shopify感应式、芯片式和刷卡式读卡器适用对象和EMV 和责任转移介绍
仅在 Shopify 中提供
您可以使用 Shopify 的感应式、芯片式和刷卡式读卡器通过 Shopify POS 应用接受信用卡付款和非接触式付款(包括 Android Pay 和 Apple Pay)。
感应式、芯片式和刷卡式读卡器符合 EMV 付款标准,这有助于防止信用卡伪造和欺诈。如果您使用的是不符合标准的读卡器,则您的企业将面临更大的风险。了解详细信息 ›
您可以从英国和爱尔兰的 Shopify 硬件商店购买 Shopify 的感应式、芯片式和刷卡式读卡器、台面支架以及其他零售设备。
EMV 和责任转移
由于 EMV 标准转移了购买责任,因此零售商(而非银行和信用卡支付服务提供商)将对因信用卡伪造和欺诈而导致的相关费用负责。这意味着,在任何情况下,如果您以较低级别安全性的方式处理了具有较高级别安全性的信用卡(例如,如果您在一张也具有安全芯片的卡上使用磁条处理付款),您都要为欺诈性购买承担责任。了解详细信息
Tap, Chip, and Swipe card reader
Available only from Shopify
You can use Shopify's Tap, Chip, and Swipe card reader to accept credit cards and contactless payments (including Android Pay and Apple Pay) with the Shopify POS app.
The Tap, Chip, and Swipe card reader meets the EMV payment standard, which helps prevent credit card counterfeiting and fraud. If you’re using a non-compliant card reader, then your business is exposed to greater risk. Learn more ›
You can purchase Shopify's Tap, Chip, and Swipe card reader, a countertop stand, and other retail equipment from the Shopify Hardware Store in the United Kingdom or Ireland.
Who is this card reader for?
With its wireless design and optional countertop stand, the Tap, Chip, and Swipe reader is a versatile card reader that suits both mobile and physical store settings. You can charge the Tap, Chip, and Swipe card reader and then take it to fairs, markets, and pop-up locations. If you have a physical store, then you can combine the card reader with the optional countertop stand, and to keep the card reader charged at all times.
EMV and the Liability Shift
The EMV standard shifts purchase liability so that retailers — not banks and credit card payment providers — are liable for costs associated with credit card counterfeiting and fraud. This means that you're liable for fraudulent purchases in any case where you process a card using a lower-level security measure when the card has a higher-level security measure available (for example, if you process payment using the magnetic strip on a card that also has a security chip). Learn more