
在首次使用读卡器之前,您应为其充满电。读卡器需要大约 4 个小时才能充满电。读卡器需要大约 4 个小时才能充满电。充满电后,读卡器的电池续航时间在使用时为 2-4 小时,在睡眠模式下为 24 小时左右。附带的 USB 线缆通过计算机或标准 USB 电源适配器连接读卡器并为其充电。



电池已充满Battery is full
电池已充满,读卡器已插入Battery is full and card reader is plugged in
电池正在充电,读卡器已插入Battery is charging and card reader is plugged in
电量严重不足Battery is critically low


打开读卡器,请按住设备顶部的电源按钮,直到屏幕上出现 Shopify logo。当读卡器准备就绪时,蓝色 LED 开始闪烁(这可能需要几秒钟时间)。如果您已将其与仍在范围内的设备配对,则读卡器将重新连接到该设备。



与 iPad 或 iPhone 配对

首次将读卡器与 Shopify POS 应用连接时,您必须使用蓝牙将其与 iPad 或 iPhone 配对。在此之后,如果两个设备位于范围内,它们将自动连接。


如果您接受信用卡,并且结账时未连接读卡器,系统会提示您按照 Shopify POS 屏幕上的说明进行连接。


  1. 在 Shopify POS 中,点击  > 设置

  2. 点击设置硬件

  3. 设置硬件页面上,点击读卡器

  4. 选择您的读卡器页面上,点击芯片式和刷卡式

  5. 按住读卡器上的“蓝牙”按钮(或绿色  按钮)5 秒钟。当蓝色的 LED 灯和屏幕上的“蓝牙”图标开始快速闪烁时,说明读卡器已准备好配对。

  6. 点击下一步

  7. 点击转到 iPad 设置

  8. 点击蓝牙 > 在其他设备下,点击读卡器的名称(例如 Shopify 123)读卡器可能需要几秒钟时间才能显示在可用设备列表中。读卡器名称中的数字与读卡器背面的序列号的最后三位数字一致。

  9. 出现蓝牙配对请求对话框时,点击配对以进行确认。

  10. 当读卡器屏幕上出现确认代码时,按绿色的  按钮接受与 iPad 或 iPhone 的蓝牙连接。当蓝色 LED 停止闪烁时,读卡器已成功配对。

  11. 返回 Shopify POS 应用,然后点击完成设置


Charging your card reader

You should fully charge your card reader before using it for the first time. The card reader takes about 4 hours to charge fully. When fully charged, the card reader's battery life is between 2-4 hours when the card reader is in use, and around 24 hours when it's in sleep mode. The included USB cable connects and charges your card reader with a computer or a standard USB power adapter.

You can leave your card reader plugged in, or disconnect it when you need to. If you use a charging stand, then you can mount the card reader beside your cash register and keep it plugged in throughout the day.

The card reader's screen displays the current battery status:

Battery is fullBattery is full
Battery is full and card reader is plugged inBattery is full and card reader is plugged in
Battery is charging and card reader is plugged inBattery is charging and card reader is plugged in
Battery is critically lowBattery is critically low

Power on, off, and sleep mode

To turn on the card reader, press and hold the power button on the top of the device until the Shopify logo appears on the screen. The blue LED starts blinking when the card reader is ready to use (this might take a few seconds). If you’ve paired it with a device that’s still in range, the card reader reconnects to it.

To turn off the card reader, press and hold the power button for three seconds.

To put the card reader in sleep mode, press the power button for a second. You can wake it up by pressing any button on the card reader. The card reader goes to sleep after about a minute of inactivity if it isn’t plugged in.

Pair with your iPad or iPhone

The first time you connect the card reader with the Shopify POS app, you must pair it with your iPad or iPhone using Bluetooth. After that, the two devices connect automatically if they’re within range.

You can press the cancel button on your card reader at any time to stop the pairing process.

If you accept credit cards and your card reader is not connected during a checkout, you are prompted to follow the instructions on the Shopify POS screen to connect it.


  1. From Shopify POS, tap  > Settings.

  2. Tap Set up hardware.

  3. On the Set up hardware page, tap Card reader.

  4. On the Select your card Reader page, tap Tap, Chip & Swipe.

  5. Press and hold the Bluetooth button (or the green  button) on your card reader for 5 seconds. When the blue LED and Bluetooth icon on the screen start blinking quickly, the card reader is ready to be paired.

  6. Tap Next.

  7. Tap Go to iPad Settings.

  8. Tap Bluetooth > Under Other Devices, tap the name of your card reader (for example, Shopify 123). It might take a few seconds before your card reader appears in the list of available devices. The number in your card reader’s name matches the last three digits of serial number on the back of the card reader.

  9. When the Bluetooth Pairing Request dialog appears, tap Pair to confirm.

  10. When the confirmation code appears on your card reader’s screen, press the green  button to accept the Bluetooth connection to your iPad or iPhone. When the blue LED stops blinking, your card reader is successfully paired.

  11. Return to the Shopify POS app, and tap Finish setup.

