迁移商店至Shopify-Transporter 中的客户 CSV 列描述

客户 CSV 文件的各列描述

若要使用 Transporter 应用将客户导入 Shopify,您需要一个仅包含此记录类型的 CSV 文件。

CSV 示例文件

您可以使用 Transporter 命令行工具生成此 CSV 文件,或者按照下文描述的格式自己创建此文件。


下表介绍了 CSV 文件的列标头:

First name客户的名字。如果既不包括 Email 列也不包括 Phone 列,则必须填写此列和 Last Name 列。
Last name客户的姓氏。如果既不包括 Email 列也不包括 Phone 列,则必须填写此列和 First name 列。
Email客户的唯一电子邮件地址。如果 Phone 或 First Name 和 Last Name 列不存在,则必须填写此列。域名(例如,@mydomain.com)必须有效。
Address1第一个地址行。需要使用此列来提供地址。例如,150 Elgin St
Address2可选填的地址行。例如 Unit 202
Province code区域(例如国家/地区的州、省、县或领土)的细分代码 (ISO 3166-2)。在指定 Province 列时,必须填写此列。ISO 3116-2 代码包含以下部分:
  • 2 个字符的国家/地区代码 - 请勿包含此部分。

  • 用于分隔代码两个部分的连字符 (-) - 请勿包括连字符。

  • 1 到 3 个字符的细分代码 - 仅包括此部分。

ISO 3166-2 细分代码省代码MX-MEX(墨西哥城,墨西哥)MEXUS-NY(美国纽约)NYAR-B(阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯)BFR-21(法国科尔多省)21
Country code表示客户地址所在国家/地区的两个字母 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 代码。即使您指定了 Country,也请指定 Country code。例如,加拿大的代码为 CA,澳大利亚的代码为 AU
Zip客户地址的邮政编码。例如,K2P 1L4
Phone客户的唯一电话号码(E.164 格式)。如果既不包含邮箱列,也不包含名字姓氏列,则必须填写此列。可以按不同格式输入电话号码,但每种格式都必须表示可以从世界上任何地方拨通的号码。以下格式均有效:
+1 613-555-1212
Accepts Marketing客户是否同意通过电子邮件接收营销材料。有效值:
  • yes - 客户已同意接收营销材料。

  • no - 客户尚未同意接收营销材料。此为默认值。

Tags一串以顿号分隔的标签,用于在 Shopify 后台和店面中进行筛选和搜索。每个以顿号分隔的标签最多可以包含 255 个字符。例如,“忠实、新客户、营销”
Note有关客户的备注。例如,“此客户所下订单有欺诈警告”“Harry 喜欢粉色”
Tax Exempt客户的订单是否免税。有效值:
  • yes - 结账时不会向客户的订单收取税费。

  • no - 结账时会向客户的订单收取税费。此为默认值。

Metafield Namespace一组元字段的容器。若要导入元字段,您需要包括所有 4 个元字段列(Metafield NamespaceMetafield KeyMetafield Value 和 Metafield Value Type)中的值。您应该为元字段定义自定义命名空间以区分应用和 Shopify 使用的应用(包括默认的 global)。最大长度:20 个字符。
Metafield Key元字段的名称。最大长度:30 个字符。如果包含其他元字段列,则必须填写此列。
Metafield Value要存储为元数据的信息。包含其他元字段列时必须填写此列。
Metafield Value Type元字段的信息类型。有效值:
  • string

  • integer

  • json_string



Customer CSV column descriptions in Transporter

Descriptions of the columns for the customers CSV file.

To import customers into Shopify using the Transporter app, you need a CSV file that contains only this record type.

CSV sample file

You can use the Transporter command-line tool to generate this CSV file or you can follow the format described below to create it yourself.

Column descriptions

The following table describes the column headers for the CSV file:

First nameThe first name of the customer. This column and the Last Name column are required if neither the Email nor the Phone columns are included.
Last nameThe last name of the customer. This column and the First name column are required if neither the Email nor the Phone columns are included.
EmailThe unique email address of the customer. This column is required if the Phone or the First Name and Last Name columns are not present. The domain (for example, @mydomain.com) needs to be valid.
CompanyThe name of the customer's business, if one exists.
Address1The first address line. This column is required for an address. For example, 150 Elgin St.
Address2The optional address line. For example, Unit 202.
CityThe name of the city. This column is required for an address. For example, Ottawa or Berlin.
ProvinceThe name of the region (such as the province, state, prefecture, or territory), where the customer is located. If you include a value for this column, then you must also include a value for the Province Code column. For example, Mexico cityNew York, or Nunavut.
Province codeThe subdivision assigned code (ISO 3166-2) for the region, such as the state, province, prefecture, or territory, in the country. This column is required when you specify the Province column. An ISO 3166-2 code has the following parts:
  • 2-character country code - do not include this part.

  • hyphen (-) that separates the two parts of the code - do not include the hyphen.

  • 1-to-3-character subdivision code - include this part only.

ISO 3166-2 subdivision codeProvince codeMX-MEX (Mexico City, Mexico)MEXUS-NY (New York, United States)NYAR-B (Buenos Aires, Argentina)BFR-21 (Côte-d'Or, France)21
CountryThe name of the country of the customer address. This column is required for an address. For example, Canada or Australia.
Country codeThe two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country of the customer address. Specify the Country code even when you specify Country. For example, CA for Canada and AU for Australia.
ZipThe zip, postal code, or postcode of the customer address. For example, K2P 1L4.
PhoneThe unique phone number in E.164 format for the customer. This column is required if neither the Email column nor the First name and Last name columns are included. A phone number can be entered using different formats, but each format must represent a number that can be dialed from anywhere in the world. The following formats are all valid:
+1 613-555-1212
Accepts MarketingWhether the customer has consented to receive marketing material via email. Valid values:
  • yes - The customer has agreed to receive marketing material.

  • no - The customer hasn't agreed to receive marketing material. This is the default value.

Values are case sensitive.
TagsA string of comma-separated tags that are used for filtering and search in your Shopify admin and in your storefront. Each comma-separated tag can have up to 255 characters. For example, "Loyal, New customer, Marketing.
NoteA note about the customer. For example, "This customer placed an order that had a fraud warning" or "Harry loves the color pink".
Tax ExemptWhether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. Valid values:
  • yes - Taxes won't be charged to the customer's orders at checkout.

  • no - Taxes will be charged to the customer's orders at checkout. This is the default value.

Values are case sensitive.
Metafield NamespaceA container for a set of metafields. To import metafields, you need to include values in all 4 metafield columns (Metafield NamespaceMetafield KeyMetafield Value, and Metafield Value Type). You should define a custom namespace for your metafields to distinguish them from namespaces used by apps and Shopify (including the default global). Maximum length: 20 characters.
Metafield KeyThe name of the metafield. Maximum length: 30 characters. This column is required when other metafield columns are included.
Metafield ValueThe information to be stored as metadata. This column is required when other metafield columns are included.
Metafield Value TypeThe metafield's information type. Valid values:
  • string

  • integer

  • json_string

Values are case sensitive. This column is required when other metafield columns are included.

