shopify 读卡器Chipper 2X BT配对和支付介绍
将 Chipper 2X BT 读卡器与您的 POS 设备进行配对并建立连接
若要将读卡器与 Shopify POS 配合使用,您需要通过 Shopify POS 将读卡器与设备配对。在读卡器与设备配对后,读卡器会在两者都处于打开状态并相互位于连接范围内时自动连接到设备。
在 Shopify POS 中,点击 ≡ > 设置 > 设置硬件。
在选择读卡器页面上,点击 Chipper 2X BT。
按下电源按钮然后松开。当读卡器准备好配对时,LED 状态指示灯会呈蓝色闪烁。
将 Chipper 2X BT 读卡器与 POS 设备取消配对
您一次只能将 Chipper 2X BT 读卡器与一台设备配合使用。如果要将读卡器与其他设备配合使用,则需要先与当前设备取消配对。
在 Shopify POS 中,点击 ≡,然后点击设置。
使用 Chipper 2X BT 读卡器接受感应式支付
您可以使用 Chipper 2X BT 读卡器接受无接触式的感应式支付。
在 Shopify POS 中,点击结账。如果 Chipper 2X BT 读卡器已连接并准备就绪,它将在屏幕顶部显示指示感应、插卡或刷卡。
将非接触式付款卡或设备面向读卡器并保持在相应位置进行感应,直至读卡器正面的四个蓝色状态指示灯亮起。当 Shopify POS 显示已收到付款消息时,表示交易完成。
Pair and connect the Chipper 2X BT card reader to your POS device
To use the card reader with Shopify POS, you need to pair the reader with your device through Shopify POS. After the reader and device are paired, the reader automatically connects to the device whenever both are turned on and in range of each other.
To turn on the card reader, press and release the power button.
In Shopify POS, tap ≡ > Settings > Set up hardware.
Tap Card reader.
On the Select Reader page, tap Chipper 2X BT.
Press and release the power button. The LED status light indicator flashes blue when the card reader is ready for pairing.
When the card reader appears beneath Available card readers, tap Connect beside the name of the card reader.
Unpair the Chipper 2X BT card reader from your POS device
You can only use the Chipper 2X BT card reader with one device at a time. If you want to use the card reader with another device, then you need to first unpair it from its current device.
From Shopify POS, tap ≡, and then tap Settings.
Tap Manage connected hardware.
Tap the name of your connected card reader.
Tap Forget card reader.
Accept a tap payment with the Chipper 2X BT card reader
You can use the Chipper 2X BT card reader to accept contactless tap payments.
Contactless payments can be limited to purchases under a specified amount depending on the payment type. To make purchases for larger amounts, or if your customer has exceeded their tap limit, your customer can insert the card.
From the Shopify POS, tap Checkout. If the Chipper 2X BT card reader is connected and ready, then it displays the instruction Tap, insert, or swipe at the top of the screen.
Tap the contactless payment card or device on the face of the card reader and hold it in place until the four blue status light indicators on the front of the reader light up. When Shopify POS displays a Payment received message, then the transaction is complete.