- 发货确认电子邮件: 及时通知订单状态是亚马逊优质购物体验不可或缺的重要组成部分。我们要求卖家在配送买家订单时使用发货确认电子邮件与买家沟通。此电子邮件必须包含有关买家地址、配送商品和数量、使用的配送承运人(附上货件追踪编码)和预计配送日期的详细信息。
- 订单无法配送电子邮件: 卖家必须就无法配送订购的商品与买家沟通。使用【管理订单】功能或订单盘点上传数据调整订单总额。如有必要,卖家必须使用无库存或无法配送作为盘点的原因代码。使用订单无法配送电子邮件模板通知买家您无法配送订单。订单无法配送电子邮件必须向买家确认,由于商品无存货,订单金额已调整。如果您认为自己能够配送订单,但发货时间将延迟到宣传的时间以后,则必须通知买家延迟发货。如果买家决定取消订单,您应发起退款流程。
- 退货确认电子邮件: 如果买家为订单退货,我们建议您在收到商品时与买家沟通。请使用退货确认电子邮件模板进行此类沟通。此电子邮件必须确认退回的商品、退款订单金额和退款日期。但是,您必须使用【管理订单】功能或订单盘点上传数据处理订单金额(扣除所有适用费用)的退款。
- 发货确认上传数据: 此上传数据告诉亚马逊,您已向买家配送订单商品并为其提供订单追踪信息。及时沟通订单状态是为亚马逊买家打造优质购物体验的重要组成部分。
- 订单盘点上传数据: 此上传数据告诉亚马逊,您已向买家发放退款。买家希望在退回商品后了解他们的退款状态。因此,及时处理退款至关重要。您还可以使用【管理退货】功能发放退款。
注意: 我们要求卖家通过【管理订单】功能或通过上传发货确认上传数据,及时为所有订单确认发货。您确认发货后,亚马逊会向买家发送一封确认电子邮件。
一般而言,只有出于上述目的或在处理订单或回复客户服务查询时,您才能联系亚马逊买家。 您不得为任何营销或促销目的联系买家,包括通过电子邮件、信函、电话或其他方式。
- 指向任何网站的链接,但为了配送订单除外。例如,允许提供用于追踪包裹的链接。
- 用于停止接收不明卖家消息的链接
- 包含或显示您的网站链接的标志
- 任何营销或促销信息
- 任何其他商品的促销信息,或者对第三方商品或促销活动的推荐
您通过客户服务链接收到的买家发送的电子邮件只包含纯文本。其中不应该有任何图片、Flash 动画或超链接。如果您收到买家发送的非纯文本电子邮件,但邮件又似乎来自亚马逊,请不要回复该电子邮件,也不要点击电子邮件中的任何链接或图片。如果买家发送的电子邮件要求您点击某个链接、将其粘贴到浏览器中,或者要求您转至另一网站,请不要执行该操作。有关如何识别可疑电子邮件的信息,请参阅安全和账户。
Communication Guidelines
As part of selling on Amazon, sellers communicate with buyers both directly and indirectly. Amazon requires that sellers follow certain guidelines when communicating with buyers.
Direct Communication
- Shipment Confirmation email: Timely communication of order status is an integral part of high-quality shopping experience on Amazon. We require our sellers to communicate with buyers using a Shipment Confirmation email when they have shipped the buyers' orders. This email must contain clear information about the buyer address, items shipped and quantity, ship carrier used with shipment tracking number, and the expected date of delivery.
- Order Unavailable email: Sellers must communicate with buyers if the product ordered is not available to be shipped. Adjust the full order amount using the Manage Orders feature or an Order Adjustment feed. Sellers must use NoInwentory or CouldNotShip as the reason codes for the adjustment as necessary. Use the Order Unavailable email template to communicate with the buyer about your inability to fulfill the order. The Order Unavailable email must contain a confirmation that the order amount was adjusted with the appropriate reason for the unavailability of the items. If you think you can fulfill the order but the shipment will be delayed beyond the advertised availability, you must notify the buyer about the delay. If the buyer decides cancel the order, you should then start the refund process.
- Return Confirmation email: If a buyer returns an order, we encourage you to communicate with the buyer when the item is received. Use the Return Confirmation email template for this communication. This email must contain confirmation of the items returned, order amount refunded and the date of refund. However, you must process refunds for the order amount (minus any charges) using the Manage Orders feature or an Order Adjustment feed.
Note: In any communication you have with buyers (including shipping box inserts), you cannot ask them to leave a positive customer review for your product, or to leave a review only if they had a positive experience with your product. Similarly, you cannot ask only customers who had a positive experience with your product to leave a review. It is also prohibited to offer them any compensation for a review, including money or gift cards, free or discounted products, refunds or reimbursements, or any other future benefits.For more information, please review Amazon's guidelines in Customer product reviews policies.
Indirect Communication
Amazon communicates order-related information to buyers through their "Your Account" updates. These updates include information such as when an order has been shipped (with the tracking number) or when a refund has been processed. These updates are based on shipping confirmations and refunds initiated using Manage Orders or the following feeds:
- Shipping Confirmation feed: This feed tells Amazon that you've shipped buyer orders and provides order tracking information for the buyers. Timely communication of order status is an important part of a high-quality shopping experience for Amazon buyers.
- Order Adjustments feed: This feed tells Amazon that you've issued buyer refunds. Buyers want to know their refund status after they returning products. Therefore, it is critical that you process refunds promptly. You can also use the Manage Returns feature to issue a refund.
Note: We require sellers to promptly confirm shipment of all orders, either by using the Manage Orders feature or by uploading a Shipping Confirmation feed. After you confirm shipment, Amazon sends a confirmation email to the buyer.In general, you may contact a buyer who has purchased from you on Amazon only for the purposes listed above or to complete an order or to respond to a customer service inquiry. You may not contact buyers in any way for marketing or promotional purposes, via email, physical mail, telephone, or otherwise.
If you send a permitted email to a buyer, your email may not include any of the following:
- Links to any website, unless necessary to fulfill an order. For example, links to track packages are allowed.
- Links to opt-out of unsolicited messages from sellers.
- Logos, if they contain or display a link to your website.
- Any marketing or promotional messaging.
- Any promotion for additional products or referral to third-party products or promotions.
Be sure to include the Amazon order ID in your communications to buyers and on the shipment packing slips.
If you have questions about our policies regarding communicating with buyers, contact Seller Support.
Authentic Buyer-Seller Communications
Buyers who want to contact sellers can do so by clicking the seller name link on the product detail page. This link opens a page that, in addition to displaying all of your products and your returns policy, also provides a link to your customer service email.
When a buyer sends you an email, they receive a confirmation that the email is sent and that you, the seller, will be contacting them.
When you receive email from a buyer via your customer service link, it will contain only plain text. There should not be any images, Flash animation, or hyperlinks. If you receive an email from a buyer that is not plain text and yet appears to be coming from Amazon, do not respond to the email or click any links or images in the email. If the email from the buyer encourages you to click or paste a link into your browser, or that asks you to go to another web site, do not perform this action. For information about how to recognize suspicious email, see Security and Your Account.
Note: While Amazon directs buyer messages to you, we do not review the content. Carefully review each message before you reply to it. As a reminder, the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement explicitly states that payment and refunds for sales on Amazon are to be made solely through Amazon Payments.