其他总计:此金额的计算方法是您上一结算周期中的未转账金额加上付款报告的结算一览中订单 > 其他(运费和礼品包装积分)行中的现有金额与,再加上退款 > 其他行中的现有金额,然后减去您当前的未转账金额。
下载 XML:XML 格式的报告,其中提供所选结算周期内的所有交易详情。
下载模板文件 V2:亚马逊物流卖家可以将此文件与结算汇总模板相结合使用来创建数据透视表,此表可以按订单显示简明的详情。了解关于结算汇总报告的更多信息。
请求报告:此按钮显示在较早的结算周期旁边,可针对所请求的周期生成付款报告。在生成报告期间,您会看到消息正在处理。生成可下载报告可能需要几分钟到一小时的时间。完成后,您会看到下载按钮。此报告可下载为 XML 格式,也可下载为适合在 Excel 中打开的制表符分隔的文本文件。
Note: 无法下载当前结算周期的报告,且自您生成报告之日起,可下载报告将保留 90 天。
View All Statements
The All Statements page in the Payments Report displays information from previous settlement periods.
Each row in the table provides summary information for a specific settlement period. This summary does not distinguish between orders and refunds. Instead, it balances product charges (including shipping) against fees and other transactions that Amazon initiates. Use the Select Date Range filter to narrow the results to the time period of your choice.
The table includes the following columns:
Settlement Period: Start and end dates for each settlement.
Beginning Balance: The amount of money in your seller account at the beginning of the period.
Product charges Total: Product sales amounts only (no shipping or other amounts).
Promo rebates Total: The amount of rebates for any rebate promotions you created.
Amazon fees Total: Amazon fees, including fees for services such as Fulfillment by Amazon.
Other Total: This amount is calculated by adding up the unavailable balance from your previous settlement period plus the current amount in the Orders > Other (shipping & gift wrap credits) row in Statement View of your Payments Report, plus the current amount in the Refunds > Other row, and then subtracting your current unavailable balance.
Deposit Total: The amount transferred to your bank account, representing the sum of product charges, Amazon fees, and other amounts.
View Summary: A summary of information for the settlement period you select.
Download XML: A report in XML format that provides details for all transactions in the selected settlement period.
Download Flat File: A tab-delimited text file
Download Flat File V2: Fulfillment by Amazon sellers can use this file with the Settlement Summary Template to build a pivot table that provides a simplified display of details by order. Learn more about the Settlement Summary Report.
Request Report: This button appears next to older statement periods and generates a payments report for the period requested. While the report is generating, you will see the message In Progress. It can take a few minutes to an hour to generate the downloadable report. When complete, you will see a Download button. The report can be downloaded in XML format or as a tab-delimited text file suitable for opening in Excel.
Note: Downloads are not available for the current settlement period, and downloadable reports remain available for 90 days after you generate them.