册证书

    • 要求的纳税证明以及已签署的 KYC 表格

    • 要求的国际账户进出口商代码副本以及已签署的 KYC 表格

    • 要求的 TAN 副本以及已签署的 KYC 表格

    • 所有文件必须由主管或授权签署人自行证明

    • 表格 32 或主管在线验证和照片编号(如果主管签署 FSC)。

    • 公司注册证书

    • 公司大纲及章程

    • 公司纳税证明

    • 身份证明(任意一项)

    • 地址证明(任意一项)所有文件必须由主管或授权签署人自行证明。

  6. 确保在投件时准备好以下文件:

    • 商业发票

    • 装箱单

    • 货物托运单

    • 进出口商代码和 KYC 文件

    • 原产地证书(如需要)

    • 美国目的地货件的《有毒物质控制法》(TASA) 证书

    • 任何特定于配送商品的其他相关文件


发往美国运营中心但并非海关登记进口商 (IOR) 的货件需要以下文件,才能进行准确有效的清关:

  • 清晰、准确地描述所有进口商品。

  • 所有要进口商品的正确价值。如果商品为售出商品,显示的价值应为已付或应付价格。

  • 无论价值如何,所有货件都需要提供完整且准确的商业发票或形式发票(如果商品未售出)。

在将商品配送至不作为海关进口登记商美国运营中心之前,您可能需要自行安排担保。联邦快递贸易网络 (FTN) 可以帮助您购买担保。如果符合以下任一情况,则需要外国发货人提供此担保:

  • 货件中所有商品的总价值超过 2,500 美元。

  • 货件中的商品需要接受美国合作伙伴政府机构 (PGA) 的检查和清关。


  1. 请通过 Ftn_bond@ftn.fedex.com 联系联邦快递贸易网络,以获取授权委托书 (POA) 表格。

  2. 将授权委托书提交给联邦快递贸易网络,以便其准备和处理担保请求。

  3. 同意担保费:单笔交易保证金 (STB) 最低为 60 美元,持续保证金 (CB) 每年最低为 500 美元。

  4. 请通过联邦快递贸易网络担保团队获取批准的担保。

有关发货前美国进口或出口的一般法规问题,请通过 rcg@fedex.com 将问题直接发送至监管咨询小组 (RCG)

如果运营中心货件需要符合合作伙伴政府机构清关要求(美国食品和药品管理局 (FDA) 商品和美国鱼类和野生动物管理局 (FWS) 商品),并且合作伙伴政府机构清关要求在美国具有实体办事处,则需要遵守其他限制。亚马逊服务提供商 Stelcore 可以为合作伙伴政府机构商品提供海关登记进口商服务。


  • 太阳镜

  • 眼镜

  • 鸟的羽毛

  • 爬行动物皮革制品

  • 激光级别

  • 玩具激光器商品

  • 隐形眼镜

  • CD/DVD 驱动器

  • 眼镜架

  • 食品

  • 药品

  • 生物制品

  • 微波炉

  • 膳食补充剂

  • 荧光棒

  • 精油

  • 试剂套件

  • 医疗器械



Buy shipping from India to US fulfillment centers

You can use Seller Central Integrated Global Shipping Program to send your Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) inventory from India to fulfillment centers in the United States. The program enables you to commercially ship your FBA shipments in a cost effective manner. Once the carrier participating in this program picks up your shipment, they will handle shipping from customs clearances to delivery to an Amazon FC. (Door step pickup and Drop off at carrier facility in India available).

Below is a more detailed list of features this solution offers:

  • Integrated in Seller Central

    You can book shipments, enter customs information, schedule pickup by the carrier and pay logistics freight charges directly in Seller Central while creating your FBA shipment.

  • Amazon Facilitated Shipping

    You don’t need to create a separate account with the carrier or do any credit checks in order to use this program. You just need to have your KYC and shipment documentation ready at the time of pickup.

  • Commercially cleared

    The shipments with this solution will be commercially cleared with the carrier taking care of both origin and destinations custom clearance.

  • Amazon negotiated rates & seamless payments

    You can rely on Amazon negotiated rates along with seamless Seller Central integrated payments.

  • Door-to-door pickup and delivery

    Once you schedule pickup from your location, the carrier will come to your door for pickup and will take ownership for delivery to Amazon US warehouse.

  • End-to-end tracking

    You can track status of your FBA shipment within Seller Central.

  • Express shipping solution

    This program offers an express shipping solution. The average delivery time will be 7-8 calendar days.

  • Support Resources

    You can escalate issues to your Amazon account manager or our support email at global-fba-azn@amazon.com and we will help coordinate with the carrier to resolve your issues.

How to buy shipping

You can buy shipping by using the existing FBA workflow for sending your shipments to Amazon FCs. The shipping options available to you will be based on the Ship from location you provide. Book an FBA shipment with a participating carrier in 8 simple steps.

  1. To create an FBA shipment, select ‘Manage Inventory’ from the Inventory drop-down menu in Seller Central. Select each item that you want to ship, and then select ‘Send/replenish inventory’ from the ‘Action on selected’ drop-down menu.

  2. On the ‘Send/replenish inventory’ page, select ‘Create a new shipping plan’ or ‘Add to an existing shipping plan’.

    • To create a new plan, use the shipment creation workflow (visit Send/replenish inventory to Amazon to learn more).

    • To add your items to an existing plan, select the plan from the Add to shipping plan drop-down list.

  3. After creating a FBA shipment on Seller Central US, in the ‘Prepare Shipment’ page, you will see the available carrier options in the carrier section after choosing ‘Small Parcel Delivery’ in type of shipment, in the FBA shipment creation workflow. Refer to the image below:

  4. Follow the current FBA shipment workflow of shipment packing, and entering box weights in lbs. and dimensions in inches. For multiple boxes, it is mandatory to enter box weights and dimensions for each box in the shipment. Refer to the image below:

  5. After confirming the boxes and their dimensions, you have to enter the information required for customs clearance listed below:

    • Against bond or UT selection: Custom Bond/Letter of Undertaking, whichever is applicable. The shipment can enter the US on FedEx’s bond, if all of the three points below are met. In other cases, you will need to provide a customs bond or letter of undertaking at the time of pick up.

    • Description of the commodity: Full description of the commodity along with intended use (For example: Thermometers for non-clinical use, Shampoo for washing hair, Face moisturizer for facial cleansing). Please be as precise as possible in your descriptions to avoid issues during customs clearance.

    • Declared value: Value of the product based on which customs duty and taxes are charged.

    • GST number: Your GST number

    • CSB selection (CSB V/IPHV - high value commodity): Generally, if the declared value of shipment is < INR 5 lakhs, you can select CSB V for faster customs clearance. IPHV entails formal clearance which is generally for shipments with declared value > INR 5 lakhs or products that require certifications (For example: FDA)

    • Invoice type: GST/Non-GST

    • Terms of Invoice selection: DDU - Delivery duty unpaid as the carrier will collect any customs duty paid from Amazon at the destination and Amazon will charge your seller account once Amazon receives the carrier invoice.

    • If the carrier is FedEx:

    • E-Com shipment selection: E-Com

    • MEIS/Non-MEIS: This signifies if you want to avail benefits for the shipment under the MEIS scheme of Government of India. Refer to this link to know more on MEIS scheme.

    • GST Paid: Value of GST paid (if any)

    • Invoice Date: The date mentioned on the invoice, in the format DD/MM/YY

    • Invoice Number: The number of the invoice

    1. The commodities are not regulated by a US Government agency (FDA, EPA, FWS, DOT, etc.)

    2. The commodities are not subject to anti-dumping/countervailing duties

    3. The value of the shipment is less than $500,000

  6. After confirming the customs information, you can choose the pickup date and slot for the carrier to pick up the shipment, and enter the pickup address. If you choose drop off, you will see the carrier’s contact details to coordinate for the drop off. Upon clicking calculate, you will see the shipping charges estimate (this does not include customs duty charged by US customs) for the shipment based on the box dimensions and weight. You have to agree to the carrier’s Terms and Conditions and accept the charges by clicking on ‘Accept Charges’. After accepting charges, you have 24 hours to cancel the pickup/drop off slot for the shipment by clicking ‘Void charges’. Upon canceling, you won’t be charged. Post the 24-hour time period, you will not be able to cancel the pickup/drop off slot and you will be charged for the estimated amount from your Seller Central account.

    Pickup date selection

    Pickup booked + Charges shown

    Drop off + Charges shown + Option to void charges

  7. Upon accepting charges, you can download the print box labels, and relevant carrier labels that have to be handed over to the carrier at pickup/drop-off.

  8. After printing the box labels, click on complete shipment. This will send a notification to the carrier for pickup slot confirmation, and you will be able to track the shipment on Seller Central.

Note: See answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Buy shipping from India to US Fulfillment Centers.

Suggested document formats/document samples:

FedEx specific:

  • Commercial Invoice IPHV

  • Carrier Shipper’s Letter of Instruction (SLI)

Other generic documents:

  • Commercial Invoice (CSBV)

  • Packing List

  • Export Value declaration

  • Declaration

Importer Exporter code copy (IEC) - You can register for IEC from here - http://dgft.gov.in/ To apply for IEC, kindly go to Services > IEC > Online IEC Application

Authorized dealer code (AD Code) - You can get the AD code letter from the bank where you have opened a current account for the Export & Import on Bank’s letterhead. Once you get the AD code letter from the bank, it needs to be registered from Indian Customs at the export port. Visit the Export Import India website for more information.

Note: AD code letter has to be registered at the Indian Customs at the export port where origin custom clearance happens.

  • MSDS (Battery)

  • Battery checklist (for products with batteries)

  • Products without harmful chemicals (MSDS for health, beauty)

  • Certificate of Analysis (COA) – For Health and Beauty

  • Children Product Certification (CPC) – For Toys

  • Radiation Declaration – For Laser Products

  • Non DG (Dangerous Goods) declaration

  • Phytosanitary Certificate – For tea, spices and anything made of plant seeds

  • Certificate of Origin

  • Import Export License under Fisheries and Wildlife Department

FedEx Compliance:

Shipments destined to fulfillment centers which do not serve as the Importer of Record (IOR) will require the following documentation criteria for accurate and effective clearance:

  • Clear and accurate description(s) of all article(s) being imported.

  • Correct value for all article(s) being imported. If the articles are being sold, the value indicated should be the price paid or payable.

  • ALL shipments regardless of value require a fully completed and accurate commercial invoice or a pro forma invoice if the items are not sold. The following information is required on the invoice:

    • Shipper/Manufacturer

    • Ultimate Consignee – Sold-to party and/or recipient of the goods

    • Detailed description – Vague descriptions are not acceptable. A detailed description of the product should be noted on the invoice

    • Value and Currency – Accurate value of the goods along with currency

    • Country of Origin – Country where the goods were grown, produced or finally manufactured

    • HS code to be clearly mentioned for all commodities

    • Must be in English

    • Additional charges/discounts should be noted

    • Sold-to Party should also be noted on the invoice

To apply for a bond:

  1. Contact FTN at Ftn_bond@ftn.fedex.com to get a power of attorney (POA) form

  2. Submit the POA to FTN so it can prepare and process the bond request

  3. Agree to the bond fee: a minimum $60 for a single transaction bond (STB) or $500 annually for a continuous bond (CB)

  4. Get the approved bond through the FTN bond team

General regulatory questions on US import or export issues prior to shipping can be directed to the Regulatory Consulting Group (RCG) at rcg@fedex.com

If a fulfillment center shipment is subject to PGA clearance requirements — Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commodity and Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) commodity — and the PGA clearance necessitates a US presence, additional restrictions apply.

Dangerous goods

Dangerous goods (hazardous materials) may not be sent using Global Shipping Program. To ensure safe transportation, dangerous goods must comply with all applicable regulations. To learn more, visit FBA Dangerous Goods program.

FedEx International Economy

Transit timeUS: 7-8 calendar days
  • No dangerous goods, batteries, or other prohibited items. See the FedEx terms and conditions for a list of prohibited items.

  • Leave packages unsealed so FedEx couriers can inspect them at pickup or drop-off.

  • Maximum weight per package is 68 kg (150 lb).

  • Maximum package size is 274 cm (108 inches) in length, 330 cm (130 inches) in length plus girth.

  • Seller should also adhere to Amazon packaging guidelines while making the shipment

Customs and duties

FedEx will provide customs clearance services at origin and destination. Sellers will act as exporter of record and foreign importer of record (in case of formal clearance, for invoices with a value of more than $500,000)*

* Not applicable to specific products. Refer to the FAQ ‘Who would be the Importer on Record (IOR) for my shipment?’ for more details.

Collection options
  • FedEx pickup within the coverage area

  • Drop-off at designated FedEx locations

Collection frequencyMonday to Saturday
Pick-up process

  1. Select a pickup day and time when scheduling a shipment.

  2. A FedEx courier will arrive at your pickup address.

  3. Provide proof of identity and proof of address at pickup.

    All documents to be self-attested by director or authorized signatory.

    • Landline or mobile phone bills for the past three months, in the name of the company

    • Certificate of incorporation

    • Copy of PAN required with signed know your customer (KYC) form

    • Copy of IEC required for international account along with signed KYC form

    • Copy of TAN required with signed KYC form

    • Form 32 or online verification of the director and photo ID if the director signs the FSC.

    • Certificate of incorporation

    • Memorandum and articles of association

    • Company’s PAN card

    • Proof of identity (any one)

    • Proof of address (any one)

  4. Make sure the following documents are ready at the time of pickup:

    • Commercial invoice

    • Packing list

    • Shipper’s letter of instruction

    • IEC and KYC documents

    • Certificate of origin (if required)

    • Toxic Substance Control Act (TASA) certificate for US destination shipments

    • Any other related clearance documents specific to the products being shipped.

  5. FedEx will validate the shipping paperwork, import-export license, and shipper’s identity.

  6. FedEx will perform an open box inspection

  7. Sign off on the shipment weight at pickup. Once you have signed off, FedEx will perform a pickup scan.

FedEx reserves the right to refuse pickup and cancel the order for any reason deemed necessary, including:

  • Outer packaging is damaged.

  • Dangerous goods, items with batteries, or prohibited items are found.

  • Shipping documentation is incomplete or noncompliant.

  • AWB is noncompliant (all AWBs must be printed on A4 paper).

  • Shipper is identified as a freight reseller or cargo agent.

  • Pickup requests or changes were not made through Amazon Seller Central. Pickup requests and changes through FedEx Support will not be honored.

You will have 24 hours to cancel the pickup through Seller Central. If you want to cancel after that, contact global-fba-azn@amazon.com

Drop-off process

  1. Select drop-off when scheduling a shipment.

  2. Call the dedicated FedEx customer support line at 1800 22 6161 / 1800 209 6161 (toll free) to verify drop-off availability and scheduling. Provide the program name “AMZN-PCP.”

  3. Have the following information ready:

    • Desired drop-off date and time

    • Destination country and postal code

    • Clearance type and clearance gateway (formal type)

    • Total number of packages

    • Weight

    • Seller’s contact name, email address, and phone number

    • Amazon transaction ID

    • AWB number

    • Drop-off station address

  4. FedEx customer support will confirm the drop-off location.

  5. At drop-off, provide proof of identity and proof of address.

    • Landline or mobile phone bills for the past three months, in the name of the company

    • Certificate of incorporation

    • Copy of PAN required with signed KYC form

    • Copy of IEC required for international account along with signed KYC form

    • Copy of TAN required with signed KYC form

    • All documents to be self-attested by director or authorized signatory

    • Form 32 or online verification of the director and photo ID if the director signs the FSC.

    • Certificate of incorporation

    • Memorandum and articles of association

    • Company’s PAN card

    • Proof of identity (any one)

    • Proof of address (any one)All documents to be self-attested by director or authorized signatory.

  6. Make sure the following documents are ready at the time of drop-off:

    • Commercial invoice

    • Packing list

    • Shipper’s letter of instruction

    • IEC and KYC documents

    • Certificate of origin (If required)

    • Toxic Substance Control Act (TASA) certificate for US destination shipments

    • Any other related documents specific to the products being shipped

Importing to US fulfillment centers

Shipments destined for US fulfillment centers that do not serve as the importer of record (IOR) will require the following documentation for accurate and effective clearance:

  • Clear and accurate descriptions of all items being imported.

  • Correct values for all items being imported. If the items are being sold, the value indicated should be the price paid or payable.

  • All shipments, regardless of value, require a complete and accurate commercial invoice — or a pro forma invoice if the items are not sold.

Before shipping your items to US fulfillment centers that do not serve as the IOR, you may have to arrange your own bond. FedEx Trade Networks (FTN) can help you procure a bond. This bond is required of foreign shippers if either of the following scenarios applies:

  • The total value of all the goods in the shipment is more than $2,500.

  • The goods in the shipment are subject to US partner government agency (PGA) inspection and clearance.

To apply for a bond:

  1. Contact FTN at Ftn_bond@ftn.fedex.com to get a power of attorney (POA) form.

  2. Submit the POA to FTN so it can prepare and process the bond request.

  3. Agree to the bond fee: a minimum $60 for a single transaction bond (STB) or $500 annually for a continuous bond (CB).

  4. Get the approved bond through the FTN bond team.

General regulatory questions on US import or export issues prior to shipping can be directed to the Regulatory Consulting Group (RCG) at rcg@fedex.com

If a fulfillment center shipment is subject to PGA clearance requirements — Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commodity and Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) commodity — and the PGA clearance necessitates a US presence, additional restrictions apply. Amazon Service Provider Stelcore can provide IOR services for PGA commodities.

Below is a non-inclusive list of examples of commodities that are subject to PGA clearance requirements and require a US sold-to party, other than the fulfillment center, to be on the shipping documentation for the items to enter the US.

  • Sunglasses

  • Eyeglasses

  • Bird feathers

  • Goods of reptilian leather

  • Laser levels

  • Toy laser products

  • Contact lenses

  • CD/DVD drives

  • Eyewear frames

  • Food

  • Pharmaceuticals

  • Biologics

  • Microwaves

  • Dietary supplements

  • Glow sticks

  • Essential oils

  • Reagents kit

  • Medical devices

Terms and conditionsFedEx International Economy terms and conditions

