使用 Chipper 2X BT 读卡器接受芯片卡付款

您可以使用 Chipper 2X BT 读卡器接受芯片卡付款。


  1. Shopify POS 中,点击结账。如果 Chipper 2X BT 读卡器已连接,它将在屏幕顶部显示指示感应、插卡或刷卡

  2. 允许客户感应卡、插卡或刷卡。插卡时,芯片应正面向下朝向读卡器的正面。

  3. 如果需要选择账户,则客户必须选择他们是使用活期账户还是储蓄账户。系统还可能提示用户选择用于完成交易的语言。

  4. 交易成功后,选择是否提供收据,然后点击开始处理新订单。客户现在可以取出他们的卡。

使用 Chipper 2X BT 读卡器接受刷卡付款

您可以使用 Chipper 2X BT 读卡器接受刷卡付款。


  1. 在 Shopify POS 中,点击结账。如果 Chipper 2X BT 读卡器已连接,它将在屏幕顶部显示指示感应、插卡或刷卡

  2. 允许客户感应卡、插卡或刷卡。插卡时,芯片应正面向下朝向读卡器的正面。

  3. 交易成功后,选择是否提供收据,然后点击开始处理新订单。客户现在可以取出他们的卡。


Accept a chip payment with the Chipper 2X BT card reader

You can use the Chipper 2X BT card reader to accept chip card payments.


  1. From the Shopify POS, tap Checkout. If the Chipper 2X BT card reader Reader is connected, then it displays the instruction Tap, insert, or swipe at the top of the screen.

  2. Allow the customer to tap, insert, or swipe their card. The card should be inserted with the chip facing down towards the front of the reader.

  3. If an account selection is required, then the customer must select whether they're using their checking or savings account. The customer might also be prompted to select which language to complete the transaction in.

  4. When the transaction is successful, choose whether to provide a receipt, and then tap Start new order. The customer can now remove their card.

Accept a swipe payment with the Chipper 2X BT card reader

You can use the Chipper 2X BT card reader to accept swipe card payments.


  1. From the Shopify POS, tap Checkout. If the Chipper 2X BT card reader Reader is connected, then it displays the instruction Tap, insert, or swipe at the top of the screen.

  2. Allow the customer to tap, insert, or swipe their card. The card should be inserted with the chip facing down towards the front of the reader.

  3. When the transaction is successful, choose whether to provide a receipt, and then tap Start new order. The customer can now remove their card.

