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我们以一件出库配送重量为 1 磅且这笔交易的亚马逊物流配送费用为 3.19 美元。如果买家决定退回该商品,则您需要支付 3.19 美元的退货处理费。

大号标准尺寸(不超过1 磅)

尺寸:8.5 x 5.8 x 1 英寸

商品重量:0.35 磅

出库配送重量:1 磅

配送费用(每件总计)3.19 美元
退货处理费3.19 美元


Returns processing fee

The FBA returns processing fee applies to customer-returned products sold on Amazon in categories for which Amazon offers free return shipping, including:

  • Apparel

  • Watches

  • Jewelry

  • Shoes, Handbags & Sunglasses

  • Luggage

Returns processing policy

Offering free returns to customers in these categories helps build customer trust and encourages purchases. To better reflect our costs, when a customer receives free return shipping on products in these categories, you are charged a fee for each unit returned. This fee is the equivalent of the fulfillment fees for an individual unit. The fee applies to all customer returns in the above categories except where the reason for the return is one for which Amazon takes responsibility in accordance with the FBA lost and damaged inventory reimbursement policy.

Calculate the returns processing fee

The returns processing fee is equal to the total fulfillment fee for a given product. This fee applies to products sold on Amazon in selected categories for which we offer free customer return shipping that are physically returned to a fulfillment center.

In cases where multiple units were shipped as part of a single order, the returns processing fee paid on a single unit may be higher than the total fulfillment fees. This can occur because the returns processing fee is assessed based on a single unit per shipment.

You can track these transactions in the FBA customer returns report.

Returns processing fee example

The example is a handbag with an outbound shipping weight of 1 lb. Your FBA fulfillment fees for this purchase are $3.19. If the customer decides to return this item, you will be charged a returns processing fee of $3.19.

Large standard-size (1 lb. or less)

Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.8" x 1"

Unit weight: 0.35 lb.

Outbound shipping weight: 1 lb.

Fulfillment fee (per-unit total)$3.19
Returns processing fee$3.19

