追踪货件: 货件处理进度和货件一览




  • 货件选项卡: 显示您发往亚马逊运营中心的所有货件的状态,包括已创建和正在创建的货件。要查看每个货件的具体信息,包括收货地址和单个 SKU,请点击页面右侧【追踪货件】或【处理货件】按钮下的【下载 SKU 列表】。要取消或删除货件,请点击货件名称或【处理货件】或【追踪货件】按钮,然后点击【取消货件】或【删除货件】。

  • “入库计划”选项卡: 显示您的所有入库计划以及各入库计划的编号和状态。您可以使用【处理中】、【已创建的货件】和【已删除/已取消】单选按钮,按照【状态】进行筛选。还可以按照货件编号和【最后更新】日期排序,查看已发货和已接收的商品。要修改入库计划,请点击入库计划名称或【处理入库计划】或【查看入库计划】按钮,然后进行所需更改。您无法更改工作流程中带有挂锁图标的步骤。



  • 货件动作: 您可以在此选项卡中追踪货件从创建直到完成的整个过程。您可以在同一个页面上查看货件状态的序列,以及有关货件位置的信息。(有关详细信息,请参阅下面的“货件动作”选项卡部分。)

  • 追踪货件: 在此选项卡中,您可以输入承运人的追踪信息,并查看小包裹货件的详细追踪信息。请务必提供此信息,以免在登记时出现不必要的延迟。如果您使用亚马逊合作承运人配送商品,则可以为您的货件打印亚马逊提供的提货单 (BOL)。

  • 货件内商品: 此选项卡提供有关亚马逊确认接收商品的数量信息。

  • 问题: 如果您的货件存在任何问题,则系统将显示此选项卡,其中将提供有关您可以采取的措施的信息。要了解更多信息,请访问卖家平台中的“入库问题反馈”。

  • 货件差异查询: 此选项卡提供有关如何查询货件中的商品数量差异的信息。要了解更多信息,请访问查询货件差异。

  • 托拍: 此选项卡提供有关您发往亚马逊运营中心的托拍的详细信息。



  • 已创建货件: 您的货件已创建。此状态包含两个步骤:

    注意: 如果您使用的是亚马逊合作承运人,则承运人取件后,您的货件将变为【已发货】状态。如果您使用的不是亚马逊合作承运人,则当您在【一览】页面上将货件标记为【已发货】时,您的货件将变为【已发货】状态。

    • 准备发货: 已填写所有货件详情,商品及包装箱已贴好标签,且您的库存已准备好交给承运人。

    • 已发货: 承运人已取走您的货件,或者您已将货件交投承运人。

  • 生成提货单 (BOL): 此状态仅适用于由合作承运人负责配送的汽运零担 (LTL) 和整车运输 (FTL) 货件。承运人开具提货单,以确认您同意投递您的货件。必须提供提货单,以便在运营中心交货时能够进行快速货运验证。对于由合作承运人负责配送的汽运零担和整车运输货件,提货单将在取件当天的当地时间上午 8 点之前生成,并将使用电子邮件方式发送至您列为货件【联系人】的地址。有关更多信息,请浏览有关汽运零担、整车运输和整箱装载配送的卖家要求。

  • 取件: 此状态适用于由合作承运人负责配送的汽运零担和整车运输货件,且表示承运人已取走货件。请务必在取件期间将提货单交给承运人。如果承运人迟到,请使用提货单上的信息直接联系承运人。如有其他问题,请联系销售伙伴支持。

  • 投件: 此状态仅适用于从中国发出的汽运零担和整车运输货件。您或您的承运人将货件投放至亚马逊在中国的装运点。

  • 运输中: 亚马逊已收到来自承运人的信息,表明您的货件已在配送途中。如果您使用的是亚马逊合作承运人,则追踪信息将自动更新,且您将在【货件动作】选项卡中看到一个地图,显示您货件的最后更新位置。该地图记录了收取的第一个小包裹货件箱或第一个汽运零担或整车运输配送货件托拍的位置。


  • 已完成配送: 亚马逊已收到来自承运人的信息,指明您的货件可进行配送,或已运送至运营中心院内,但运营中心尚未登记该货件。

    重要: 对于小包裹货件,从计划送达日期到变为【已登记】状态最多需要 4 天时间。对于汽运零担和整车运输配送货件,最多需要 10 天时间。在高峰时段,可能需要更长时间。


  • 已登记: 运输您货件的拖车从场地移至垛口门并可以卸货。已登记库存尚未完成接收流程。

    重要: 对于小包裹货件,从【已登记】状态变为【正在接收】状态最多可能需要两天时间。对于汽运零担和整车运输配送货件,最多需要 9 天时间。在高峰时段,可能需要更长时间。

  • 正在接收: 亚马逊已开始扫描您的货件编号标签。商品一经接收,便立即处于可售状态。但是,由于商品可能会发往距离买家更近的其他运营中心,因此已收到的商品最多需要 18 天才能开始配送。


    注意: 未能遵循亚马逊的包装、预处理或运输要求可能会导致货件接收出现延迟。有关更多信息,请参阅包装和预处理要求、运输和路线安排要求、汽运零担、整车运输和整箱装载配送的卖家要求和配送至亚马逊的小包裹快递。

  • 已完成: 亚马逊已根据您的配送数量确认货件中实际收到的商品数量。如果您的货件存在任何问题,则该货件现在符合调查条件。

    如果您的货件持续 90 天或更长时间处于【正在接收】状态无更新,或持续 180 天或更长时间处于其他状态,则货件将自动变为【已完成】状态。


  • 配送流程一览

  • 入库问题一览

  • 查询货件差异

  • 计划外服务


  1. 请在【设置】下拉菜单中选择【通知首选项】。

  2. 转至【订单通知】部分,单击【编辑】。

  3. 点击以选中【货件已达到通知】旁的复选框。(要停止接收通知,请取消选中该复选框。)

  4. 点击【保存】。



  • 汽运零担或整车运输取件: 承运人从您的【发货】地址收取汽运零担或整车运输货件的日期。

  • 到货预约请求: 亚马逊收到承运人提出的运营中心到货预约请求的日期和时间。

  • 到货预约通过: 亚马逊为承运人预约将货件发往亚马逊运营中心的日期和时间。

  • 到货预约: 到货预约日期。

  • 已在垛口登记: 亚马逊运营中心登记货件的日期和时间。

  • 已在垛口卸货: 亚马逊运营中心开始卸货的时间。


Track your shipments: Shipping Queue and Shipment Summary

The Shipping Queue page provides details on all the shipments you are working on and those you have sent to Amazon. The Shipment Summary page provides details on a specific shipment sent to Amazon.

Shipping Queue

To find the Shipping Queue, select Manage FBA Shipments from the Inventory drop-down menu in Seller Central. The page has two tabs:

  • Shipments tab: Displays the status of all the shipments you have created and are creating to send to Amazon fulfillment centers. To see the specifics for each shipment, including ship-to address and individual SKUs, click Download SKU list on the right side of the page, under the Track Shipment or Work on Shipment button. To cancel or delete a shipment, click the shipment name, or the Work on shipment or Track shipment button, and then click Cancel shipment or Delete shipment.

  • Shipping Plans tab: Displays all your shipping plans, the plan IDs, and the status of each. You can filter by Status by using the Working, Shipments Created, and Deleted/canceled radio buttons. You also can sort by plan ID and the Last updated date, and see both shipped and received units. To modify a shipping plan, click the shipping plan name, or the Work on shipping plan or View shipping plan button, and make the changes you want. You won’t be able to change steps in the workflow that are marked with a padlock icon.

Shipment Summary page

The Shipment Summary page can have up to six tabs:

  • Shipment events: This tab lets you track your shipments from creation to closure. You can see the sequence of the shipment’s statuses on one page, along with information about the shipment’s location. (See the Shipment events tab section below for details.)

  • Track shipments: On this tab, you can enter your carrier’s tracking information and see tracking details for small-parcel shipments. Be sure to provide this information to avoid unnecessary delays at check-in. When you are shipping with an Amazon-partnered carrier, you can print the Amazon-provided bill of lading (BOL) for your shipment.

  • Shipment contents: This tab provides information on the number of units for which Amazon has confirmed receipt.

  • Problems: If there are any problems with your shipment, this tab will be visible and will provide information about the actions you can take. To learn more, visit Inbound performance feedback in Seller Central.

  • Reconcile: This tab provides information on how to reconcile units in your shipment. To learn more, visit Reconcile your shipment.

  • Pallets: This tab provides details on the pallets you have sent to Amazon fulfillment centers.

Shipment events tab

The Shipment events tab on the Shipping Summary page provides step-by-step updates about shipments from creation to closing, giving you better visibility into the status of your inventory. Here are descriptions of each status and its requirements:

  • Shipment created: Your shipment has been created. This status includes two steps:

    Note: If you are using an Amazon-partnered carrier, your shipment will enter Shipped status when the carrier picks it up. If you are not using an Amazon-partnered carrier, your shipment will enter Shipped status when you mark it as Shipped on the Summary page.

    • Ready to ship: All shipment details have been completed, units and boxes have been labeled, and your inventory is ready to hand off to the carrier.

    • Shipped: The carrier has picked up your shipment, or you have dropped it off with the carrier.

  • Generate bill of lading (BOL): This status applies only to less than truckload (LTL) and full truckload (FTL) shipments sent with a partnered carrier. The carrier issues a BOL to acknowledge your agreement to tender your shipment. BOLs are needed to enable quick freight verification on delivery to the fulfillment center. For LTL and FTL shipments sent with a partnered carrier, a BOL will be generated no later than 8 a.m. local time on the day of pickup and will be emailed to the address you listed as the Contact person for the shipment. For more information, visit Seller requirements for LTL, FTL, and FCL deliveries.

  • Pick up: This status applies to LTL and FTL shipments sent with a partnered carrier and indicates that the carrier has picked up the shipment. Be sure to give the BOL to the carrier during pickup. If the carrier is late, contact the carrier directly using information on the BOL. For other issues, contact Seller Support.

  • Drop off: This status applies only to LTL and FTL shipments sent from China. Either you or your carrier drop off your shipment at the Amazon loading point in China.

  • In transit: Amazon has received information from the carrier that your shipment is on its way. If you're shipping with an Amazon-partnered carrier, tracking information will be updated automatically and you will see a map on the Shipment events tab showing the last updated location of your shipment. The map tracks the location of the first box picked up in your small-parcel shipment or the first pallet picked up in your LTL or FTL shipment.

    For LTL and FTL shipments sent with a partnered carrier, you'll see the fulfillment center dock appointment date. If you’re not using a partnered carrier, make sure your carrier schedules a delivery appointment with the fulfillment center. For more information, see Carrier requirements for LTL and FTL deliveries.

  • Delivered: Amazon has received information from the carrier that your shipment is ready for delivery, or that it was delivered to the fulfillment center facility yard but that the fulfillment center has not yet checked it in.

    Important: For small-parcel shipments, it can take up to four days for your shipment to move to Checked in status from your scheduled delivery date. For LTL and FTL shipments, it can take up to 10 days. During peak times, it may take longer.

    Occasionally, a shipment that has been delivered to the fulfillment center will not display as Delivered. This can occur because of information between the carrier and the fulfillment center not syncing.

  • Checked in: The trailer your shipment is on has been moved from the facility yard to the dock door and is ready to be unloaded. Checked-in inventory has not yet been through the receiving process.

    Important: For small-parcel shipments, it can take up to two days to move from Checked in status to Receiving status. For LTL and FTL shipments, it can take up to nine days. During peak times, it may take longer.

  • Receiving: Amazon has started scanning your shipment ID labels. Units are available for sale as soon as they are received. However, because units may be sent to other fulfillment centers closer to customers, it can take up to 18 days for received units to be available for immediate shipping.

    The date that your shipment becomes eligible for investigation will be shown after all your boxes have been checked in. On or after this date, if there is any issue with your shipment, it will be eligible for investigation. For more information, visit How Amazon receives and stores your inventory and Received inventory report.

    Note: Not adhering to Amazon's packaging, prep, or shipping requirements may delay receiving. For more information, see Packaging and prep requirements, Shipping and routing requirements, Seller requirements for LTL, FTL, and FCL deliveries, and Small parcel delivery to Amazon.

  • Closed: Amazon has confirmed the actual number of units received in your shipment against your shipped quantity. If there is any issue with your shipment, it is now eligible for investigation.

    Your shipment will automatically enter Closed status if it has remained in Receiving status for 90 days or longer with no updates, or in other statuses for 180 days or longer.

More resources:

  • Summary of shipment process

  • Inbound performance summary

  • Reconcile your shipment

  • Unplanned services

To get email notifications when shipments are in Checked-in, Receiving, or Closed status:

  1. Select Notification Preferences in the Settings drop-down menu.

  2. Locate the Order Notifications section and click Edit.

  3. Click to check the box next to Inbound Shipment Notifications. (To stop getting notifications, uncheck the box.)

  4. Click Save.

Dock appointment tracking

In the Shipments tab of the Shipping Queue, dock appointments for LTL and FTL shipments are tracked with date stamps under the Work on shipment and Track shipment buttons. Dock appointment tracking will work only if you marked the shipment as Shipped. Dock appointment details include:

  • LTL or FTL pickup: The date when the carrier picked up the LTL or FTL shipment from your Ship from address.

  • Dock appointment requested: The date and time Amazon received a request from the carrier for a dock appointment at the fulfillment center.

  • Dock appointment granted: The date and time Amazon made an appointment for the carrier to deliver the shipment to the fulfillment center.

  • Dock appointment: The date of the dock appointment.

  • Checked in at dock: The date and time the fulfillment center checked in the shipment.

  • Unloaded at dock: The date and time the fulfillment center started unloading the shipment.

