连连(LianLian Global)官网首页






  1. 在【管理订单】页面上,找到您想要取消的订单。

  2. 点击【操作】列中的【取消订单】。

  3. 在【取消订单】页面上选择【取消原因】。您也可以在【卖家备注】字段中输入想要追踪的任何信息。

  4. 点击【提交】。



  • 上传【订单取消】文件。请参阅使用订单取消模板取消多个订单。

  • 发送状态为“已失败”的订单确认上传数据。 需要一个亚马逊商城网络服务 (MWS) 账户。

注意: 我们希望卖家能够确保库存水平准确无误。未能及时盘点库存可能会导致过多的配送前订单取消量。有关我们如何将已取消订单计入您的整体绩效的信息,请参阅卖家指标。


有时,您可能需要取消包含多个商品的订单中的部分商品,并为已取消的商品退款。 如果您使用库存文件管理订单,则可以上传订单盘点上传数据。


  1. 配送并确认您可以配送的所有订单商品。

  2. 使用订单盘点上传数据为您不能配送的订单商品提交退款。在上传数据中提供以下信息:

    • 已取消的数量: 无法配送的数量。

    • 盘点原因: 退款代码。选择【无库存】或【买家取消】。

有关更多信息,请参阅退款或部分取消订单 - 订单盘点或部分取消。


Cancel an item, order, or multiple orders

You can cancel any unshipped items or orders from your Manage orders page. After you cancel an item or order, Amazon will send a cancellation email to the buyer.

Cancel one order or items within an order

  1. On the Manage Orders page, locate the order you want to cancel.

  2. Click Cancel Order in the Action column.

  3. Select Cancel entire order or Cancel items.

  4. For Cancel items, select the ASIN and quantity you want to cancel.

  5. On the Cancel Order page, select a Reason for Cancellation. You may also enter any information you want to keep track of in the Seller memo field.

  6. Click Submit.

Cancel multiple orders

You can also cancel multiple orders using one of the following methods.

  • Upload an Order Cancellation file using a template. Visit Cancel Multiple Orders with the Order Cancellation Template.

  • Send an Order Acknowledgment Feed with a status of "Failed." Visit Order Acknowledgment Feed and go to Order XSDs to find your feed. This requires an Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) account, For more information, see Amazon Marketplace Web Service overview.

Note: We expect sellers to maintain accurate inventory levels. Failure to adjust your inventory in a timely manner can lead to excessive pre-fulfillment order cancellations. For information about how we factor cancelled orders into your overall performance, see Monitor your account health.

Partial refunds

Occasionally, you may need to cancel part of an order with multiple items and refund the items that are cancelled. If you manage your orders using inventory files, you can upload an Order Adjustment Feed.

Note: You must be an Amazon MWS developer to send a Feeds request.

To cancel or refund part of a multi-item order, do the following:

  1. Ship and confirm all of the items that you can fulfill

  2. Use an Order Adjustment Feed to submit a refund for the order items that you cannot fulfill. Provide the following information in the feed:

    • Quantity Cancelled: The quantity that cannot be fulfilled.

    • Adjustment Reason: The refund code. Select either NoInventory or CustomerCancel.

For more information, see Refund Orders - Order Adjustment Feed.

