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您商店的域名是 URL 或网站地址,您的客户可以通过它找到您的在线商店。您可以为商店购买新的域名或转让现有的域名。

从 Shopify 购买新域名

  1. 通过 Shopify 购买域名。

  2. 启用自动续订,从而使您的域名注册不会因错误而过期。

  3. 将 Shopify 域名设置为您的主域名,使它成为客户在浏览器、搜索结果和社交媒体上看到的域名。

  4. 设置电子邮件转发,以便您的客户可以通过 @mycustomdomain.com 地址向您发送电子邮件。

  5. 向自己发送一些测试电子邮件以确保您可以收到客户的咨询。


  1. 从第三方提供商处购买自定义域名。

  2. 按照自定义域名的说明设置您的根域名和子域名。

  • 如果您从 Google 域名、GoDaddy、或 1&1 IONOS 购买了域名,则可以自动连接域名。

  • 如果您从其他域名提供商处购买了域名并且您了解他们的要求,请手动连接您的域名。

  1. 设置您的主域名,使它成为客户在浏览器、搜索结果中和社交媒体上看到的域名。

  2. 设置电子邮件托管 ,以便您的客户可以通过您的自定义域名电子邮件地址发送电子邮件。


Set up a domain for your store

Your store's domain is the URL, or the website address, where your customers go to find your online store. You can either buy a new domain for your store or transfer an existing one.

Buy a new domain from Shopify

  1. Purchase your domain through Shopify.

  2. Enable auto-renewal so that your domain registration doesn't expire by mistake.

  3. Set your Shopify domain as your primary domain so it becomes the domain that your customers see in their browser, in search results, and on social media.

  4. Set up email forwarding so that your customers can email you at your @mycustomdomain.com address.

  5. Send yourself a couple of test emails to make sure that you can receive customer inquiries.

Buy a new domain from a third-party provider

  1. Purchase your custom domain from a third-party provider.

  2. Follow the instructions for custom domains to set up your root domain and subdomains.

  • If you purchased your domain from Google Domains, GoDaddy, or 1&1 IONOS, then connect your domain automatically.

  • If you purchased your domain from a different domain provider and you have their requirements, then connect your domain manually.

  1. Set up your primary domain so it becomes the domain that your customers see in their browser, in search results, and on social media.

  2. Set up email hosting so your customers can email you at your custom domain email address.

