Shopify Payments 和其他支付服务提供商
Shopify Payments 和其他支付服务提供商
只有将 Shopify Payments 作为主要网关的商店才能处理以客户当地货币支付的付款。兼容的多币种支付选项包括:
Shopify Payments 信用卡付款
Shop Pay
Apple Pay 和 Google Pay
Paypal Express
例如,您的商店货币是美元,并且您以 10 美元的价格出售 T 恤。一名客户选择以欧元查看您的商店,显示的 T 恤价格为 8.90 欧元。如果客户在结账时使用 Shopify Payments 以外的支付服务提供商,则 T 恤的价格会从欧元转换为美元,客户可能会为这件 T 恤支付 10 美元以上的费用。将货币从美元转换为欧元时不收取货币转换费,并且订单页面不会说明该订单是多币种订单。
(产品价格 x 货币转换率)+ 货币转换费
(10.00 美元 x 0.867519) + 1.5% = 8.81 欧元
如果您启用了舍入规则,Shopify 会将总金额向上舍入,您的客户需支付 8.90 欧元。
当市场包含有资格使用一种或多种当地付款方式的国家/地区时,您的市场设置中会显示一张采用可用当地付款方式的付款卡。例如,您拥有一个仅包含比利时的欧洲市场,则付款卡上可以使用 Bancontact。如果您的欧洲市场同时包含比利时和荷兰,则付款卡上会同时提供 Bancontact 和 iDeal。
Your market settings include a payments card that displays eligible local payment methods, as well as a link to your payment settings where you can enable and customize a variety of payment methods.
On this page
Shopify Payments and other payment providers
Local payment methods
Shopify Payments and other payment providers
Only stores with Shopify Payments as the primary gateway can process payments in a customer's local currency. Compatible multi-currency payment options include:
Shopify Payments credit card payments
Shop Pay
Apple Pay and Google Pay
Paypal Express
If your customer selects a local currency, and chooses a payment option from another payment provider, then the price your customer pays is converted into your store currency. As a result, the price that your customer pays might be more than the product price in your store currency.
For example, your store currency is USD, and you sell a T-shirt for 10.00 USD. Your customer chooses to view your store using EUR, and the price of the T-shirt is listed at 8.90 EUR. If your customer checks out using a payment provider other than Shopify Payments, then the price of the T-shirt is converted from EUR to USD, and your customer might pay more that 10.00 USD for the T-shirt. There are no currency conversion fees applied when the currency is converted from USD to EUR, and the Order page doesn't indicate that the order is a multi-currency order.
If your customer checks out using a compatible payment method, then their payment is processed in their local currency. For example:
(Product price x currency conversion rate) + currency conversion fee
(10.00 USD x 0.867519) + 1.5% = 8.81 EUR
If you have rounding rules enabled, then Shopify rounds the total up and your customer pays 8.90 EUR.
Local payment methods
When a market contains a country that is eligible for one or more local payment methods, then a payments card is displayed in your market settings with the available local payment methods. For example, you have a market for Europe that only contains Belgium, then Bancontact is available on the payments card. If you have a market for Europe that contains both Belgium and Netherlands, then both Bancontact and iDeal are available on the payments card.
From the payments card, you can enable or disable an eligible local payment method
Learn more about local payment methods.