
1. 部分退款如何使商户和用户受益?


2. 每笔订单可进行多少次部分退款?



3. 围绕部分退款,商户仍可以报告潜在用户欺诈行为吗?



3. How does Partial Refunds benefit merchants and customers?

Issuing partial refunds allows merchants to retain partial payments of a particular sale, rather than issuing 100% of the refunds and losing all revenue of that sale. For customers requesting refunds for various reasons, partial refunds aim to address and correspond to the specific refund reasons provided by the customer, enhancing customer experience.

4. How many partial refunds can there be for a single order?

There can be up to two partial refunds for each order, adding up to 100% of the total order value. If the refunds are disputable per the Wish Refund Policy, merchants will need to dispute each of the two partial refunds individually.

Note that in the event a quantity-based refund occurs first, Wish will not issue a percentage-based partial refund as the second refund.

5. Can merchants still report potentially fraudulent users in the context of partial refund?

Merchants can report fraudulent users similarly to how they report normally for fraudulent users.

