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重要: 如果您在亚马逊商城销售商品,则必须遵守适用于相关商品和商品信息的所有联邦、州和地方法律以及亚马逊政策

美国消费品安全委员会 (CPSC) 发现特定儿童服装中配带的拉绳属于实质危害性商品。本政策适用于 2T 至 12 码或同等尺寸的儿童卫衣和外套中配带的拉绳,或 2T 至 16 码或同等尺寸的儿童服装中在腰部和底边所使用的拉绳。






2T 至 16 码或同等尺寸的儿童下身服装,当服装展开至最大宽度时,其拉绳长度不应超过 3 英寸。此外,儿童下身衣物的拉绳外端不允许装配绳扣、系结或装有其他配件。2T 至 16 码或同等尺寸的上衣外套,如果腰部或底边拉绳是一根长绳,则必须对其采用止缝工艺进行处理(即将绳子缝死固定,防止绳子被连根抽出)。




亚马逊的政策要求,通过亚马逊网站销售的带拉绳儿童服装必须符合特定的认证标准。如果亚马逊与您联系,请将以下信息提交至 child-safety@amazon.com:

  1. 公司名称

  2. 卖家编号/供应商编号

  3. 电子邮件地址

  4. 电话号码

  5. 您申请销售的 ASIN 列表

  6. 您申请销售的 ASIN 的儿童商品证书 (CPC)

  7. 由美国消费品安全委员会接受的检测实验室出具的检测报告,确认每件商品均通过检测,符合下列要求:

儿童下身拉绳服装ASTM F1816-18 和 CPSIA




Drawstrings in children's clothing

Important: If you supply products for sale on Amazon, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws, and Amazon policies applicable to those products and product listings.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) finds the presence of drawstrings in specific children’s clothing to be a substantial product hazard. This policy applies to drawstrings in children’s hoodies and outerwear for sizes 2T to 12, or equivalents and drawstrings in children’s waist and bottom clothing for sizes 2T to 16, or equivalents.

For more information, see CPSC’s link for business and manufacturers.

Drawstrings in children's hoodies and outerwear

Drawstrings in children’s hoodies and outerwear pose a hazard should the drawstring become entangled with other objects. Drawstrings located near the neck and hood areas of children’s upper outerwear present a strangulation hazard when the drawstring becomes caught in objects, such as playground slides.

Drawstrings in children's waist and bottom clothing

Drawstrings in children’s waist and bottom clothing pose a hazard should they catch in the doors or other parts of a motor vehicle, thereby presenting a dragging hazard when the operator of the vehicle drives off without realizing that someone is attached to the vehicle by the drawstring.

Children’s lower body clothing sizes 2T to 16, or equivalent, shall not possess drawstrings longer than 3 inches when garment is expanded to its fullest width. Additionally, children’s lower body clothing shall not possess toggles, knots, or other attachments at the free ends of the drawstring. If a waist or bottom drawstring in upper outerwear sizes 2T to 16, or the equivalent, is one continuous string, it must be bar-tacked (that is, stitched through to prevent the drawstring from being pulled through its channel).

Who should submit documents?

If you are selling children’s clothing with drawstrings, you may be asked to provide documents to confirm the safety of your products. Amazon requires documentation that indicates testing compliance with standards or regulations for each product you are applying to sell.

How do I request approval to sell children’s clothing with drawstrings?

Amazon’s policies require that children’s clothing with drawstrings sold through the Amazon website meet specified certification standards. If you are contacted by Amazon, please submit the following information to child-safety@amazon.com:

  1. Company name

  2. Seller ID/Vendor ID

  3. Email address

  4. Phone number

  5. A list of ASINs you are applying to sell

  6. A Children's Product Certificate (CPC) for the ASINs you are applying to sell

  7. Test reports from a CPSC-accepted testing laboratory confirming each product was tested to the requirements listed below:

ProductRegulation/Standard Requirement
Children's lower body drawstring clothingASTM F1816-18 and CPSIA
Children's upper body drawstring clothingProhibited for sale on Amazon

More information is available on the CPSC Drawstring website.

A list of CPSC-accepted labs is available here. Some labs provide special Amazon rates for testing. A list of these Compliance Solutions providers is available here.

