
如果您是第一次使用 Shopify,则在开始销售之前,您需要确定是否应收取销售税。您可能需要在各种税务机构进行登记。然后,您可以在 Shopify 中设置税费,以帮助确保您在加拿大任何位置进行销售时都能收取正确的费用。


  • 确定您是否需要征收销售税

  • 在税务局登记

  • 设置您登记的区域

  • 后续步骤

  • 相关链接



如果您的商店位于加拿大,则通常需要注册 GST/HST 账户(如果同时符合以下两项条件):

  • 销售或租用应税产品或服务。

  • 在过去四个连续的完整日历季度内,您在加拿大的应税销售额收入超过 30,000 加元,或当前日历季度的应税销售额收入超过 30,000 加元。

如果您的商店不在加拿大,则通常需要注册 GST/HST账户(如果同时符合以下两项条件):

  • 您向加拿大的客户销售应税产品或服务并从位于加拿大的仓库为这些订单发货。

  • 过去 12 个月内,您在加拿大的应税销售额超过 30,000 加元。

如果您符合上述任一情况,则您可能需要针对您的销售收取销售税、将这些税费汇给相应税务机关以及向税务机关提交定期报告。如果您的销售额低于阈值,则无需注册 GST/HST 账户,也无需收取或汇付税费。








  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 税费和关税

  2. 国家/地区部分,点击加拿大

  3. 销售税部分中,点击征收销售税

  4. 选择您注册的区域。

  5. 税号框中,输入您的税号。如果您已申请但还未收到税号,请将此框留空。您可以在收到税号后更新此框。

  6. 点击征收销售税

  7. 可选:若要添加更多区域和账号,请点击征收销售税

您可以通过点击税务账户旁边的 ... 按钮并选择编辑删除来更改或删除您的登记信息或账号。




  • 管理您的加拿大税费

  • 加拿大手动税费要求

  • 加拿大税务局有关 GST/HST 的信息


Setting up Canadian taxes

If you're new to Shopify, then before you start selling, you need to determine whether you should charge sales tax. You might need to register with various tax agencies. After that, you can set up your taxes in Shopify to help ensure that you charge the correct rates wherever you sell in Canada.

On this page

  • Determine whether you need to charge sales tax

  • Register with your tax agencies

  • Set up the regions in which you're registered

  • Next steps

  • Related links

Determine whether you need to charge sales tax

You need to determine whether you should charge sales tax. If you're not sure, then consult with a local tax accountant or other tax specialist, as well as with provincial and federal tax agencies.

If your store is based in Canada, then generally you need to register for a GST/HST account if both of the following are true:

  • You sell or lease taxable products or services.

  • Your revenue from taxable sales in Canada is more than 30,000 CAD over the past four completed consecutive calendar quarters, or more than 30,000 CAD over the current calendar quarter.

If your store is not based in Canada, then generally you need to register for a GST/HST account if both of the following are true:

  • You sell taxable products or services to customers in Canada, and fulfill those orders from a warehouse located in Canada.

  • Your revenue from taxable sales in Canada is more than 30,000 CAD over the past twelve months.

If either of the preceding cases apply to you, then you might need to collect taxes on your sales, remit those taxes to the appropriate tax authority, and file regular reports with the tax authority. If your sales are lower than the threshold, then you don't need to register for a GST/HST account, and you don't need to collect or remit taxes.

For a summary of Canadian tax rules, refer to Canadian taxes reference.

Register with your tax agencies

If you need to charge sales tax in one or more Canadian jurisdictions, then you need to contact each of the relevant agencies and register with them. The process varies depending on where your business is based and where you sell, and on the individual government requirements.

For links to various Canadian tax agencies, refer to Registering with Canadian tax agencies.

Set up the regions in which you're registered

After you've registered with the tax agencies and have your registration numbers, you can set up your taxes. You do these steps once.


  1. From the Shopify admin, go to Settings > Taxes and duties.

  2. In the Countries/regions section, click Canada.

  3. In the Sales tax section, click Collect sales tax.

  4. Select a region in which you are registered.

  5. In the Tax number box, enter your tax number. If you have applied for a tax number, but don't have one yet, then leave this box blank. You can update it when you receive your number.

  6. Click Collect sales tax.

  7. Optional: To add more regions and account numbers, click Collect sales tax.

You can change or remove your registrations or account numbers by clicking the ... button beside the tax account and selecting Edit or Delete.

Next steps

You can create tax overrides for products where the default tax rates don't apply.

Related links

  • Managing your Canadian taxes

  • Canadian tax override requirements

  • Canadian Revenue Agency information about GST/HST

