连连(LianLian Global)官网首页





  • 买家的地址不在美国境内。

  • 卖家的退货地址不在美国境内。


  • 商品的重量超过 150 磅且长度超过 108 英寸,或长度与围度之和超过 165 英寸。了解如何测量长度与围度之和。

  • 某些归为危险品的商品。

    注意: 如果买家和卖家的地址位于美国本土 48 个州(而不是夏威夷、阿拉斯加和波多黎各等),亚马逊将为含有锂离子 (UN3481) 或锂金属 (UN3091) 电池的商品发放预付费退货货件标签。



Ineligible items for prepaid returns

Amazon does not always provide prepaid return shipping labels for auto-authorized returns. Exceptions include the following scenarios:

  • The customer's address is outside of the U.S.

  • The seller's return address is outside of the U.S.

    For more details about Amazon's international returns policy, see Customer returns for international sales.

  • Items that weigh more than 150 lbs, have a length greater than 108 inches, or have a length + girth greater than 165 inches. See how to measure length + girth.

  • Some items classified as dangerous goods.

    Note: Amazon will issue prepaid return shipping labels for items containing lithium ion (UN3481) or metal (UN3091) batteries if the customer and seller addresses are located in the contiguous 48 states (and not from Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, etc.)

When the return is auto-authorized in any of the above scenarios, we will provide the buyer your address, but without postage. We will then send a notification through Manage Returns, for you to complete a manual review at your discretion. Contact the buyer to coordinate the return and issue a refund if appropriate. You can also issue the buyer your own prepaid label at this time.

Important: You must file an exemption for products that should not be auto-authorized. For example, any heavy or bulky items or dangerous goods in your catalog that require special shipping or handling. For details, see Request exemption from automatic return approvals.

