



  1. 导航到广告活动管理。

  2. 导航到您要在其中进行搜索的页面,例如广告活动页面、广告组页面、广告页面、定位页面或否定定位页面。

  3. 点击表格顶部的搜索框。

  4. 输入广告活动、广告组、广告或关键词的完整或部分名称,然后按 Enter 键。

  5. 点击【筛选方式】并选择一个筛选条件。

  6. 从显示的选项中选择您的筛选条件。筛选条件通常由筛选范围(例如大于或小于)和值组成。

  7. 点击【保存】来创建筛选条件。

  8. 查看筛选结果并根据需要修改筛选条件。

  9. 点击表格中任意可编辑字段,根据需要编辑广告活动。

    注意: 您可以选择“广告活动管理”中显示的列。要更改设置,请点击【列】,然后点击表格右上方的【自定义列】。

如果您仍然无法在“广告活动管理”中找到您的广告活动,请使用基本故障排除方法,例如重新加载页面、禁用广告拦截程序、清除缓存和 Cookie、升级浏览器、更改代理设置或更新任何防火墙或家长控制软件设置。



Find your advertising campaigns

You can find your campaigns, ads, keywords and product targets, and ad groups by using the search and filter options in the campaign manager. This is useful when you want to view or make changes to a subset of ads.

You can search for campaigns, ads, keywords and product targets, and ad groups by entering all or part of the name in the search box at the top of the table. By layering multiple filters you can analyze specific performance drivers based on the benchmarks you set.

To search in the campaign manager:

  1. Navigate to the campaign manager.

  2. Navigate to the page you'd like to search within, such as campaigns, ad groups, ads, targeting, or negative targeting.

  3. Click the search box at the top of the table.

  4. Type all or part of the campaign, ad group, ad, or keyword name and press Enter.

  5. Click Filter by and choose a filter.

  6. Select your filtering criteria from the options presented. Often this consists of a range for the filter (such as greater than or less than), and a value.

  7. Click Save to create the filter.

  8. Review your filtered results and modify the filter as needed.

  9. Edit your campaigns as needed by clicking any editable fields in the table.

    Note: You can choose which columns show in the campaign manager. To change the settings, click Columns, then Customize Columns on the right side above the table.If you are still unable to locate your campaign in the campaign manager, try using basic troubleshooting steps such as reloading the page, disabling ad blockers, clearing your cache and cookies, upgrading your browser, changing your proxy settings, or updating any firewall or parental software settings.

Due to the volume of ads and traffic on Amazon, there is no guaranteed way to see your ad running live. We offer analytics in the campaign dashboard to track your performance including the number of impressions, clicks, detail page views and sales resulting from your ads.

