连连(LianLian Global)官网首页




您的付款可能正在处理中。 亚马逊发起付款后,它最多可能需要五个工作日才能显示在您的银行账户中。您可以在付款报告中的“结算一览”中查看结算周期的付款日期。



对于与您最近十笔付款之前的付款相关的问题 , 请单击 【结算一览】 选项卡 , 从 【您的对账单】 列表中选择结算周期。如果相关付款的结算周期仍未结束 , 请等待结算周期完成。请参阅您的对账单 , 了解特定付款的结算周期。您可以使用获得成功付款的银行转账 ID 向银行查询付款信息。


  • 银行账户或信用卡信息缺失或无效。您需要同时提供银行账户和信用卡信息,亚马逊才能将付款存入您的账户,因此,请确保在您的账户设置中提供它们的最新信息。

    注意: 每当您添加或更新您的银行账户信息时,您都必须等待 3 天安全保留期才能生效,之后我们才会发起转账。

  • 付款时,账户的余额为负值或零。出现这种情况的原因可能是销售费用或商品退款。在这种情况下,我们可能会从您的信用卡扣除用于支付销售费用的金额。

  • 订单没有确认发货。



Why didn't I get paid?

Your payment might be on the way! It can take up to five business days for money to appear in your bank account after Amazon initiates a deposit. You can check the payment date of any settlement period in the Statement View in your Payments Report.

Use this Seller Support tool to find out why you might not have received a payment.

For questions related to payments older than your ten most recent payments, click the Statement View tab and from the Your statement for: list, select the settlement cycle. If the settlement period for the payment in question is still open, please wait until completion of the cycle for it to be closed. Refer to your statement to learn about the settlement period of a specific payment. You can use Bank transfer ID for successful payments to enquire about the payment with your bank.

Keeping your seller account up to date and in good standing are the best ways to ensure that you receive payments promptly. Here are common reasons for payment delays:

  • Bank account or credit card information is missing or invalid. Both are required for Amazon to initiate a payment, so ensure both are up to date in your account settings.

    Note: Whenever you add or update your bank account information, a mandatory three-day security hold takes effect before we can initiate a funds transfer.

  • The account had a negative or zero balance at the time of payment. This could happen because of selling fees or product refunds. We might charge your credit card to cover the selling fees in this situation.

  • Shipment for an order was not confirmed.

Less common reasons for payment delays can include actions that we take in response to performance issues or suspicious activity related to your seller account. In this case, you will find messages from Amazon with additional details in Performance notifications.

