

要参与商品推广,您必须满足特定资格要求。有关更多信息,请参阅 商品推广资格要求。


  1. 转到广告活动管理,点击创建广告活动,然后选择商品推广。

  2. 在设置部分输入信息。

    1. 广告活动名称: 您选择的广告活动名称只有您可以在广告活动管理中查看。它不会出现在您的广告中,也不会对买家可见。您可以根据要推广的商品类型或季节性商品来为广告活动命名。

    2. 每日预算: 每日预算是您愿意在一天内为广告活动支出的平均金额。其分布在一个月内,适用于该月内的每一天。 了解有关每日预算的更多信息

    3. 开始/结束日期: 选择适合您的开始日期和结束日期。您可以立即开始您的广告活动,也可以设置一个未来的开始日期,然后持续投放您的广告活动(无结束日期)。您可以随时暂停广告活动,并在之后重新启动。到达结束日期的广告活动将被存档。已存档的广告活动无法恢复,因此要进行更改,您需要创建一个新的广告活动。

    4. 投放: “投放”是指使用关键词和商品在搜索和商品详情页中向相关买家展示您的广告。对于商品推广活动,您可以创建两种类型的投放:自动和手动。 了解有关自动和手动投放的更多信息

  3. 选择您想要推广的商品。

  4. 输入您的关键词、竞价和广告组。 了解有关关键词和的更多信息 竞价

  5. 提交您的广告。在提交之前,请查看您的所有信息,以确保您对结果感到满意。

    注意: 如果您希望稍后提交广告活动,则可以将其保存为草稿。您可以使用草稿在多个会话中生成广告活动。您可以在“广告活动管理”中的“草稿”选项卡中查看您保存的草稿。

您的广告活动通常在您提交 1 至 2 小时后即可上线。


Create a Sponsored Products campaign

With Sponsored Products your ad is eligible to display in various placements across Amazon.

To participate in Sponsored Products, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. For more information, see Sponsored Products eligibility requirements.

To create a campaign for Sponsored Products:

  1. Go to Campaign Manager, click Create campaign, and select Sponsored Products.

  2. Enter information in the Settings section.

    1. Campaign name: The campaign name you choose will be seen only by you in the campaign manager. It won't appear in your ads and will never be visible to shoppers. It's helpful to name your campaign based on the type of products you'll be advertising, or seasonal products you'll promote.

    2. Portfolio: Portfolios are a group of campaigns that you organize in a way to meet your advertising needs. Learn more about portfolios

    3. Daily budget: The daily budget is the average amount you are willing to spend on a campaign in one day. It is spread out over one month, and applied across all the days in that month. Learn more about daily budget

    4. Start/End Date: Select a start and end date that works for you. You can start your campaign immediately, or set a start date in the future, and then run your campaign continuously (no end date). You can pause a campaign at any time and start it up again later. When a campaign reaches its end date, the status will change to ended. You can extend a campaign by changing the end date to a date in the future. You can also archive campaigns that you no longer want to run. Archived campaigns can’t be reinstated, so to make changes, you would need to create a new one.

    5. Keyword and product targeting: With keyword and product targeting, your ads show on shopping and detail pages to relevant shoppers. For Sponsored Products campaigns, you can create two types of targeting: automatic and manual. Learn more about automatic and manual targeting

  3. Create an ad group by entering a title in the Create an ad group section.

  4. Select the product(s) you want to advertise.

  5. Enter your keyword and product targets and bids. Add negative targets (optional).

  6. Submit your ad. Before submitting, review all of your information to ensure you're happy with the results.

    Note: If you'd prefer to submit you campaign later, you can save it as a draft. You can use drafts to build a campaign over multiple sessions. You can access your saved drafts in the drafts page in the campaign manager.

Your campaigns are generally eligible to go live 1 to 2 hours after you submit them.

