


当您的库存货件从其他国家/地区进入美国时,您需要提供海关登记进口商 (IOR)。亚马逊(包括亚马逊运营中心)不会充当任何亚马逊库存货件的海关登记进口商。本规定适用于任何尺寸或价值的货件,与原产地和商品本身无关。您不得将进口报关表中的此字段留空,否则可能会导致亚马逊拒收和退回货件。

海关登记进口商负责: (1) 确保进口货件符合当地法律和法规,(2) 提交进口货物报关单和相关文件,以及 (3) 支付与货件相关的进口关税及其他税费和手续费。您可能需要获得海关担保,以确保已向政府支付所有应付关税及其他税费和手续费。




有关亚马逊物流商品要求和限制的信息,请参阅亚马逊物流商品限制。美国海关和边境保护署 (CBP) 或其他政府机构可能还出台了其他禁令或限制。要了解更多信息,请访问美国海关和边境保护署网站。


  • 农产品

  • 植物和种子

  • 食品和酒类

  • 维生素和补充剂

  • 医疗器械、药品和药物

  • 危险品

  • 杀虫剂


亚马逊(包括亚马逊运营中心)不会充当您的货件的合作政府机构 (PGA) 进口商或收货人。如果您试图将亚马逊列为 PGA 进口商或收货人,或使用亚马逊邓氏编码,可能会导致货件在边境发生延误、被扣留和被没收,还可能导致亚马逊运营中心拒收/弃置您的库存或禁止您向运营中心运送库存。

报关行可以帮助您了解如何满足这些要求,并确定您是否需要提供海关担保,或者您的库存是否需要满足进口或 PGA 要求。未通过适当的 PGA 申报的货件将被 CBP 扣留或没收,并退还给您(费用由您承担)或被销毁。此外,如果 PGA 要求您的库存具有在美国注册的代理,那么您必须采用此类代理。例如,食品和药物管理局要求海关登记进口商拥有外国供应商验证计划 (FSVP) 代理。

请参阅卖家平台中的服务提供商网络,了解可以提供 FSVP、报关服务或其他与进口相关的服务的公司。


报关行是 CBP 许可的个人或企业,负责准备和提交所需的报关单证、安排应缴关税的缴纳、安排放行 CBP 扣留的商品以及以其他方式代表进口商处理海关事务。



重要: 如果使用报关行,请提供准确的电话号码和电子邮件地址,以便承运人与您联系。如果联系信息不准确,可能会导致承运人延迟发货或退回货件。






示例 1示例 2
[卖家法定名称] c/o 亚马逊物流[卖家法定名称] c/o 亚马逊物流
1850 Mercer Drive500 McCarthy
Lexington, KY 40511 USALewisberry, PA 17339 USA



尽管亚马逊不会充当海关登记进口商、PGA 进口商或 PGA 收货人,但您可以在发货单证上将亚马逊列为最终收货人,前提条件是您在亚马逊实体名称前面注明【交由亚马逊物流处理】字样。

如果您将亚马逊列为最终收货人,则可以使用以下编号作为 CBP 识别号: 199900-02534。除了将亚马逊列为最终收货人外,不得将此编号用于其他任何用途。通常情况下,应在 7501 进口报关表的框 22 中输入此编号,以便表明您的货件正在运往运营中心的途中。您的货件应实际运至提货单上指定的亚马逊运营中心。





Delivering imports to Amazon

All inventory shipped to Amazon fulfillment centers must meet any of the applicable requirements found in FBA inventory requirements.

Importer of record

An importer of record (IOR) is required when shipments of your inventory enter the United States from another country. Amazon, including our fulfillment centers, will not act as an IOR for any shipment of FBA inventory. This applies to shipments of any size or value, regardless of origin and product. You may not leave this field blank on the customs entry form; this may result in the shipment being refused and returned.

The IOR is responsible for: (1) ensuring the imported shipment complies with local laws and regulations, (2) filing an entry declaration with any associated documents, and (3) paying the import duties, taxes, and fees associated with the shipment. You may need to obtain a customs bond to ensure that all duties, taxes, and fees owed to the government are paid.

Non-resident importers

Shipments into the United States may be entered by a non-resident (foreign) IOR. To become a non-resident IOR, please contact your customs broker or carrier for details.

Prohibited or restricted products

For information on FBA product requirements and restrictions, see FBA product restrictions. There may also be additional prohibitions or restrictions by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), or other government agencies. To learn more, go to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Common items that require additional permits or authorizations include the following:

  • Agricultural products

  • Plants and seeds

  • Food and alcohol

  • Vitamins and supplements

  • Medical devices, drugs, and medication

  • Hazardous goods

  • Pesticides

Failure to comply with FBA product preparation requirements, safety requirements, and product restrictions may result in the refusal, disposal, or return of inventory upon receipt at the Amazon fulfillment center, blocking of future shipments to the fulfillment center, or charges for additional preparation or for noncompliance.

Amazon, including our fulfillment centers, will not act as the partner governmental agency (PGA) importer or consignee for your shipment. Attempting to list Amazon as the PGA importer or consignee, or using an Amazon DUNS number, may result in detentions and seizures at the border, as well as refusal, disposal, or blocking of inventory at the Amazon fulfillment center.

A customs broker can help you understand how to meet these requirements, and determine whether you need a customs bond or if your inventory is subject to an import or PGA requirement. Shipments not declared with proper PGAs will be held or seized by CBP and returned to you at your expense, or destroyed. You must also obtain a US-based agent when a PGA requires one for your inventory. For example, the Food & Drug Administration requires IORs to have a Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) agent.

Please refer to the Service Provider Network in Seller Central for companies that can provide FSVP, customs brokerage, or other import-related services.

Customs brokers

Customs brokers are private individuals or firms licensed by CBP to prepare and file the necessary customs entries, arrange for the payment of duties owed, arrange for the release of goods from CBP custody, and otherwise represent importers in customs matters.

See the "Locate Port of Entry" section of U.S. Customs and Border Protection to find a list of customs brokers. If you do not know your port of entry, please refer to the Service Provider Network in Seller Central. If you are using Amazon Global Logistics to ship your inventory, you may be able to retain a customs broker through the Seller Central portal.

We suggest you contact your freight forwarder, courier, or customs broker in advance of shipping any inventory in order to understand their fees and requirements.

Important: Provide an accurate phone number and email address when using a customs broker in case the carrier needs to contact you. Inaccurate contact information may result in delays or the shipment being returned.

Duties, taxes, and shipping costs

The IOR is responsible for collecting and paying all customs duties, taxes, and fees. The amount of the customs duty, any additional taxes, and fees will depend on the value of the shipment and the products you import, also known as the tariff classification of the products. Your customs broker can assist you with determining this information.

Amazon will not be responsible for, or collect any duties, taxes, or shipping costs, associated with FBA inventory. All shipments are required to use Delivered Duty Paid (DDP), sometimes referred to as "Free Domicile," shipping terms. Any shipment arriving at an Amazon fulfillment center with collect charges, including any duties, taxes, or shipping costs, will be refused without further concession.

Shipping documentation

An Amazon fulfillment center may be listed as the deliver-to party on your shipping documentation. Here are some examples of how this should appear on the shipping documentation:

Example 1Example 2
[Seller Legal Name] c/o FBA[Seller Legal Name] c/o FBA
1850 Mercer Drive500 McCarthy
Lexington, KY 40511 USALewisberry, PA 17339 USA

Please work closely with your customs broker to ensure you have the proper documentation and have provided complete information for your shipment to clear customs. Take time to ensure your contact information is included on the shipping documentation in case there are any questions regarding your shipment.

Ultimate consignee

While Amazon will not serve as importer of record, PGA importer or PGA consignee, it may be listed as ultimate consignee on your shipping documentation — but only if in care of FBA is listed before the name of the Amazon entity.

If you list Amazon as the ultimate consignee, you can use the following number as the CBP identification number: 199900-02534. This number may not be used for anything other than listing Amazon as the ultimate consignee. The number should be entered in Box 22 of the customs entry form 7501 to generally identify your shipment is being delivered to a fulfillment center. Your shipment should be physically delivered to the Amazon fulfillment center identified on the bill of lading.

Using the identification number for any other purpose may result in delays, detentions, and seizures at the border as well as refusal, disposal, or blocking of inventory at the Amazon fulfillment center.

Return of imports

Amazon is currently unable to return inventory stored in Amazon fulfillment centers to an address outside of the United States. Furthermore, FBA does not currently support pick-up options for sellers at Amazon fulfillment centers. If you wish to have your inventory returned to you, you must supply a return address in the United States in the Create removal order form within Seller Central. For more information, see Remove inventory overview.

