订单缺陷率 (ODR) 是衡量您提供良好买家体验能力的主要指标。该指标涵盖在给定的 60 天时间段内存在一种或多种缺陷的所有订单占订单总数的百分比。以下是三种类型的 ODR:
我们的政策规定,卖家应维持低于 1% 的 ODR,这样才能在亚马逊上销售商品。高于 1% 的 ODR 可能会导致账户停用。
注意: 您只能使用“买家与卖家消息服务”模板就订单或客户服务问题联系买家。
注意: 如果买家撤销负面反馈,则该订单不会计入 ODR 的计算。但是,在买家移除负面反馈后,可能需要 48 小时才能在指标中体现出来。
亚马逊商城交易保障索赔率(以百分比的形式表示)等于在给定的 60 天内收到相关索赔的订单数除以该时间段内的订单总数。您可以通过亚马逊商城交易保障索赔页面管理索赔并采取相应措施。
注意: 如果您赢得了针对索赔决定的申诉,亚马逊将从您的订单缺陷率中移除该索赔。
欺诈信用卡拒付意味着买家声称他们根本未购买商品。这类索赔通常与欺诈性买家使用盗窃的信用卡相关。在计算 ODR 时,亚马逊不会考虑欺诈性交易信用卡拒付。
注意: 有关与买家沟通的详细信息,请参阅使用买家与卖家消息服务与买家沟通。
要查看您的 ODR 并下载 ODR 报告,请执行以下操作:
Order Defect Rate
The Order Defect Rate (ODR) is a key measure of your ability to provide a good customer experience. It includes all orders with one or more defects represented as a percentage of total orders during a given 60-day time period. The following are the three types of ODR:
Negative Feedback Rate
A-to-z Guarantee Claim Rate
Credit Card Chargeback Rate
Our policy is that sellers maintain an ODR under 1% in order to sell on Amazon. An ODR above 1% may result in account deactivation.
Negative Feedback Rate
The Negative Feedback Rate (represented as a percentage) is the number of orders that have received negative feedback divided by the number of orders in the relevant period. This metric is order-correlated, meaning we look at the date of the order (not the date on which the feedback was received) when computing the rate. The Negative Feedback Rate might not match the feedback that buyers see, which is calculated based on when the feedback was received instead of when the order was placed.
A seller who maintains a low percentage of negative feedback reflects our customer-centric philosophy. One- and two-star ratings are considered negative. For more information, see Monitor your account health.
If you received negative feedback from a buyer, it is recommended that you try to identify the cause of the issue and work with the buyer using one of the following options:
Use the Feedback Manager
Go to Feedback under the Performance tab.
In the Recent Feedback table, select Contact Customer under the Actions column next to the designated Order ID.
Use the Buyer-Seller Messaging templates
For more information, see Email templates for Buyer-Seller Messaging.
Note: You can only use the Buyer-Seller Messaging templates to contact a buyer in regards to an order or a customer service question.
If you believe a buyer submitted incorrect feedback, and if it meets the requirements for removal, you can request a removal using the following action in the Feedback Manager:
Go to the Feedback Manager.
In the Recent Feedback table, next to the Order ID you want to request feedback removal, select Request removal under the Actions column.
Note: If a buyer withdraws negative feedback, it is not counted as part of ODR. However, it might take up to 48 hours after a buyer has removed it to disappear from the metric.
A-to-z Guarantee Claim Rate
The A-to-z Guarantee Claim Rate (represented as a percentage) is the number of orders with a relevant claim divided by the number of orders in a given 60-day time period. You can manage and take action on claims via the A-to-z Guarantee Claims page.
The following types of claims impact your ODR:
Claims that are granted and debited from your account
Claims for which you refunded the customer after the claim was filed
Claims for which you or Amazon cancelled the order
Claims that are pending a decision
The following types of claims do not impact your ODR:
Claims that are granted and paid for by Amazon
Claims that are denied to the customer
Claims that were withdrawn by the customer
Note: If you win an appeal on a claim decision, the claim will be removed from your ODR.
If you require additional assistance with addressing A-to-Z Guarantee Claims issues, you can use the A-to-Z Guarantee Claims Questions tool:
Enter order ID
Credit Card Chargeback Rate
The Credit Card Chargeback Rate (represented as a percentage) is the number of orders that have received a credit card chargeback divided by the number of orders in the relevant period. The metric is order-correlated, meaning we look at the date of the order (not the date on which the service chargeback was received) when computing the rate.
A credit card chargeback is similar to an A-to-z Guarantee claim except that the credit card issuer processes the claim and makes the decision, not Amazon.
Possible problems might include:
The buyer claims they didn't receive the item.
The buyer returned the item, but didn't receive a refund.
The buyer received a damaged or defective product.
When a buyer disputes a purchase charged to their credit card, it is referred to as a chargeback request. We broadly categorize chargebacks as either fraud or service.
A fraud chargeback means the buyer claims not to have made the purchase at all. These claims are typically related to stolen credit cards used by fraudulent buyers. Amazon does not count fraudulent transaction chargebacks towards your ODR.
A service chargeback means the buyer acknowledges a purchase, but indicates to their credit card issuer that they experienced a problem.
For more information regarding how to address credit card chargeback claims, see Respond to a chargeback claim.
Note: For details about communication with buyers, see Communicate with buyers using the Buyer-Seller Messaging Service.
To view your ODR and download your ODR report:
Go to the Account Health page.
In the Customer Service Performance section, click View details.
Select the Order Defect Rate tab. Scroll down and click the Download Report button.