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- 推广活动名称:这是店铺识别推广活动的方式。请注意,所有推广活动都有唯一的推广活动 ID,该 ID 位于推广活动 URL 中。

开始时间和结束时间:这两个字段分别表示活动预计何时开始、何时结束。您可以相应地选择开始日期和结束日期。我们强烈建议商户将首次参加 ProductBoost 的产品在一个活动中放置至少28天,以便于wish的系统了解哪里是最佳投放位置。有关“正在进行(自动学习阶段)”状态的更多信息,请参阅这篇文章。


商户可以选择启用 IntenseBoost 功能。开启此功能后,产品将会更快地获得曝光,同时推广费用也相对更高。具体而言,若产品的 ProductBoost 活动开启了 IntenseBoost,Wish 应用和官网 (wish.com) 将在曝光度更高的优质位置展示该产品。此功能对新上传的产品和曝光量较低的产品尤为有帮助。

商户可在商户平台上勾选“IntenseBoost”复选框来手动开启 IntenseBoost(如上图所示)。

若商户的 ERP 已经添加可选属性“intense_boost”,则商户也可以将以下 API 端口的“intense_boost”属性指定为“True”,这样即可通过 API 来启用 IntenseBoost:

  • v3/product_boost/campaigns

若商户不指定“intense_boost”属性的值,则系统将使用默认值“False”,在此情况下,通过上述 API 端口创建的 ProductBoost 活动将默认为常规 ProductBoost 活动,不启用 IntenseBoost。

类似地,商户可在使用以下 API 端口时指定“intense_boost”属性的值(“True”或“False”),以便启用或不启用 IntenseBoost:

  • v3/product_boost/campaigns

此外,商户通过以下 API 端口检索一个或多个 ProductBoost 推广活动的信息时,系统也将返回“intense_boost”属性(“True”或“False”):

  • v3/product_boost/campaigns

注意:为了帮助商户更好地提升新产品的曝光量,对于在 UTC 时间2020年4月2日上午7时及之后创建的 ProductBoost 活动,若该活动包含此前未曾参加 ProductBoost 活动的产品,该活动将会有最低总花费的限制。如果该活动的持续天数大于或等于5天,则可以免除最低总花费的限制。但是,对于开始时间或自动续期时间在 UCT 时间2021年6月26日上午7时及之后的活动,即使持续天数大于或等于5天,Wish 也不再免除最低总花费限制(也就是说,所有 ProductBoost 活动都有最低总花费的限制,无论持续多久)。

关于最低总花费的更多详情,您可以在商户平台上 (merchant.wish.com) 创建活动时查看。


2. Fill in the Campaign basics information:

Campaign Name: This is your store's way to identify the campaign. Note that all campaigns have a unique Campaign ID, which is located in the campaign URL.

Start Time & End Time: These fields indicate when the campaign will be scheduled to run and end. You can choose the start date and end date accordingly. We strongly recommend that merchants put products new to ProductBoost in a campaign for at least 28 days so our system can learn where to best place the product. Please see this article for more information on the "On-going (Training)" Campaign Status.


Merchants can choose to enable the IntenseBoost feature, which will allow products to gain increased impressions in a shorter period of time at a higher spend. Specifically, ProductBoost campaigns with IntenseBoost enabled will showcase the product in premium and highly visible locations on users’ feeds in the Wish app and on wish.com. This can be especially beneficial for newly uploaded products and products that are receiving low impressions.

Merchants may enable IntenseBoost for their ProductBoost campaigns manually via Merchant Dashboard by clicking on the “IntenseBoost” checkbox shown above.

Merchants whose ERPs have added the optional attribute ‘intense_boost’ to relevant API endpoints may also enable IntenseBoost via API by specifying ‘intense_boost’ attribute as “True” in the following API endpoint:

  • v3/product_boost/campaigns

If merchants do not specify, the ‘intense_boost’ attribute will default to “False”, and the ProductBoost campaigns created via API endpoints above will default to regular ProductBoost campaigns without IntenseBoost enabled.

Similarly, merchants may update ProductBoost campaigns with or without IntenseBoost enabled by specifying ‘intense_boost’ attribute in the following API endpoints:

  • v3/product_boost/campaigns

In addition, the attribute ‘intense_boost’ (“True” or “False”) will also be returned when merchants retrieve information on one or a list of ProductBoost campaigns via the following API endpoint:

  • v3/product_boost/campaigns

Note: In order to help merchants better optimize the exposure of their newer products, starting April 2, 2020 7:00AM UTC, ProductBoost campaigns created after this time may be subject to a minimum Total Spend if the campaign includes products that have not previously been in a ProductBoost campaign. A campaign’s minimum Total Spend may be waived if the campaign runs for five or more calendar days. However, for campaigns starting or auto-renewing on or after June 26, 2021 7:00AM UTCWish will no longer waive the minimum Total Spend for campaigns that run for five or more days (i.e., the minimum Total Spend will apply to all ProductBoost campaigns, regardless of duration).

More details about the minimum spend are available during campaign creation in the Merchant Dashboard (merchant.wish.com). 

