本页面针对美国本土 48 个州内的小包裹货件和汽运零担/整车运输配送货件,提供有关亚马逊物流卖家可用的亚马逊合作承运人选项的信息。
【小包裹快递 (SPD)】 中的商品使用箱子包装,每个箱子各自贴有配送标签。这些通常是通过 UPS 发送的较小货件。
【汽运零担/整车运输配送* (LTL/FTL)】 货件使用托拍混装单独的箱子进行配送。
重要: 创建货件时,请确保选择了正确的配送方式和发货地址。使用不一致的配送方式或承运人,或多种配送方式或多个承运人发送货件可能会在请求送货预约时遇到问题,也可能在取件时被拒。提供错误的发货地址可能会导致额外费用或错过取件申请。
亚马逊合作承运人 (SPD)
亚马逊合作承运人提供较大的折扣率,而且费用会作为“入库运输费”计入您的账户。 合作承运人货件的最低收费起重为 1 磅。对于重量小于 1 磅的货件,按 1 磅收取费用。
我们将为您提供货件标签,您可以打印标签供我们的承运人使用。费率适用于美国本土 48 个州内的配送。您可以在同意扣费后的 24 小时内取消该服务。
注意: 您需要联系小包裹快递承运人以安排取件申请。UPS 在美国东部时间每周日上午 10 点到中午 12 点之间进行定期的 Web 服务器维护。在维护期间,亚马逊物流卖家使用亚马逊合作承运人配送至运营中心的货件不能使用 UPS 标签。如果在此维护期间,您使用亚马逊合作承运人标签创建 UPS 货件遇到问题,请在维护结束后重试。
亚马逊合作汽运零担/整车运输配送 (LTL/FTL) 承运人
亚马逊合作承运人可向符合要求的卖家提供折扣率,费用将作为“入库运输费”计入您的账户。 如果您的货件总重量超过 150 磅,您应该考虑使用汽运零担/整车运输配送 (LTL/FTL) 承运人以节省费用。 启用了亚马逊合作汽运零担/整车运输配送 (LTL/FTL) 的卖家在创建入库货件时,可以选择该运输方式作为他们的配送方式。
要获得使用亚马逊合作汽运零担/整车运输配送 (LTL/FTL) 承运人的资格,您必须:
重要: 使用亚马逊合作承运人计划的汽运零担货件必须放在托拍上。我们的合作承运人不接受底板载重(非托拍装载)货件。
提供该货件的准确运输就绪日期。我们的托拍应在运输就绪日期当地时间上午 8 点之前准备就绪以供取件。
重要: 在规定的运输就绪日期之前未准备好货件可能会导致延迟或被拒收。
注意: 如果您不确定货件的货物等级,请选择默认的【估算我的货物等级】选项。如果我们确定您为货件提供了错误的货物等级,我们可能会禁止您输入货物等级,并且改为由亚马逊估算货物等级。
货物等级是一个标准化分类系统,用于确定货件的计费重量和风险。货物等级介于 50 到 500 之间。
如果您没有垛口门或叉车,您仍然可以从承运人处申请升降门服务,从而充分利用合作汽运零担服务。尽管所有的合作汽运零担承运人都支持升降门,但他们一周内只有几天提供升降门取件服务,这有可能延迟取件时间。要获得使用汽运零担升降门服务的资格,您的货件不得超出 12 个托拍,且重量不得超过 20,000 磅。要参加此服务,请执行以下操作:
您在卖家平台创建货件,选择【汽运零担 (LTL)】 作为配送方式,选择【亚马逊合作承运人】作为运输承运人
超过 20 个承运人参加了合作汽运零担/整车运输配送计划。当您创建货件并选择使用合作汽运零担/整车运输配送计划时,我们将根据您提供的货件特征(托拍的数量、重量、货物等级等)和运输就绪日期为您提供预估运费和预计取件日期。
注意: 如果承运人确定您的实际托拍重量超过您给出的重量或您提供的货物等级不正确,那么您的实际运费可能会高于我们在您针对合作汽运零担/整车运输配送计划创建货件时预估的金额。
您的取件日期可以是运输就绪日期,也可以是接受预估的两天后,取两者中较为靠后的日期。分配给您货件的承运人将显示在货件的预处理货件选项卡以及提货单 (BOL) 中。请确保向分配的承运人提供正确的货件,否则可能会导致额外费用或延迟。向承运人提供亚马逊生成的提货单 (BOL),取件当天早晨通过“货件一览”的追踪货件选项卡提供提货单。它还将通过电子邮件发送到您列为货件联系人的地址。您与承运人协商取件预约时,应提供货件的亚马逊内部编号 (ARN),该编号位于提货单上。亚马逊内部编号与您的亚马逊物流货件编号不同,在取件和配送申请时必须提供。当 PCP 承运人前来取件时,他们无权访问亚马逊物流货件编号。PCP 承运人无法安排取件预约,并将在提供的取件日期到达。
提示: 超过 12 个托拍的货件可使用整车运输配送,它比汽运零担配送性价比更高且运输时间更短。但整车运输配送的备货时间可能更长,因为承运人需要先与运营中心安排送货预约,然后才能提取您的货件。
重要: 取消货件不会取消费用。您必须遵循以上取消亚马逊合作承运人的说明,才能确保不会发生取件,也不会收取费用。如果距离批准费用已超过一小时,您将不能取消费用或者获得退款。
您也可以通过亚马逊商城网络服务(亚马逊 MWS)使用亚马逊合作承运人选项。有关亚马逊 MWS 的更多信息,请参阅亚马逊商城网络服务概览。
让您的承运人创建一个账户(如果对方还没有账户)并登录到 Carrier Central 以申请预约。
亚马逊会在 24 小时内响应承运人的申请,并根据实际情况安排送货预约的日期和时间。
重要: 安排预约时,承运人需要明确说明使用亚马逊物流配送,并提供亚马逊物流货件编号(可在运输流程的“一览”页面中找到),这有助于加快预约安排,并确保准确接收您的库存。
Amazon Partnered Carrier options
This page provides information on the Amazon Partnered Carrier options available to FBA sellers for both small parcel and LTL/FTL shipments within the 48 contiguous United States.
Small parcel deliveries (SPDs) consist of units packed in boxes, and each box is individually labeled for delivery. These are normally smaller shipments that are sent via UPS.
Less Than Truckload/Full Truckload* (LTL/FTL) shipment combines individual boxes on pallets for delivery.
Important: When creating your shipment, ensure that you have selected the correct shipping method and ship from address. Shipments sent under a different or multiple shipping methods or carriers may experience issues while requesting a delivery appointment or may be refused at pickup. Providing an incorrect ship from address may result in additional charges or missed pickup requests.
Dangerous goods, also known as hazmat, cannot be shipped with Amazon Partnered Carriers. For more information about dangerous goods, see the Dangerous goods identification guide
Amazon-Partnered Carrier (SPD)
Amazon-partnered carriers offer deeply discounted rates, and the cost is billed to your account as an "Inbound Transportation Charge." There is a 1 lb minimum charge for partnered carrier shipments. For shipments that weigh less than 1 lb, the minimum charge applies.
We will provide a shipping label you can print that you use with our carrier. The rates apply to deliveries within the 48 contiguous United States. You can cancel up to 24 hours after approving the charges.
After you complete your shipment, give your box to your scheduled pick-up driver or take the package to the local carrier drop-off siteof your choice.
Note: You will need to reach out to the SPD carrier to schedule a pickup request. UPS has regularly scheduled web server maintenance every Sunday between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. ET. During this maintenance period, UPS labels may not be available for FBA merchants using Amazon Partner Carrier shipments to fulfillment centers. If you encounter problems creating a UPS shipment with the Amazon Partner Carrier label during this time, try again after the maintenance period.
For more information regarding loss and damage claims, please see the FBA lost and damaged reimbursement policy.
Amazon Partnered LTL/FTL (Partial Truckload/Full Truckload) Carrier
Amazon partnered carriers offer discounted rates to eligible sellers, and the cost is billed to your account as an "Inbound Transportation Charge." If your total shipment weight is more than 150 lb, you should consider using a partnered Less Than Truckload (LTL)/Full Truckload (FTL) carrier for cost savings. Sellers enabled for Amazon Partnered LTL/FTL will have the option to choose it as their shipping method when creating an inbound shipment.
To be eligible to use an Amazon-Partnered LTL/FTL carrier, you must:
Have a dock or forklift to enable placing pallets on a truck
Be able to support a truck coming to your pickup address or use the Lift Gate Service described below
Continually meet the shipment requirements below
Important: LTL shipments using Amazon's Partnered Carrier Program, must be placed on pallets. Our partnered carriers do not accept floor loaded shipments (shipments not on pallets).
Shipment requirements
For each shipment, you must:
Provide an accurate freight-ready date for that shipment. Our pallets should be ready for pickup by 8 AM local time on the freight-ready date.
Provide an accurate pallet count for that shipment at the time of estimate acceptance
Provide an accurate weight for each pallet in that shipment
Provide the correct product freight class for that shipment
Important: Shipments that are not ready by the provided freight-ready date may experience delays or be refused.
Note: If you are unsure of your shipment's freight class, choose the default Estimate my freight class option. If we determine that you are providing incorrect freight classes for your shipments, we may disable your ability to enter freight class and, instead, estimate your freight class for you.
Freight class definition and impact
Freight class is a standardized classification system used to determine the billable weight and risk of a shipment. Freight class is ranked from 50 to 500.
Sellers are expected to provide accurate packaging inputs when creating a shipment. This packaging information triggers a freight class estimate. If Amazon suspects the freight class of your shipment is too low, a warning will be displayed showing an Amazon estimated freight class. If you are unsure of your shipment's freight class, choose the Estimate my freight class option during the Shipping charges step of the Prepare Shipment workflow.
You will be asked to accept Amazon's estimated freight class. Be aware that shipments with rejected freight class estimates are subject to further investigation. Recurring issues with packaging inputs may lead to Amazon disabling your ability to reject freight class estimates.
For more information on freight class estimates, see Amazon Partner Carrier freight class.
LTL Lift Gate service
If you don’t have a dock door or a forklift, you can still take advantage of the partnered LTL service by requesting lift gate service from the carrier. Although all partnered LTL carriers support lift gates, they do lift-gate pickups only a few days a week, which could delay the pick-up time. To be eligible for LTL Lift Gate Service, your shipment must be under 12 pallets and less than 20,000 lbs. To participate in this service:
You create a shipment in Seller Central and select Less than Truckload (LTL) under Shipping method and Amazon-Partnered Carrier under Shipping carrier
We assign a carrier and create a Bill of Lading, which you will receive via email and can access in Seller Central
You contact the carrier and request they send a truck with a lift gate
You schedule a pick-up time with the carrier that is convenient for you
You palletize the shipment and be able to move the pallets to the truck when it arrives (carrier will not have the manpower to move your pallets to the truck)
Scheduling pickup
More than 20 different carriers participate in the Partnered LTL/FTL program. When you create a shipment and choose to use the Partnered LTL/FTL program, we provide an estimated shipping charge and estimated pick-up date based on the characteristics of your shipments (number of pallets, weight, freight class, etc.) and the freight-ready date you provide.
Note: Your actual shipping charges may be higher than the amount we estimate when you create a shipment for the Partnered LTL/FTL program if the carrier determines that your pallets weigh more than you indicated or that the freight class you provided is incorrect.
Your pickup date will be on either the freight-ready date, or two days from when the estimate is accepted, whichever is greater. The carrier assigned to your shipment will be displayed in the Prepare Shipment tab of your shipment as well as on your Bill of Lading (BOL). Please ensure you are providing the correct shipment to the assigned carrier, not doing so may result in additional fees or delays. Give the carrier the Amazon generated Bill of Lading (BOL), which will be available in the Track Shipment tab of the Shipment Summary, on the morning of your pickup. It will also be emailed to the address you listed as the Contact Person for the shipment. If you discuss your pickup appointment with the carrier, you should refer to your shipment by the Amazon Reference Number (ARN), which can be found on your Bill of Lading. ARN is different from your FBA shipment ID and required for pickup and delivery requests. When PCP carriers come for pickup, they will not have access to the FBA shipment ID. PCP carriers are unable to accommodate pick up appointments and will arrive on the provided pickup date.
Tip: Shipments with more than 12 pallets can be rolled into a FTL shipment, which may be more cost effective and have better transit times than a LTL shipment. FTL shipments may require more lead time because carriers will need to arrange a delivery appointment at the fulfillment center before they can pick up your shipment.
Canceling an Amazon Partnered Carrier
You can cancel up to one hour after approving estimated charges by going to your Shipping Queue and following these steps:
Locate the shipment and click the Work on Shipment button.
Click the Provide Details tab.
Click the Void Charges button.
Important: Canceling the shipment does not cancel the charges. You must follow the Canceling an Amazon Partnered Carrier instructions above to ensure no pickup is made and charges will not apply. If one hour has passed since approving charges, you will not be able to cancel those charges or receive a refund for them.
Amazon Marketplace Web Service
Amazon Partnered Carrier options are also available through Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS). For more information about Amazon MWS, see Amazon Marketplace Web Service Overview.
Partnered carrier options
Amazon Partnered Carrier Service FAQ
*Non-Amazon Partnered LTL/FTL shipments require a delivery appointment.
To schedule a delivery appointment, follow these steps:
Download and complete the FBA Booking Form. Most of the shipment information is found in the Summary page of the shipping workflow.
E-mail the form to your carrier along with a link to the User Manual for Carriers.
Have your carrier create an account (if they don't already have one) and log into Carrier Central to request an appointment.
Amazon will respond to your carrier's request within 24 hours, at which time they will schedule a delivery appointment date and time based on availability.
Important: When scheduling appointments, carriers need to explicitly mention the shipments are for Fulfillment by Amazon and provide the FBA Shipment ID (found in the Summary page of the shipping workflow); this will help expedite appointment scheduling and help ensure accurate receipt of your inventory.