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亚马逊官方全面解读James Spence Authentication

亚马逊解读James Spence Authentication 跨境电商

收藏品 — 促销折扣

James Spence Authentication (JSA) 现为亚马逊卖家提供其认证服务零售价 30% 的折扣。每个 JSA 认证函均具有水印,配有相应的高清晰图片以及唯一的数字字母证书标签。

要从 JSA 获得此折扣:

  1. 请打印并填写 JSA 提交表格,该表格位于 此处。

  2. 请将填完的提交表格以及您亲笔签名的商品发送至:

  3. James Spence Authentication

    3223 N.W. 10th Terrace,Ste. 604

    Ft. Lauderdale,FL 3309

如果对此折扣或提交流程有任何疑问,请按照提交表格上指定的任一联系方式直接联系 JSA 的佛罗里达办公室。有关 JSA 的更多信息,请参见 www.spenceloa.com。

亚马逊仅将上述促销折扣作为一种资源与卖家分享。如果您选择使用 JSA 的认证服务,将会直接与 JSA 签订合同,JSA 将按照您的要求提供服务。


Collectibles - Promotional Discounts

Amazon shares these discounts solely as an optional resource. If you elect to use any third party authentication services, you will contract directly with those companies.


PSA/DNA is excited to offer all Amazon sellers 25% off the r etail price of autograph authentication, priced at $100 or less.

For example, a Derek Jeter autograph authentication, normally about $50, could now by as low as $37.50 for Amazon sellers. This offer is exclusive to Amazon sellers and can be accessed only by using the form accessible through the link below.

To access this PSA/DNA special, follow these steps:

  1. Print and complete the PSA/DNA submission form found here.

  2. For encapsulated items, use this form here.

  3. Send the completed submission form, together with the autograph item(s), to PSA/DNA.


    P.O. Box 6180

    Newport Beach, CA 92658

  1. Be sure to calculate return shipping rates based on the information on page 3 of the form.

James Spence Authentication (JSA)

James Spence Authentication (JSA) is now offering all Amazon sellers 30% off the retail price of its authentication services. Each JSA Letter of Authenticity features a watermark and comes with a corresponding high-resolution image and a unique alpha-numerical certification sticker.

To take advantage of this offer from JSA:

  1. Print off and complete the JSA submission form which can be found here.

  2. Send the completed submission form together with the autographed item(s) to:

    James Spence Authentication

    3223 N.W. 10th Terrace, Ste. 604

    Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309

For any questions regarding this discount or the submission process please contact JSA's Florida office directly using one of the contact methods specified on the submission form. To learn more about JSA, see www.spenceloa.com.

