
当您通过 Shopify 销售产品时,您可能需要向 Shopify 提供文档,这些文档提供关于产品订单的发货情况详细信息。

如果 Shopify 请求提供关于您在线商店的文档,则系统会向店主发送电子邮件,并且店主的后台中会显示横幅。

为确保可持续使用 Shopify,您需要在请求中指定的日期之前提供请求的文档。



Product fulfillment documentation

When you sell products through Shopify, you might need to provide Shopify with documentation that verifies some details around the fulfillment of product orders.

If Shopify requests documentation from your online store, then an email is sent to the store owner, and a banner appears in the store owner's admin.

To ensure that your use of Shopify is uninterrupted, you need to provide the requested documentation by the date specified in the request.

If the requested documentation isn't received by the specified date, then your online store account might be deactivated. If your account is deactivated, then you might not be able to process orders or access your online store.

