
1.重视 Instagram 个人资料的填写


打开排在第6位的账户,其粉丝只有264人,这就说明该博主针对“makeup”这个关键词做了 SEO(搜索引擎优化),优先展示。同时,通过该账户主页显示的信息,可以一目了然地了解其主要的业务内容。

在Red Robin的Instagram账户中,可以看到品牌标签附加在他们的个性签名上。这使得Red Robin可以获取用户生成的内容。加入号召性用语。

在Instagram 个性签名中加入号召性用语,可以消除访客的疑虑,并让他们点击链接进行购买。Pillsbury公司的简介,“Click the link for recipes”激发访客点击链接进行进一步查看。



Bad decisions make for the best stories.

The future is shaped by your dreams. Stop wasting time and go to sleep!

Believing in yourself is the first secret to success.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

Never forget, the world is yours. Terms and conditions may apply.

Born to shine.

Chasing destinations around the globe.

Better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times.

Travel far enough you meet yourself.

Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.

We are born to be real, not perfect.

Believing in making the impossible possible.

As free as the ocean.

Stay a mystery, it attracts more curious people.
