利用发票支付,符合要求的亚马逊企业采购商城买家可以在亚马逊购买商品并获得订单的账单发票。有权使用发票支付的亚马逊企业采购商城买家需要遵守规定发票到期日的条款,例如 30 天付清 (如果是 30 天付清,到期日是开票日期后的第 30 天)。
如果您想及早获得发票支付订单的付款,可以更改发票支付订单的付款设置,选择支付 1.5% 的处理费,您的发票支付订单的付款就会在发货后立即存入您的“我要开店”账户可用余额。
但是,如果买家未及时付款,亚马逊将承担风险并在到期日后的第 7 天(如果买家此时仍未付款)将此款项存入卖家的“我要开店”账户可用余额。
如果您想及早获得发票支付订单的付款,可以更改发票支付订单的付款设置,选择支付 1.5% 的处理费,您的付款就会在发货后立即存入“我要开店”账户可用余额。即使买家未及时付款或拖欠付款,亚马逊也会为发票支付订单的付款提供保障。我们将在 2018 年 6 月 30 日后启动这一新的发票支付订单付款流程,但由于有资格使用发票支付的亚马逊企业采购商城买家的数量有限,您可能需要更长时间才能收到第一笔发票支付订单。
可以。如果您想及早获得发票支付订单的付款,可以更改发票支付订单的付款设置,选择支付 1.5% 的处理费,您的付款就会在确认发货后立即存入您的“我要开店”账户可用余额。
您可以在【卖家平台】顶部导航菜单上的【订单】 > 【管理订单】中查看订单报告,然后在订单报告中查看【付款方式】,就可以找到发票支付订单。此外,在【卖家平台】t顶部导航菜单上的【数据报告】 > 【付款】下,点击【发票支付订单】,即可在【未结清发票】选项卡下查看待付款的发票支付订单。
为什么我会收到 Amazon Services LLC 的付款?
亚马逊需要在单独的企业实体 (Amazon Services LLC) 下记录发票支付交易,所以这些交易会单独显示。您将继续通过您指定的同一银行账户接收付款。
为了便于对账,亚马逊会针对发票支付订单的付款为您提供一组单独的付款报告。当您收到第一个发票支付订单后,导航至“报告”>“付款”,便会在页面顶部看到“发票支付订单”选项卡。您的所有发票支付订单都将列在此选项卡下,这些订单的余额都将通过 Amazon Services LLC 支付到您的银行账户。
如果发票支付订单已退回,则可以按照标准退货流程操作,前提是它们与亚马逊的退货政策相符或超出要求。如果在买家付款仍处于待处理状态时发起退款,则在销售净金额的状态为等待买家付款时,退款金额将保持待处理状态。当买家支付发票款项时,退款盘点将与销售净金额同时发布到您的可用余额中,或者最迟在发票到期日期后的 7 天内发布。如果在收到买家付款后发起退款,退款盘点将立即发布到您的可用余额中。
Pay by Invoice
What is Pay by Invoice?
Pay by Invoice allows qualified Amazon Business customers to make purchases on Amazon and receive billing invoices for their orders. Amazon Business customers who have access to Pay by Invoice have terms such as net 30 that determine when their invoices are due (30 days after bill date in case of net 30).
Who can use Pay by Invoice?
Only qualified Amazon Business customers can opt to use Pay by Invoice for their Amazon purchases. Invoicing is one of the most relevant payment methods for business customers.
What are the benefits of Pay by Invoice to sellers?
In the past, business buyers who prefer to pay using invoices have been unable to make purchases on the Amazon Marketplace. Pay by Invoice represents a huge growth opportunity for sellers by opening up their selection to these business buyers.
Business buyers also like to have a limited set of suppliers with which they transact. By offering an extensive selection and one source of billing for such Buyers, Amazon has made it possible for sellers to gain access to Buyers who may not have transacted with them individually.
Doing business through invoicing traditionally requires additional account receivables work for the seller, in assessing buyers' creditworthiness, billing them for purchases, following up for payments, collecting on unpaid invoices and managing bad debt. Amazon is removing this burden for sellers by taking on these responsibilities and managing them efficiently at scale. Sellers do not pay any incremental fees for these additional services.
Why did I receive a Pay by Invoice order when I am not enrolled in Amazon Business?
Selection from all sellers on Amazon is made available on Amazon Business to ensure the same growth opportunity for all sellers and the wide selection for Amazon Business customers.
Are there any additional fees for receiving Pay by Invoice orders?
No. There is no additional fee charged for Pay by Invoice orders.
If you prefer to get early payments on your invoiced orders you can change your invoiced order payment settings and your payment for Pay by Invoice orders will be credited to the available balance of your Selling on Amazon account immediately after shipment by paying a 1.5% processing charge.
When will I receive my payment for Pay by Invoice orders?
Amazon will credit the available balance of sellers’ Selling on Amazon account when payment for the Invoice is received from the customer. This may occur around the due date or even before due date.
However, in case of late payments, Amazon will assume the risk and credit the available balance of the sellers’ Selling on Amazon account on the 7th day past the due date if the customer has not paid by that time.
If you wish to be paid early for invoiced orders you may change your invoiced order payment settings and your payment will be credited to the available balance of your Selling on Amazon account immediately after shipment by paying a 1.5% processing charge. The payment for invoiced orders is guaranteed even when a buyer is late or defaults on payment. This new invoiced order payment process will be launched after June 30, 2018, although it may take longer to receive your first invoiced order due to the limited number of Amazon Business buyers qualified for Pay by Invoice.
Can I get paid early on my Pay by Invoice orders?
Yes. If you wish to be paid early for invoiced orders you may change your invoiced order payment settings and get payment credited to the available balance of your Selling on Amazon account immediately after shipment confirmation by paying a 1.5% processing charge.
Do I need to contact Seller Support to enable Pay by Invoice?
You do not have to take any action to enable Pay by Invoice. All regular Amazon Customer Support channels are available for Amazon sellers who have received Pay by Invoice orders, in case you have any further questions.
Will I be able to see my reports specifically related to invoiced orders and transactions separately?
You can identify Invoiced orders by looking at Payment Method in Order reports when navigating through Orders > Manage Orders on the Seller Central top navigation menu. You can also see pending invoiced orders under the Open Invoice tab under Reports > Payments on the Seller Central top navigation menu by clicking Invoiced Orders.
Can I opt-out of receiving invoiced orders?
No. Amazon's mission is to offer the earth's biggest selection of products to our customers, and this includes our business customers. To ensure a great shopping experience for Amazon Business customers, we believe that all selection should be available to them, and we believe the services and protections we offer to sellers makes an opt-out unnecessary. This is a great opportunity for sellers and we want them to be able to participate fully.
If I join Amazon Business, will all my orders be paid using Pay by Invoice and paid after buyer pays Amazon?
No. Only qualified Amazon Business customers have the ability to place orders using Pay by Invoice. Joining the Amazon Business Seller program does not convert all your orders to invoicing. Payment time on any orders paid by customers using other payment methods will not be impacted by invoicing.
Do I need to contact buyers to request payment for Pay by Invoice orders?
No. Sellers should not contact the buyer for payment on a Pay by Invoice order. Like with any customer order on Amazon, Amazon will track and collect invoiced customer payments.
Why am I getting payment disbursements from Amazon Services LLC?
Pay by Invoice transactions need to be recorded by Amazon under a separate business entity (Amazon Services LLC), so these transactions are displayed separately. You will continue to be paid in the same bank account you have designated.
To enable ease of reconciliation, you are provided with a separate set of payment reports for Invoiced order payments. When you navigate to Reports > Payments, after you have received your first Invoiced order, you will see a tab for “Invoiced Orders” at the top of the page. All your invoiced orders will be reported under this tab and any balance from these orders will be paid through Amazon Services LLC to your bank account.
What happens if a Pay by Invoice order is returned?
In the event of a returned Pay by Invoice order, you are able to follow the standard returns process assuming they match or exceed Amazon’s return policies. If the refund is initiated while the buyer payment is still pending, the refund amount will remain pending against the sale Net Amount in that is pending buyer payment. The refund adjustment will be posted to your Available Balance at the same time as the sale Net Amount, when the buyer pays for the Invoice or latest by 7days past the due date of the Invoice. If the refund is initiated after the buyer payment has been received, the refund adjustment will be posted to your Available Balance immediately.
For more information about managing returns, see Manage returns