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重要: 如果您在亚马逊商城销售商品,则必须遵守适用于这些商品和商品信息的所有联邦、州和地方法律以及亚马逊政策。











  • ANSI/UL 2201 或 PGMA G300

  • 16 CFR 1407

便携式电源逆变器UL 2743 或 UL 458

亚马逊政策要求,通过亚马逊店铺销售的便携式发电机必须符合法律规定的安全性与合规性标准。如果亚马逊与您联系,请将以下信息提交至 product-compliance-us@amazon.com:

  1. 公司名称

  2. 卖家编号

  3. 电子邮件地址

  4. 电话号码

  5. 您申请销售的 ASIN 列表

  6. 您申请销售的所有 ASIN 的商品图片,其中必须包含所有相关信息

    • 安全信息

    • 合规标志

    • 商品危险警告

  7. 您申请销售的所有 ASIN 的商品手册

  8. 由 ILAC-MRA 签署的经 ISO 17025 认证实验室出具的检测报告,确认每件商品均已通过测试,符合上述适用要求。


注意: 测试报告必须包含测试商品的图片,包括包装和警告标签。测试报告上的图片必须确认商品与详情页面上提供的图片相同。您确认您提交的所有资料真实、可信且准确。如果您提交的资料不符合这些安全要求,亚马逊可能会取消您的销售权限。

如果您不提供所需信息,亚马逊可能会取消您的商品、暂停您的发布权限、禁止显示您的 ASIN、扣留您的资金,或者提起民事或刑事法律诉讼。亚马逊保留采取任何必要的进一步行动和自行判定商品是否恰当的权利。



Selling portable generators, portable inverter generators, and related devices in the US

Important: If you sell products on Amazon, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to those products and product listings.

On this page, you will find:

  • What are portable generators, portable inverter generators, and portable power inverters?

  • Examples of portable generators, portable inverter generators, and portable power inverters

  • What is Amazon’s policy on selling portable generators, portable inverter generators, and portable power inverters in the United States?

  • What information do I need to provide to Amazon when requested?

  • What will happen if I do not follow Amazon’s policy on supplying documentation for these products?

  • How do I request product removal from Amazon Fulfilment Centers?

  • Additional resources

What are portable generators, portable inverter generators, and portable power inverters?

A Portable Generator is a fuel powered engine or motor that converts chemical energy directly to an AC electrical output. Portable generators are designed to be carried, pulled, or pushed by a person. Portable generators may also include portable inverter generators, which are more complex fuel-powered generators that include a built-in AC inverter. Portable power inverters convert a DC electrical signal, supplied by a solar panel or an internal battery, to an AC electrical output.


Portable generators (conventional)

Portable inverter generator

Portable power inverters

What is Amazon’s policy on selling portable generators, portable inverter generators and related devices in the United States?

If you are selling these products, you may be asked to provide documents to confirm the safety and compliance of your products. Amazon requires documentation that indicates your products have been tested to the specific standards or regulations for each product you are applying to sell. Amazon may require these documents at any time so we recommend you have them easily accessible.

Portable generators must meet the standard and regulation requirements listed below:

ProductRegulation/Standard Requirements
Portable generators and portable inverter generators
  • ANSI/UL 2201 or PGMA G300

  • 16 CFR 1407

Portable power inverterUL 2743 or UL 458

What information do I need to provide to Amazon when requested?

Amazon’s policies require that portable generators sold through the Amazon store meet required safety and compliance standards. Have the following documents available at all times. If you are contacted by Amazon, please submit the following information to product-compliance-us@amazon.com:

  1. Company name

  2. Seller ID

  3. Email address

  4. Phone number

  5. A list of ASINs you are applying to sell

  6. Product images for all ASINs you are applying to sell, which must include all relevant

    • Safety information

    • Compliance marking

    • Product hazard warnings

  7. Product instructions and/or manuals for all ASINs you are applying to sell

Test reports from an ILAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory confirming each product was tested to applicable requirements listed above. Some labs provide special Amazon rates for testing. A list of these Compliance Solutions providers is available here.

Note: Test Reports must contain images of the tested products including packaging and warning labels. The images on the test reports must confirm the product(s) is (are) the same as the images provided on the detail page. You certify that all materials you submit are true, authentic, and accurate. Amazon may remove your selling privileges for failing to meet these safety requirements.

What will happen if I do not follow Amazon’s policy on selling portable generators, portable inverter generators and related products?

If you do not provide the required information, Amazon may:

  • Cancel your listing

  • Suspend your listing privileges

  • Suppress your ASIN(s)

  • Withhold your funds

  • Pursue civil or criminal legal action

Amazon reserves the right to take any further actions that are necessary and to make judgements in its sole discretion about whether or not a listing is appropriate.

How do I request removal of my products from Amazon fulfillment centers?

To request a removal order, please go to the Remove Inventory Overview page.

Selling portable generators, portable inverter generators, and related devices in the US

Important: If you sell products on Amazon, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to those products and product listings.

On this page, you will find:

  • What are portable generators, portable inverter generators, and portable power inverters?

  • Examples of portable generators, portable inverter generators, and portable power inverters

  • What is Amazon’s policy on selling portable generators, portable inverter generators, and portable power inverters in the United States?

  • What information do I need to provide to Amazon when requested?

  • What will happen if I do not follow Amazon’s policy on supplying documentation for these products?

  • How do I request product removal from Amazon Fulfilment Centers?

  • Additional resources

What are portable generators, portable inverter generators, and portable power inverters?

A Portable Generator is a fuel powered engine or motor that converts chemical energy directly to an AC electrical output. Portable generators are designed to be carried, pulled, or pushed by a person. Portable generators may also include portable inverter generators, which are more complex fuel-powered generators that include a built-in AC inverter. Portable power inverters convert a DC electrical signal, supplied by a solar panel or an internal battery, to an AC electrical output.


Portable generators (conventional)

Portable inverter generator

Portable power inverters

What is Amazon’s policy on selling portable generators, portable inverter generators and related devices in the United States?

If you are selling these products, you may be asked to provide documents to confirm the safety and compliance of your products. Amazon requires documentation that indicates your products have been tested to the specific standards or regulations for each product you are applying to sell. Amazon may require these documents at any time so we recommend you have them easily accessible.

Portable generators must meet the standard and regulation requirements listed below:

ProductRegulation/Standard Requirements
Portable generators and portable inverter generators
  • ANSI/UL 2201 or PGMA G300

  • 16 CFR 1407

Portable power inverterUL 2743 or UL 458

What information do I need to provide to Amazon when requested?

Amazon’s policies require that portable generators sold through the Amazon store meet required safety and compliance standards. Have the following documents available at all times. If you are contacted by Amazon, please submit the following information to product-compliance-us@amazon.com:

  1. Company name

  2. Seller ID

  3. Email address

  4. Phone number

  5. A list of ASINs you are applying to sell

  6. Product images for all ASINs you are applying to sell, which must include all relevant

    • Safety information

    • Compliance marking

    • Product hazard warnings

  7. Product instructions and/or manuals for all ASINs you are applying to sell

Test reports from an ILAC ISO 17025 accredited laboratory confirming each product was tested to applicable requirements listed above. Some labs provide special Amazon rates for testing. A list of these Compliance Solutions providers is available here.

Note: Test Reports must contain images of the tested products including packaging and warning labels. The images on the test reports must confirm the product(s) is (are) the same as the images provided on the detail page. You certify that all materials you submit are true, authentic, and accurate. Amazon may remove your selling privileges for failing to meet these safety requirements.

What will happen if I do not follow Amazon’s policy on selling portable generators, portable inverter generators and related products?

If you do not provide the required information, Amazon may:

  • Cancel your listing

  • Suspend your listing privileges

  • Suppress your ASIN(s)

  • Withhold your funds

  • Pursue civil or criminal legal action

Amazon reserves the right to take any further actions that are necessary and to make judgements in its sole discretion about whether or not a listing is appropriate.

How do I request removal of my products from Amazon fulfillment centers?

To request a removal order, please go to the Remove Inventory Overview page.

