


对于您创建的每一价格区间,您必须在每一支持区域中针对服务级别设置运费。如果您未为某个区域启用配送服务,那么该区域将没有可编辑的费用字段。所有运费必须大于或等于 0.00 美元。例如,以下为美国大陆地区的配送价格区间表。此表显示了三个不同的价格区间,其中标准或加急配送具有不同的分段价格:

价格区间 标准配送 加急配送
0.00-50.00 美元 5.00 美元 7.00 美元
50.01-80.00 美元 7.00 美元 9.00 美元
80.01 美元及以上 12.00 美元 15.00 美元

假设买家向您订购了两件商品,分别是价值 24.99 美元的手镯和价值 82.50 美元的手表,并且买家想要加急配送。Amazon Payments 将按照如下方式计算向买家收取的总运费:

24.99 美元 + 82.50 美元 = 107.49 美元 + 15.00 美元 = 122.49 美元






  • 当买家查看您的“我的信息和政策”页面时,您的运费和限制将自动显示在您的“配送帮助”页面。您可在帮助页面编辑信息以便买家做出更好的购买决定。请参阅我的信息和政策,了解有关自定义帮助页面的更多信息。
  • 在编辑这些费用前,您必须使用“配送设置”功能从默认的基于商品的配送切换至价格区间配送
  • 您第一次设置商品价格区间配送时,只有最低价格区间的上限值可用,并预填充为上限值。为上限金额值键入一个值时,系统会自动显示第二个分段的下限金额值,该值高于第一个分段上限金额值 0.01 美元。



  • 配送方式的更改在 4 小时的延迟期过后才会显示给买家。
  • 在您首次更改为价格区间配送时,价格区间为空。在使用此方法计算运费前,您必须为价格区间输入新值。
  • 当您从一种方式切换到另一种方式时,您当前方式的设置将丢失。也就是说,如果您从价格区间配送切换到基于商品的配送,那么您价格区间的当前设置将丢失。


  1. 在【设置】链接中,点击【配送设置】。


  2. 点击【更改为价格区间配送】。


  3. 更改您希望支持的区域,然后点击【继续】。


  4. 要创建首个新价格区间,请点击【添加另一分段】。


  5. 通过在列表的第一分段输入上限金额值添加价格区间。

    例如,您可在第一个框中输入 14.99,将第一个价格区间设置为 0.00 美元至 14.99 美元。

  6. 点击【费用】框,然后输入运费。

    例如,您可输入 8.00。

  7. 如果您想添加另一价格区间,点击【再次添加另一分段】,然后输入区间上限值和费用。


  8. 完成后,点击【继续。】


  9. 点击【确认】。




  • 查看和编辑:具有“查看和编辑”权限的用户可以创建并修改配送配置。
  • 仅查看:具有“仅查看”访问权限的用户仅可查看配送配置。
  • 无权限:“无权限”用户没有此功能的访问权限。



注意: 如果您有权限使用“配送设置”功能,该功能就会出现在“设置”链接中。只有您账户(非 Amazon Payments)的主要账户持有人有权授予您使用此功能的权限。联系他们获得使用此功能的权限。(主要账户持有人是最初注册 Amazon Payments 的人。)在“设置”链接中更改用户权限。



  1. 在【设置运费】页面上,删除“上限”一词,然后输入价格分段的上限金额(例如 100.00)。
  2. 在【运费】框中,输入您想要为属于当前分段的订单收取的运费。
  3. 删除“上限”,输入一个全新的值和运费,您可继续添加更多运费分段。
  4. 如果您需要一个新分段,请点击【添加更多分段】。
    • 您的最后一个分段必须始终包含“上限”作为上限值。
    • 您必须为最后一个分段输入运费。
  5. 添加完您想要的运费后,点击【继续】。
  6. 检查您的更改,然后点击【确认。】


更改将在至少 4 小时后才会生效。在更改锁定前,您有 1 小时时间进行更改。



Setting and editing price tiers

You can use the Shipping settings feature to view and edit price-tier shipping settings. You can create up to ten unique sets of price tiers for each region.

How price-tier shipping works

For each price-tier you create, you must set shipping rates for the service levels in each enabled region. If you do not enable shipping service for a region, then that region will not have editable rate fields. All shipping rates must be greater than or equal to $0.00. For example, here is a Shipping Price-tier table for the Continental U.S. region. This table shows three different price-tiers, with different values for Standard or Expedited shipping:

Price-tiers Standard Expedited
$0.00 - 50.00 $5.00 $7.00
$50.01 - 80.00 $7.00 $9.00
$80.01 - up $12.00 $15.00

Suppose a customer orders two products from you, a bracelet that costs $24.99 and a watch that costs $82.50, and the customer wants Expedited Shipping. Amazon Payments calculates the total shipping charge to the customer as follows:

$24.99 + $82.50 = $107.49 + $15.00 = $122.49






shipping charge


  • Your shipping rates and restrictions automatically appear on your shipping Help pages when customers view Your Information & Policies pages. You can edit the information on your Help pages so customers can make better purchase decisions. See Your Information & Policies page for more information about customizing your Help pages.
  • You must use the Shipping Settings feature to switch from the default item-based shipping to price-tier shipping before you can edit these rates
  • The first time you set up price-tier shipping, only the upper bound limit for the lowest band is available, and it is pre-populated with "Up." When you type a value for the upper bound dollar value, the lower bound dollar value for the second band, $0.01 above the upper bound dollar value for the first band, appears automatically.

Changing shipping methods

You switch between item-based and price-tier shipping using the Shipping settings feature.

  • Changes to your shipping methods do not appear to customers until after the four-hour latency period.
  • When you change to price-tier shipping for the first time, the price-tiers are blank. You must enter new values for your price-tiers before you can use this method of calculating shipping charges.
  • When you switch from one method to another, you lose the settings for the current method. That is, if you switch from price-tier to item-based shipping, then you lose your current set of price tiers.

Switch to price-tier shipping

  1. On the Settings link, click Shipping Settings.

    The Current Shipping Rates and Settings page appears.

  2. Click Change to price-tier shipping.

    The Set Regions page appears.

  3. Make any changes you want to the regions you support, and then click Continue.

    The Set Your Shipping Rates page appears.

  4. To create the first new price tier, click Add another band.

    A blank row appears below the first band.

  5. Add the price-tier by typing a value into the upper bound dollar value for the first band in the list.

    For example, you can type 14.99 in the first box to set the first price tier to $0.00 through $14.99.

  6. Click in the Rate box, then type the rate charge.

    For example, you can type 8.00.

  7. If you want to add another price tier, click Add another band again and then enter the tier upper value and the rate.

    The last tier must always use "Up" as the final value.

  8. When you are done, click Continue

    The Confirm Your Settings page appears. Changes to your rates appear as bold and highlighted text.

  9. Click Confirm.

    The Current Shipping Rates and Settings page appears, showing that you updated your shipping rates.

Setting shipping user permissions

Only users with permission to use the Shipping Settings can change the shipping settings. You use the Permissions Manager to set permission levels for users on your account. There are three levels of permissions:

  • View and Edit: Users with View and Edit permissions can create and modify shipping configurations.
  • View Only: Users with View Only access can only view shipping configurations.
  • No access: Users with No access have no access to this feature.


The primary account holder should carefully specify view and edit permissions for users so that unauthorized accounts cannot create or modify shipping terms.

Note: The Shipping settings feature only appears on the Settings link if you have permissions to use this feature. Only the primary account holder for your account (not Amazon Payments) can grant you permission to use this feature. Contact them to gain access to this feature. (The primary account holder is the person who initially registered with Amazon Payments.) You can change user permissions on the Settings link.

You can use Shipping Settings to view and edit price-banded shipping settings. You can create up to ten unique sets of price bands for each region and service level.

To add a new rate, follow these steps:

  1. On the Set Your Shipping Rates page, delete the word Up and type the upper amount for the band (such as 100.00).
  2. In the Shipment Rate box, type the amount you want to charge for shipping for orders that fall into the current band.
  3. You can continue to add more rate bands by deleting Up and typing a new value and rate.
  4. If you need a new band, click Add more bands.
    • Your last band must always contain Up as the upper value.
    • You must enter a shipment rate for the last band.
  5. When you have finished adding the rates you want, click Continue.
  6. Review your changes and click Confirm.


Changes will not take effect for at least 4 hours. You have 1 hour to make changes before Amazon finalizes them.
