从供应商处接收库存(Shopify 后台)



  1. Shopify 后台中,转到产品 > 转移

  2. 点击您要接收的库存,以打开转移详细信息页面。

  3. 点击接收库存,转到接收商品页面。

  4. 若要接受商品,请手动输入您要接受的商品数量,或点击接受列中的向上箭头。点击接受列中的全部,以接受该订单项目的所有商品,或者点击顶部的接受所有未收到的商品,以接受所有尚未收到的数量。

  5. 若要拒绝损坏产品之类的商品而确保您的库存数量不会增加,请手动输入您要拒绝的商品数或点击拒绝列中的向上箭头。点击拒绝列中的全部,以拒绝该订单项目的所有商品,或者点击顶部的拒绝所有未收到的商品,以拒绝所有尚未收到的数量。

  6. 点击保存。产品的库存数量随您接受的产品数量进行调整。



  1. 产品屏幕中,点击转移

  2. 点击您要接收的转移。

  3. 点击接收库存

  4. 点击每种产品、输入接收数量,然后点击保存

  1. 可选:点击 ... 可选择全部接受全部拒绝


  1. 产品屏幕中,点击转移

  2. 点击您要接收的转移。

  3. 点击接收库存

  4. 点击每种产品、输入接收数量,然后点击 

  1. 可选:点击  可选择全部接受全部拒绝


Receive inventory from a supplier (Shopify admin)



  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Transfers.

  2. Click the transfer that you want to receive to open the transfer details page.

  3. Click Receive inventory to go to the Receive items page.

  4. To accept items, manually enter the number of items that you're accepting, or click the up arrow in the Accept column. Click All in the Accept column to accept all for that line item, or click Accept all unreceived at the top to accept all quantities that have not yet been received.

  5. To reject items like damaged products and to ensure your available quantity isn't increased, manually enter the number of items that you're rejecting or click the up arrow in the Reject column. Click All in the Reject column to reject all for that line item or click Reject all unreceived at the top to reject all quantities that have not yet been received.

  6. Click Save. The available quantity for your products is adjusted by the quantity of the product that you accept.

After all the quantities in a transfer are received, either accepted or rejected, the transfer is marked as Complete.


  1. From the Products screen, tap Transfers.

  2. Tap the transfer that you want to receive.

  3. Tap Receive inventory.

  4. Tap each product, enter the quantity received, and tap Save.

  1. Optional: Tap ... to select either to Accept all or Reject all.


  1. From the Products screen, tap Transfers.

  2. Tap the transfer that you want to receive.

  3. Tap Receive inventory.

  4. Tap each product, enter the quantity received, and tap .

  1. Optional: Tap  to select either to Accept all or Reject all.

