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shopify Launchpad 指南和限制

shopify Launchpad Launchpad 指南

Launchpad 指南和限制

查看以下有关创建 Launchpad 活动的指南,包括与产品系列和时间安排相关的限制。


  • 您无法运行或安排时间重叠的活动。例如,假设您安排的活动没有结束日期,并且您想安排新活动,您便需要编辑现有活动,使其结束日期早于新活动的开始日期。

  • 活动的开始时间必须至少安排在前一个活动结束后的五分钟后。


  • 将产品系列添加到 Launchpad 活动时,请确认没有包含超过 1000 个产品的产品系列。

  • 如果您在活动期间编辑产品价格,当活动结束时,产品将恢复为活动前的价格。如果您需要经常更新产品的详细信息,请安排时间较短的活动,以便可在两次活动之间更新详细信息。


  • 活动中的所有百分比折扣将应用于产品的常规价格(而非原价)。促销活动开始时,客户会看到您为活动指定的促销价格。如果您对产品使用了原价,则在活动期间,这些值会更改为产品的常规预售价格。当活动结束时,常规价格和原价都会变回活动开始前的价格。如果您不想在活动期间显示原价,请从模板中将其删除。

  • 如果您创建对产品系列应用折扣的活动,则该产品系列中的产品价格会在活动开始时和活动结束时发生更改。在活动期间向产品系列添加产品不会应用折扣。在活动期间从产品系列中删除产品不会删除折扣,但产品在活动结束时仍会自动恢复常规价格。

  • 批发价格可能受 Launchpad 活动的影响。

  • 同一款产品可能以不同的价格多次添加到同一个活动中。发生这种情况时,任何定价差异都将按如下方式解决:

    例如,您添加了一件雪人 T 恤(常规价格为 30 美元),并将销售价格设置为 20 美元。然后,您添加了一个同样包含相同雪人 T 恤的产品系列,并将折扣设置为 50%。在活动期间,这件 T 恤会以 20 美元的设定价格提供给买家。

    之后,您创建了一个不同的活动并添加了两个产品系列,这两个产品系列中都包含同一件雪人 T 恤(常规价格为 30 美元)。第一个产品系列采用 25% 的折扣,第二个产品系列采用 50% 的折扣。在此活动期间,这件雪人 T 恤会以 50% 的折扣提供给买家,价格为 15 美元。

    • 如果产品有设定价格,则客户将看到此价格。任何产品系列折扣都不适用。

    • 如果产品没有设定价格,系统会向您的客户提供最低折扣价。

  • 客户可以在 Launchpad 活动期间使用折扣码。如果客户申请用于促销产品的折扣码,则该折扣码可应用于促销价格。例如,在 Launchpad 活动期间,一件 1000 美元的衬衫售价 500 美元。在活动期间,拥有九折折扣码的客户即可以 450 美元的价格购买这件衬衫。您不能使用 Launchpad 禁用折扣码,但您可以使用以下任一选项来阻止在活动期间使用折扣码:

    • 您可以使用脚本来阻止在结账时应用折扣码。

    • 您可以编辑活动的模板以从结账中删除折扣码字段,这样您的客户在结账时就无法添加任何折扣码。

    • 您可以在活动期间手动禁用折扣码,然后在活动结束后重新启用它们。通常不建议采用 Shopify Plus 套餐的商店使用此选项,特别是那些有很多折扣码的商店。

  • 如果您将礼品卡的折扣设置为活动的一部分,那么礼品卡的价值也会降低。由于礼品卡被视为一种货币形式,因此您无法使用 Launchpad 以低于其价值的价格销售礼品卡。例如,折扣为 50% 的 50 美元礼品卡,其价格和价值为 25 美元。


  • 如果您在创建活动时从 Launchpad 应用启用了密码页面,则它可能会覆盖您商店的设置。

    • 如果您的商店已存在有效的密码页面,并且在创建活动时您在 Launchpad 中启用密码页面,则在开展活动时该密码页面仍然有效。如果您不在 Shopify 后台的在线商店 > 偏好设置中手动删除该密码页面,该页面则不会被删除。

    • 如果您的商店已存在有效的密码页面,并且在创建活动时您确实在 Launchpad 中启用了密码页面,则在开展活动时该密码页面将被删除。该页面不会在活动结束时恢复。


Launchpad guidelines and limitations

Review the following guidelines about creating Launchpad events, including limitations that are related to collections and scheduling.

On this page

  • Scheduling your event

  • Adding and editing products

  • Managing discounts

  • Enabling your password page

Scheduling your event

  • You can't run or schedule overlapping events. For example, if you have an event scheduled that doesn't have an end date and you want to schedule a new event, then you need to edit the existing event to have an end date that is before the start date for the new event.

  • Events must be scheduled to begin at least five minutes after the previous one has ended.

Adding and editing products

  • When you add collections to a Launchpad event, verify that no collection contains more than 1000 products.

  • If you edit a product's price during an event, then the product returns to its pre-event price when the event ends. If you need to update the details of a product frequently, then schedule shorter events so that the details can be updated between events.

Managing discounts

  • All percentage discounts in an event apply to the regular prices of a product, not the compare at prices. When a sales event starts, your customers see the sale prices that you specified for the event. If you have compare at prices for your products, then for the duration of the event these values change to the regular, pre-sale prices of the products. When the event ends, both the regular and compare at prices change back to the values that they had before the event. If you do not want the compare at prices to be shown during an event, then remove them from your event theme.

  • If you create an event that applies a discount to a collection, then the prices of products in that collection are changed when the event starts and when the event ends. Adding a product to the collection during the event doesn't apply the discount. Removing a product from the collection during the event doesn't remove the discount, though the product still automatically returns to regular price when the event ends.

  • Wholesale prices can be affected by Launchpad events.

  • It is possible for the same product to be added multiple times to the same event for different prices. When this occurs, any pricing differences are resolved as follows:

    • If the product has a set price, then your customer is offered this price. No collection discounts are applied.

    • If there is no set price for the product, then the lowest discounted price is offered to your customer.

      For example, you add a snowman T-shirt (regular price $30) and set the sale price to $20. Then, you add a collection that also contains the same snowman T-shirt and set the discount to 50%. During the event, the T-shirt is offered to your buyers at the set price of $20.

      Later, you create a different event and add two collections that both contain the same snowman T-shirt (regular price $30). The first collection is discounted by 25% and the second collection is discounted by 50%. During this event, the snowman T-shirt is offered to your buyers at the 50% discounted price of $15.

  • Customers can use discount codes during a Launchpad event. If a customer applies a discount code for a product that is on sale, then the discount code is applied to the sale price. For example, during a Launchpad event, a $1000 shirt is offered for $500. During the event, a customer who has a 10% off discount code can purchase this shirt for $450. You cannot use Launchpad to disable discount codes, but you can use one of the following options to prevent discount codes from being used during an event:

    • You can use a script to prevent a discount code from being applied at checkout.

    • You can edit your event's theme to remove the discount code field from your checkout, so your customer cannot add any discount code when they check out.

    • You can manually disable discount codes for the duration of an event and then re-enable them after the event ends. This option is usually not recommended for stores on the Shopify Plus plans, particularly those that have a lot of discount codes.

  • If you set a discount for a gift card as part of your event, then the value of the gift card will also be reduced. Because a gift card is considered a form of currency, you can't sell a gift card for less than its value using Launchpad. For example, a $50 gift card discounted by 50% will have both a price and a value of $25.

Enabling your password page

  • If you enable a password page from the Launchpad app when you're creating an event, then it can override your store's settings.

    • If you already have a password page active for your store and you don't enable one in Launchpad when you create your event, then the password page remains active while your event is running. The password page isn't removed unless you remove it manually from within your Shopify admin at Online store > Preferences.

    • If you already have a password page active for your store and you do enable one in Launchpad when you create your event, then your password page is removed when the event begins. It isn't restored when your event ends.

