1. 发布商品需要多长时间?
新建商品通常会在 15 分钟内显示在亚马逊上,而某些详情和图片则可能要 48 小时后才会显示。定制商品最长需要 36 小时才会完全显示在详情页面上。
2. 我是否能让所有商品分类都支持定制商品?
3. 对于定制文字,如何改变字体大小?
4. 我的字体在某些电脑或某些浏览器中无法正常显示。为什么?
如果您上传了 TrueType 字体 (.ttf) 文件作为所选字体,那么您需要确认字体文件是否为可安装的 .ttf 文件。
要确认 .ttf 文件是否可安装,请按照以下步骤操作:
5. 如何在同一个商品详情页面中同时销售某个商品的可定制版和不可定制版?
6. 为什么我无法对某个 ASIN 进行定制?
7. 我已经提供了所有必要信息,但仍未显示【立即定制】按钮。我该怎么做?
请确保将您的商品数量设置为一个大于零的值,并且该 ASIN 可以购买。此外,您需要确保该 ASIN 只存在一种报价:要么是“在售”,要么是“非在售”。【立即定制】按钮也是赢得购买按钮的产物。要了解更多信息,请参阅获取购买按钮资格。
8. 能否限制图库中某张特定图片的重复打印次数?
9. 无法设置定制文字的颜色(例如激光雕刻),怎么办?
10. 如果我的商品需要的处理时间比正常时间长,应该如何设置?
11. 能否“禁用”某项商品的定制功能?
- 前往【管理库存】。
- 选择【定制商品】,然后选择【查找商品】。
- 点击【编辑】旁边的箭头。
- 删除定制信息。
12. 在定制支持工具中,编辑父 ASIN 与编辑子 ASIN 有什么区别?
如果您使用定制支持工具编辑父 ASIN,您编辑的内容会复制到所有子 ASIN。
如果您编辑子 ASIN,编辑的内容只会应用于所选的特定子 ASIN。
13. 定制功能是否适用于 B2B?
14. 定制功能是否适用于企业专供商品?
不适用。企业专供商品目前不属于有效商品,因此您无法定制企业专供商品 ASIN。
Frequently asked questions
- How long does it take to list?
Newly created products typically appear on Amazon within 15 minutes, although some details and images might not appear for 48 hours. For customizations, it can take up to 36 hours to fully display on the detail page.
- Can I enable a customizable product listing in any category?
You can enable a customizable product listing in any category in which you are authorized to sell, with the exception of Wine and some Media categories.
- For the text-based customization, how do font sizes work?
The customization widget automatically resizes the font so that the text fills the space you have specified. If you want to prevent the font from resizing automatically, select a lower character limit so that the customer cannot enter text beyond the allotted area.
- My fonts are not working on some computers or in some browsers. Why?
If you have uploaded a TrueType font (.ttf) file as your chosen font, you need to confirm that the font file is an installable .ttf.
To confirm if the .ttf is an installable file follow the steps below:
1)Right click on the file and select properties.
2)Click Details tab and check Font embeddability. It should be set to installable.
- How do I sell a customizable version of the product and a non-customizable version of the product on the same detail page?
You can create a parent-child relationship in which one of the children is customizable and the other child is not. The Parent will need to be the non-custom version of the item.
- Why can’t I apply customization to an ASIN?
You cannot enable a product that has more than one seller currently offering it. If there are multiple sellers offering a product and you would like to enable it for customization, you must create a new product listing representing the unique customization features that you offer on the product.
- I have provided all the necessary information but the Customize Now button is not displaying. What should I do?
Ensure that the quantity of your product is set to a value greater than zero and the ASIN is buyable. Additionally, you will want to ensure there is only one offer on the ASIN, either active or inactive. The Customize Now button is also a product of winning the Buy Box. To learn more, see Become Buy Box eligible.
- Can I restrict the number of reprints that can occur for a particular image in my image library?
No, you cannot apply any quantity restrictions on any type of content or customization feature on Amazon. However, you can restrict the number of base product that a customer can purchase in one order.
- What if the custom text cannot be colored - as in laser engraving?
We recommend you find a color and font that match the experience of engraving as closely as you can.
- If my product requires a higher than usual handling time, how I can set it?
You can change the lead time of a product by editing the product details in the Manage Inventory page of Seller Central. Select Inventory, Manage Inventory ,Find the product , Edit , and click Handling Time.
- Is there a way to "disable" customization for an item?
Yes. Follow the steps below:
- Go to Manage Inventory.
- Select Custom Products, and select Find your product.
- Click the arrows next to Edit.
- Remove customization information.
- In the customizable enablement tool, what is the difference between editing the parent ASIN and editing the child ASIN?
If you edit the parent ASIN using the customization enablement tool, your edits will copy through to all of your child ASINs.
If you edit the child ASIN, your edits will only occur on the specific child ASIN selected.
If you are configuring color variations, we recommend you edit each child so your preview image aligns to the correct color of the product.
- Does Custom work with B2B??
Custom sellers can use Business Pricing with Custom features, as long as Business Sellers list an item with a Standard Price and Business Price, they can offer Text, Image or Product Configurations. The only exception is, if there is an additional fee for an option in Product Configurations the Business Buyer will not be charged the additional fee.
- Does Custom work with Business Only Offers?
No, at this time Business Only Offers are not currently recognized as a valid offer and therefore a Business Only Offer ASIN will not be able to be customized.