如果我在 以外的其他亚马逊店铺销售商品,或者我的公司位于美国境外,是否会对我的订单执行商城征税?
商城征税是否是由于美国最高法院对 Wayfair 一案的裁决而制定的?
有关更多信息,请参阅美国最高法院对于 Wayfair 一案裁决的常见问题。
商城服务商的规定和/或法规可能会包含共同的纳税责任,这表示卖家和商城服务商可能要同时承担全部或部分税费(例如: 阿拉斯加州、科罗拉多州和伊利诺伊州)并/或包含一些例外商品,这表示在商城服务商规定中排除了或未包含某一商品类型(请参阅下一个问题了解例外信息)。随着功能和改进的推出,将在税务设置中更新在这些特定情况下计算税费的选项。
在某些情况下,商城服务商的规定和由此产生的纳税义务会比较复杂。例如,商城服务商法不适用于科罗拉多州的自治管辖区、伊利诺伊州的零售经营税 (ROT),也不适用于发往阿拉斯加州未参与管辖区的订单的当地销售税和使用税。虽然亚马逊可以在科罗拉多州的州管理管辖区收取税费,在伊利诺伊州收取州使用税,并且在阿拉斯加州的参与管辖区收取当地销售税和使用税,即使您无法通过亚马逊税务计算服务计算并向买家收取订单的税费,您可能仍有义务为配送至这些管辖区的订单缴纳税费。
Marketplace Tax Collection FAQ
If I sell in an Amazon store other than or my business resides outside of the US, does Marketplace Tax Collection apply to my orders?
Shipments from any Amazon store into a US state or jurisdiction that has implemented Marketplace Facilitator legislation will be subject to Marketplace Tax Collection.
Who is responsible for calculating and remitting tax on US non-marketplace facilitator orders?
For orders shipped to customers in all non-marketplace facilitator states; or taxing jurisdictions, and/or where Marketplace Tax Collection is not implemented, the seller remains responsible for their tax remittance and reporting obligations.
Sellers’ existing tax calculation settings will still apply for non-Marketplace Tax Collection states or jurisdictions supported by the Tax Calculation Service and identified in your Tax settings. For more information about Amazon's Tax Calculation Services, see Tax Calculation Services Terms.
Will my sales tax obligation change?
Your sales tax reporting obligation will depend on each state’s legislation. You should work with your tax advisor to identify any changes to your personal or corporate tax-reporting obligation in states where Amazon automatically calculates, collects, and remits sales tax.
Is Marketplace Tax Collection due to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Wayfair case?
No, Marketplace Tax Collection is a result of individual state legislation enacting Marketplace Facilitator or similar laws. You should work with your tax advisor regarding any personal or corporate tax obligation you may have in states where Amazon does not automatically calculate, collect, and remit sales tax.
For additional information, see the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Wayfair FAQ.
How does Amazon determine item taxability?
For orders destined to a Marketplace Tax Collection jurisdiction, Amazon will determine an item’s taxability using the product category and item description provided or selected while creating the listing. Amazon does not utilize your product tax code assignment or tax calculation settings for this determination.
Do I need to do anything?
Typically, there is no need to update your tax calculation settings when Marketplace Tax Collection begins. Your existing tax calculation settings, order details, and payments reporting will update automatically to reflect Amazon’s responsibility. If any tax responsibility remains with a seller, your tax settings will reflect your state specific options.
You should work with your tax advisor or the state to identify changes to your reporting and any personal or corporate tax obligation.Can I edit my tax calculation settings for a state with Marketplace Tax Collection?
A marketplace facilitator rules and/or legislation can contain a mixed tax responsibility, meaning both seller and facilitator could be responsible for all or a portion of tax (for example: Alaska, Colorado and Illinois) and/or product exclusions, meaning a specific product type is excluded nor not included in marketplace facilitator rule (see next question for exclusion information). Your options to calculate tax in these specific scenarios will be updated in your Tax Settings as functionality and improvements become available.
What is an exclusion from Marketplace Tax Collection and how do I understand my responsibility?
An exclusion occurs when marketplace facilitator rules and/or legislation limit or prohibit a marketplace facilitator from calculating, collecting, and remitting certain taxes.
For example, marketplace facilitator rules do not apply to rental tax in Alabama or services sold in New York. These exclusions prevent Amazon from calculating, collecting, and remitting these taxes and that specific tax obligation remains with the seller. To accommodate the Alabama and New York exclusions, improvements were made to our Tax Settings by adding additional options for sellers to continue managing their tax obligation when an exclusion applies.
In some scenarios, marketplace facilitator rules and the resulting tax obligation are more complicated. For example, marketplace facilitator laws do not apply to home-rule jurisdictions in Colorado, the retail occupation tax (ROT) in Illinois, or local sales and use tax on orders destined to non-participating jurisdictions in Alaska. While Amazon can collect tax in Colorado’s state-administered jurisdictions, state use tax in Illinois, and local sales and use tax for Alaska’s participating jurisdictions, you may potentially still have an obligation to remit tax for orders shipped to these jurisdictions, even though you cannot calculate and collect the tax from buyers on your orders through Amazon's Tax Calculation Services.
In these situations, Amazon is prioritizing enhancements to our Tax Calculation Services to support these scenarios. In the meantime, we encourage you to work with your tax professional to determine any impact to your business.