亚马逊要求您为发往运营中心的每个箱子提供准确的箱内物品信息。此信息可让运营中心更快接收您的货件,并让您的库存尽早上架销售。如果您不提供箱内物品信息,亚马逊物流 (FBA) 团队将手动处理每个箱子内的物品并评估费用。有关更多信息,请参阅亚马逊物流人工处理费。
重要: 如果您不提供准确的箱内物品信息,我们可能会阻止您今后运送货件,并将收取人工处理费。
注意: 所有货件都需要准确的纸箱重量和尺寸,即使您选择不在卖家平台提供箱内物品信息也是如此。有关更多信息,请参阅: 运输和路线安排要求
在卖家平台将该信息输入 Web 表格中
在卖家平台上传 Excel 格式或制表符分隔格式的文件
为每个箱子贴上带有箱内物品信息的 2D 条形码(此选项适用于在卖家平台和亚马逊商城网络服务中创建的货件)
通过亚马逊商城网络服务上传 XML 文件
注意: 在向运营中心运送具有有效期/保质期的库存时,同一货件箱中的每个 ASIN 的有效期/保质期必须相同。仅每个 ASIN 的所有商品具有相同的有效期/保质期时,才可使用同一箱子运送多个具有不同有效期/保质期的 ASIN。
Provide box content information
Amazon requires accurate box content information for each box sent to a fulfillment center. This information allows the fulfillment center to receive your shipment more quickly and make your inventory available for sale sooner. If you do not provide box content information, Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) will assess a fee to manually process the contents of each box. For more information, see FBA manual processing fee.
Important: Failure to provide accurate box content information might result in blocking of future shipments, and a manual processing fee will be applied.
Note: Accurate carton weight and dimensions are required for all shipments, even if you opt to not provide box content information in Seller Central. For more information, see: Shipping and routing requirements.
You can provide box content information to Amazon during the shipment creation process either through Seller Central or Amazon Marketplace Web Service.
How to provide box content information
The methods available for providing box content information depend on your shipment type:
Enter the information into a web form in Seller Central
Upload an Excel-format or tab-delimited file in Seller Central
Affix a 2D barcode with box content information to each box (this option is available for shipments created in Seller Central and Amazon Marketplace Web Service)
Upload an XML file via Amazon Marketplace Web Service
Frequently asked questions
How do I enter box content information for oversize units that I place directly on a pallet?
If your shipment contains oversize products that you place directly on a pallet instead of in a box, consider each oversize unit a single box with one unit. If your shipment also contains boxes, continue to label those boxes as you normally would. Place a pallet label on each of the four sides of your pallet so your shipment is received properly.
What if I have date-sensitive products but the option to enter the expiration date is not available?
Sometimes a product is not yet registered as date-sensitive in the Amazon system. In this case, select one of the multiple-box options and then Skip providing box contents when asked how you would like to provide box content information. Amazon will then manually assess the contents of each box and determine the appropriate product allocations.
Note: When you ship expiration-dated inventory to a fulfillment center, only one expiration date per ASIN is allowed in the same shipping box. Multiple ASINs with differing expiration dates can be shipped in the same box only if all of the units of each ASIN have the same expiration date.
For more information, see Expiration-dated FBA inventory.
What if my shipping process does not support listing the contents in each box?
Modifying your inventory fulfillment process to provide box content information would allow fulfillment centers to receive your shipments more quickly and make your inventory available for sale sooner. However, if your shipping process doesn’t support providing this information, select one of the multiple box options and select Skip providing box contents when asked how you would like to provide box content information. Amazon will then manually process your shipment for a fee.