
您只能将套餐更新为当前可用的套餐,可以在 Shopify 的定价页面上查看这些套餐。如果您的商店使用的是不再提供的套餐,那么您在更改套餐或暂停商店后将无法切换回这些套餐。



如果您的商店使用的是 Basic Shopify 套餐或 Shopify 套餐,并且您将订阅账单周期从每月更改为每年,您的承运商信息将会重置,并且您需要输入每个承运商的账户信息。


1.  在 Shopify 应用中,依次转到商店 > 设置

2.  在商店设置部分中,点击套餐





1.  以店主身份登录您的商店。

1.  在 Shopify 应用中,依次转到商店 > 设置

2.  在商店设置部分中,点击套餐

1.  点击更改套餐

2.  查看当前可用的套餐,然后点击选择套餐

3.  选择账单周期并阅读您将同意的信用卡费用说明。

4.  点击启动套餐以接受新协议,或点击取消







1. 在 Shopify 后台中,点击设置,然后点击套餐

1. 在套餐页面中,点击套餐详情部分中的更改套餐

2. 查看当前可用的套餐,然后点击选择套餐

3. 选择账单周期和付款方式,然后仔细查看套餐详情、账单周期、账单日期以及套餐费用。

4. 点击启动套餐。如果您不想更改套餐,请点击取消


· 系统将发放账单

· 系统将针对您的新套餐启动新的账单周期

·  如果您的新套餐费用低于旧套餐,您会收到按比例计算的抵扣额



1. 在 Shopify 应用中,依次转到商店 > 设置

2. 在商店设置下,点击套餐

1. 在套餐页面中,点击套餐详情部分中的更改套餐

2. 查看当前可用的套餐,然后点击选择套餐

3. 选择账单周期和付款方式,然后仔细查看套餐详情、账单周期、账单日期以及套餐费用。

4. 点击启动套餐。如果您不想更改套餐,请点击取消


· 系统将发放账单

· 系统将针对您的新套餐启动新的账单周期

· 如果您的新套餐费用低于旧套餐,您会收到按比例计算的抵扣额



1. 在 Shopify 应用中,依次转到商店 > 设置

2. 在商店设置部分中,点击套餐

1. 在套餐页面中,点击套餐详情部分中的更改套餐

2. 查看当前可用的套餐,然后点击选择套餐

3. 选择账单周期和付款方式,然后仔细查看套餐详情、账单周期、账单日期以及套餐费用。

4. 点击启动套餐。如果您不想更改套餐,请点击取消


· 系统将发放账单

· 系统将针对您的新套餐启动新的账单周期

· 如果您的新套餐费用低于旧套餐,您会收到按比例计算的抵扣额






  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,点击设置,然后点击套餐

  1. 套餐页面中,点击套餐详情部分中的更改套餐

  2. 查看当前可用的套餐,然后点击选择套餐

  3. 选择账单周期和付款方式,然后仔细查看套餐详情、账单周期、账单日期以及套餐费用。

  4. 点击启动套餐。如果您不想更改套餐,请点击取消


  • 系统将发放账单

  • 系统将针对您的新套餐启动新的账单周期

  • 如果您的新套餐费用低于旧套餐,您会收到按比例计算的抵扣额



  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,依次转到商店 > 设置

  2. 商店设置下,点击套餐

  1. 套餐页面中,点击套餐详情部分中的更改套餐

  2. 查看当前可用的套餐,然后点击选择套餐

  3. 选择账单周期和付款方式,然后仔细查看套餐详情、账单周期、账单日期以及套餐费用。

  4. 点击启动套餐。如果您不想更改套餐,请点击取消


  • 系统将发放账单

  • 系统将针对您的新套餐启动新的账单周期

  • 如果您的新套餐费用低于旧套餐,您会收到按比例计算的抵扣额



  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,依次转到商店 > 设置

  2. 商店设置部分中,点击套餐

  1. 套餐页面中,点击套餐详情部分中的更改套餐

  2. 查看当前可用的套餐,然后点击选择套餐

  3. 选择账单周期和付款方式,然后仔细查看套餐详情、账单周期、账单日期以及套餐费用。

  4. 点击启动套餐。如果您不想更改套餐,请点击取消


  • 系统将发放账单

  • 系统将针对您的新套餐启动新的账单周期

  • 如果您的新套餐费用低于旧套餐,您会收到按比例计算的抵扣额



Update your plan

You can only update your plan to currently available plans which you can view on Shopify's pricing page. If your store is on a plan that's no longer offered, then you can't switch back if you change plans or pause your store.

If you update your plan, then a bill is issued immediately that reflects only the subscription fee for your new plan. The price of your previous plan is prorated and applied against the cost of your new subscription for the month that you change your plan. The bill that you receive for your plan change doesn't include other pending charges on your account. These pending charges will be billed when outstanding fees on your account reach your billing threshold or at the end of your billing cycle.

Check your current plan


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings, and then click Plan.

Upgrade your plan

If your store is on a free trial when you upgrade your plan, then you won't lose any store information, and the length of your free trial remains the same.

The upgrade takes effect immediately. You can use your new plan right away, and your plan charges are prorated, so you're charged for the new plan starting from the date you upgrade.


  1. Log in to your store as the store owner.

  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings, and then click Plan.

  1. Click Change plan.

  2. Review the currently available plans, and then click Choose plan.

  3. Select a billing cycle and read the description of the credit card charges that you're agreeing to.

  4. Click Start Plan to accept the new agreement, or click Cancel.

Change your plan

If you want to change your plan, then you can choose one from the available options.



  1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings, and then click Plan.

  1. From the Plan page, click Change Plan in the Plan details section.

  2. Review the currently available plans, and then click Choose plan.

  3. Select a billing cycle and payment method, and then carefully review the plan details, billing cycle and billing date, and plan charges.

  4. Click Start plan. If you don't want to change your plan, then click Cancel.

You can use your new plan right away, and your plan charges are prorated, so you're charged for the new plan starting from the date you change your plan. If you change your billing cycle, then:

  • a bill is issued

  • a new billing cycle starts for your new plan

  • you receive a prorated credit if your new plan costs less than your old plan

If you change your plan without changing your billing cycle, then you continue on the same billing cycle and your payments are adjusted. If you change your billing cycle, then your current plan's bill is immediately sent to you for payment. At the same time, a new billing cycle starts for your new plan, and you're credited for any unused time that you've already paid for.


  1. From the Shopify app, go to Store > Settings.

  2. Under Store settings, tap Plan.

  1. From the Plan page, click Change Plan in the Plan details section.

  2. Review the currently available plans, and then click Choose plan.

  3. Select a billing cycle and payment method, and then carefully review the plan details, billing cycle and billing date, and plan charges.

  4. Click Start plan. If you don't want to change your plan, then click Cancel.

You can use your new plan right away, and your plan charges are prorated, so you're charged for the new plan starting from the date you change your plan. If you change your billing cycle, then:

  • a bill is issued

  • a new billing cycle starts for your new plan

  • you receive a prorated credit if your new plan costs less than your old plan

If you change your plan without changing your billing cycle, then you continue on the same billing cycle and your payments are adjusted. If you change your billing cycle, then your current plan's bill is immediately sent to you for payment. At the same time, a new billing cycle starts for your new plan, and you're credited for any unused time that you've already paid for.


  1. From the Shopify app, go to Store > Settings.

  2. In the Store settings section, tap Plan.

  1. From the Plan page, click Change Plan in the Plan details section.

  2. Review the currently available plans, and then click Choose plan.

  3. Select a billing cycle and payment method, and then carefully review the plan details, billing cycle and billing date, and plan charges.

  4. Click Start plan. If you don't want to change your plan, then click Cancel.

You can use your new plan right away, and your plan charges are prorated, so you're charged for the new plan starting from the date you change your plan. If you change your billing cycle, then:

  • a bill is issued

  • a new billing cycle starts for your new plan

  • you receive a prorated credit if your new plan costs less than your old plan

If you change your plan without changing your billing cycle, then you continue on the same billing cycle and your payments are adjusted. If you change your billing cycle, then your current plan's bill is immediately sent to you for payment. At the same time, a new billing cycle starts for your new plan, and you're credited for any unused time that you've already paid for.

