采用多种货币进行销售时,您可以使用折扣码和 Shopify 脚本为客户提供基于百分比的折扣和固定金额的折扣。
例如,2 美元的折扣在某一天可能会转换为 1.74 欧元,而在第二天则转换为 1.76 欧元。因此,很难在多种货币之间采用固定金额折扣。
设置手动汇率后,折扣会按手动汇率,而非当前市场汇率转换为客户所用货币。例如,如果您的客户对采用加元的订单应用了 5 美元的折扣,折扣则会按手动汇率转换为加元。如果手动汇率为 1.25,则折扣为 6.25 加元。
基于百分比的折扣(例如某个订单打折 10%)不涉及货币。价格是按指定的百分比进行打折的,无需考虑客户的(结账)货币。
例如,您可以对某种球创建百分之十 (10%) 的折扣。结账时,该折扣会将该球的价格减少 10%。
结账货币 | 美元 | 欧元 |
常规价格 | 10 美元 | 8.72 欧元 |
10% 的折扣 | 1 美元 | 0.87 欧元 |
折扣价 | 9 美元 | 7.85 欧元 |
使用 Shopify 脚本提供基于货币的折扣
Shopify Plus: Shopify 脚本仅适用于 Shopify Plus 套餐。
您可以使用 Shopify 脚本将折扣转化为客户的当地(出示)货币,因此您可以使用脚本提供一些基于货币的折扣。
When you sell in multiple currencies, you can offer percentage-based and fixed-amount discounts to your customers using discount codes and Shopify scripts.
On this page
Fixed-amount discounts
Percentage-based discounts
Use Shopify Scripts to offer currency-based discounts
Fixed-amount discounts
Fixed-amount discounts are set in the currency of your store. When the customer's local currency is different from the store's currency, then the amount of the discount is converted to the customer's currency. This conversion occurs when the discount is applied at the time of the checkout. As a result, the amount of the discount can fluctuate based on the currency exchange rates.
For example, a $2 USD discount could be converted to €1.74 EUR one day and €1.76 EUR the next day. For this reason, it can be difficult to market fixed-amount discounts across multiple currencies.
When you set manual exchange rates, discounts are converted to the customer's currency using the manual conversion rate instead of the current market rate. For example, if your customer applies a $5 USD discount to a CAD order, then the discount is converted to CAD using the manual conversion rate. If the manual conversion is 1.25, then the discount is $6.25 CAD.
Percentage-based discounts
Percentage-based discounts (for example, 10% off an order) don't have a currency attached to them. Prices are discounted by the specified percentage regardless of the customer's (checkout) currency.
For example, you create a discount that offers ten percent (10%) off a ball. At checkout, this discount reduces the price of the ball by 10%.
Checkout currency USD EUR Regular price $10 USD €8.72 EUR 10% discount $1 USD €0.87 EUR Discounted price $9 USD €7.85 EUR Use Shopify Scripts to offer currency-based discounts
You can't use discount codes to offer currency-based discounts. For example, you can't create a discount code that can only be used for orders using one type of currency.
You can use Shopify Scripts to converts discounts to your customer's local (presentment) currency, so you could use scripts to offer some currency-based discounts.