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  • 零售报价: 值为“是/否”,表示您目前是否是通过供应商关系采购商品。

  • 品牌报价: 该值表示您目前是否是通过卖家平台上的报价采购商品。“是”表示您有该商品的在售报价。“非在售”表示您有该商品的报价,但商品处于缺货状态或因其他原因不可售。“否”表示没有您品牌的报价。请注意,在某些情况下,推荐报价的位置会有所不同。

  • 当前的推荐报价: 表示目前在商品详情页面上推荐的卖家。

  • 其他卖家数目: 显示当前有多少其他卖家在发布该商品(仅限状况为“新品”的商品)。 点击超链接将会显示具体的卖家信息。

  • 平均买家评分: 即商品详情页面上显示的平均买家评分。

  • 潜在机会: 该值是指在未来 12 个月内预计的商品销量估计值。

  • 后续步骤: 您可以在没有报价时添加报价,并且启用任何非在售的报价。






系统每天都会计算并更新一次所有指标。最长可能需要 48 个小时,才能在页面中体现出所做的变更。如果您做出更改以提高选品覆盖范围,这些更改将在下次刷新时显示在“品牌目录管理器”页面上。您可以通过页面底部的时间戳验证刷新日期。




About Brand Catalog Manager

Getting started with the Brand Catalog Manager

The Brand Catalog Manager is a tool available exclusively for brands. It lists all products from your Brand being sold on Amazon. It gives you visibility into who is selling your products, what kind of experience your customers are having and what the projected sales opportunity is for products without a Brand-direct offer. Currently, Brand Catalog Manager access is restricted to brand owners.

Brand Catalog Manager

Every product from your Brand is listed in this view regardless of seller. You can use this view to review all sellers that are selling products from your Brand and to identity selection that you may want to offer directly. Values in the page include:

  • Retail Offer: A Yes/No value indicating whether you are currently sourcing the product via a Vendor relationship.

  • Brand Offer: A value indicating whether you are currently sourcing the product via an offer on Seller Central. “Yes” indicates you have an active offer on the product. “Inactive” indicates that you have an offer on the product, but that it is either out-of-stock or inactive for another reason. “No” indicates that there is no offer from your Brand. Please note that in some cases, the featured offer varies by location.

  • Current Featured Offer: Indicates which sellers is currently featured on the Product Detail Page.

  • Additional seller Count: Shows how many other sellers are currently listing the product (limited to offers in “new condition”.) Clicking the hyperlink will show a breakout of sellers.

  • Average Customer Rating: The average Customer rating as it appears on the Product Detail Page.

  • Potential Opportunity: Potential opportunity is a value that attempts to estimate expected product sales over a 12-month period.

  • Next Steps: Allows you to add an offer when one does not exist and to active any inactive offers.

How Product Variants are Handled

In cases of a variated a product (ex: a clothing item that comes in various colors/sizes), the product is listed a single row in the table. The count of active offers is expressed for the variational total with missing and inactive offers broken out below the total.

How Potential Opportunity is Calculated

This value is derived from the aggregated, past performance of multiple similar products. It is not a guarantee of future sales, but is simply intended to help you identify selection to add by prioritizing products that are popular with Amazon’s customers.

Page Refresh Rate

All metrics are calculated and updated once a day. It may take up to 48 hours for changes to be reflected in the page. If you make changes to improve selection coverage, they will be reflected on the page the next time it is refreshed. You can validate the refresh date via the timestamp at the bottom of the page.

Why an Offer cannot be Added

If you are currently sourcing the product via a Vendor relationship or if you have an offer on the product, but it is either out-of-stock or inactive for another reason, you cannot add an offer.

