Wish 定期在 Wish 应用或 wish.com 网站上开展促销活动,目的是为产品吸引更多流量。Wish 平台上销售业绩非常好的产品可能会被选中参加此类促销活动。这些产品是由 Wish 根据产品的关注人数、转化率和受欢迎程度通过系统自动选择的。
wish商户平台会自动将您的产品推荐给曾收藏类似产品的 Wish 用户。这是因为wish商户平台的后端相关性算法可以挑选出这些用户,将您的产品推送到他们的 Feed 流中。用户在 Feed 流中看到您的产品后,可以保存和分享给朋友。这样就形成了“滚雪球”效应:您的产品越受欢迎,出现在用户 Feed 流中的机会就越多。
Promoted status for top-selling products
Wish regularly runs promotional campaigns to drive additional traffic to products in the Wish app or wish.com. Products that have been selling well on Wish may be selected for such promotion. These products are programmatically chosen by Wish based on their relevant audience, conversion, and popularity.
This article walks merchants through some commonly asked questions about the promoted status of their products.
1. How can I increase my products' chances of being selected as promoted products?
Adding size and color information is critical. Click here for more information about how to do this.
Make sure you add appropriate tags to your products as well. Click here for more information about adding tags to your listings.
We automatically promote merchants and their products to Wish users who've added similar items to their wishlists in the past. Thanks to our algorithm, we are able to pick out these users and pushes your products into their product feed. Users can then save your products and share them with friends. From there, it's a snowball effect: The more popular your product becomes, the more it shows up in users' feeds.