注意: 如果一项买家退款涉及多件商品,我们不会提供每个商品的详情。
在线标题 | 下载标题 | 描述 |
日期 | 批准日期 | 赔偿获得批准的日期。 |
赔偿编号 | 赔偿编号 | 与赔偿对应的唯一编号。每个赔偿可以包括多个赔偿项目。 |
问题编号 | 问题编号 | 在卖家申请赔偿时分配给卖家问题的唯一编号。 |
亚马逊订单编号 | 亚马逊订单编号 | 分配给该订单的唯一编号。如果不适用,此字段会留空。 |
原因 | 原因 | 赔偿的原因,例如 [ “在库房中残损”。 ] |
卖家 SKU | Sku | SKU(库存单位)由一组字母或数字组成,用于唯一识别商品。SKU 可由卖家分配。 |
FNSKU | fnsku | 亚马逊为其运营中心储存并配送的商品分配的唯一编号。 |
ASIN | asin | ASIN(亚马逊标准编码)由十个字母或数字组成,由亚马逊分配,用于唯一识别亚马逊商品目录中的商品。您可以在商品详情页面找到商品的 ASIN。 |
商品名称 | 商品名称 | 商品的名称。 |
状况 | 状况 | 商品的状况,例如 [ “新品”。 ] |
数量 | 数量 | 此项赔偿涉及的商品数量。 |
[在线版本中不显示] | 货币单位 | 该市场的当地货币。 |
每件商品的金额 | 每件商品的金额 | 此项赔偿中每件商品的赔偿金额。 |
赔偿数量 [现金] | 现金赔偿数量 | 以现金形式赔偿的商品数量。 |
总金额 | 总金额 | 此项赔偿中所有商品的总赔偿金额。 |
赔偿数量 [库存] | 库存赔偿数量 | 以库存形式赔偿的商品数量。 |
赔偿数量 [总计] | 总赔偿数量 | 以现金或库存形式赔偿的总商品数量(赔偿数量 [现金]+赔偿数量 [库存]) |
Reimbursements report (overview)
The Reimbursements report provides itemized details for all reimbursements, including those requested by you and those that are generated automatically.
Reimbursements appear in your account 4-5 days after the reimbursement is approved.
Tip: For information about FBA customer refunds, see FBA customer returns report (overview).
Reimbursements also appear in the Payments report. To locate a reimbursement:
In the Payments report, click Transaction view.
In Filter view by, select Other.
In the Product Details column, search for Balance Adjustment or FBA Inventory Reimbursement.
For the reimbursements that you requested, use the case ID in the report to view the details. For reimbursements associated with a customer refund, use the Amazon order ID in the report to view the details.
Reimbursements can take up to five days to appear in the report after they have been approved. When more than one reimbursement is processed on the same day for the same issue, they may be combined into a single transaction.
Field Definitions
Online report header Downloadable report header Description Date approval-date The date the reimbursement was approved. Reimbursement ID reimbursement-id The unique identifier for this reimbursement. Each reimbursement may include multiple line items. Case ID case-id The unique identifier assigned to the case when you request a reimbursement. Amazon Order ID amazon-order-id The unique identifier assigned to the customer order. This field is empty if the reimbursement is not associated with an order. Reason reason The reason for the reimbursement (for example, Damaged: Warehouse). Merchant SKU Sku The merchant SKU (stock keeping unit) is the unique identifier you assigned to your product. FNSKU fnsku The fulfillment network SKU (stock keeping unit) is the unique identifier Fulfillment by Amazon assigned to your product. ASIN asin An ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) is a unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products in the Amazon product catalog. The ASIN can be found on the product detail page. Title product-name The name of your product. Condition condition The condition of your item (for example, New). Quantity quantity The total number of units reimbursed for this line item. [Does not appear in the online version] currency-unit The currency for the applicable marketplace. Amount Per Unit amount-per-unit The per-unit reimbursement amount for this line item. Quantity Reimbursed [Cash] quantity-reimbursed-cash The total number of units reimbursed with cash. Amount Total amount-total The total amount of the cash reimbursement for this line item. Quantity Reimbursed [Inventory] quantity-reimbursed-inventory The number of units reimbursed with inventory. Quantity Reimbursed [Total] quantity-reimbursed-total The total number of units reimbursed with either cash or inventory (Quantity Reimbursed [Cash] + Quantity Reimbursed [Inventory]).