
如果您的商店使用的是 Basic Shopify 套餐或更高级的套餐,则可以筛选报告以显示您需要的特定信息。您还可以在报告中添加或删除列。

如果您的商店使用的是 Advanced Shopify 套餐或更高级的套餐,则可以保存已筛选和编辑的报告,也可以从头开始创建自定义报告。如果您的商店使用的是 Shopify 套餐,则您应用的所有筛选条件或编辑内容都是暂时性的。


  • 筛选条件概述

  • 筛选报告

  • 添加或删除报告中的列



Billing country is Australia




Billing country is not Australia




name  operator  values

  • 名称标识特定筛选条件,并对应于一列。例如:Billing city

  • 运算符会将您指定的值与实际数据进行比较。目前提供两种运算符:is 和 is notis 运算需要完全匹配,类似于等号。

  • 是您要筛选的特定字词或数字。例如:Australia 或 Toronto or New York

对于示例筛选条件 Billing country is Australia 而言:

  • Billing country 是名称

  • is 是运算符

  • Australia 是


  • Sale channel name kind is Online Store使用此筛选条件的报告仅显示在线商店销售额。通过其他渠道获得的销售额排除在外。

  • Product type is not Bracelet使用此筛选条件的销售报告显示除手镯之外的所有产品的销售额。



  • 如果筛选条件具有一个名称组件并使用 is 运算符,但具有多个,那么报告中将包含与任何值匹配的数据。例如:Billing city is Toronto or New York City。使用此筛选条件的报告中会同时显示多伦多和纽约的销售额数据。

  • 如果筛选条件具有一个名称组件,并使用 is not 运算符,且具有多个,那么报告中将包含与任何值都不匹配的数据。例如:Billing city is not Toronto or New York City。使用此筛选条件的报告中会显示除多伦多和纽约销售额以外所有内容的数据。

  • 如果筛选条件使用的是 is 运算符,并且具有不同的名称组件,则仅包含与所有筛选条件都匹配的数据。例如:Billing city is Toronto 和 Sales channel name is Online Store。在本例中,仅包含在线商店对多伦多实现的销售额的数据。多伦多 POS 销售额不包括在内。在线商店对纽约实现的销售额也不包括在内。



备注:尽管您可以对除财务报告以外的任何报告进行筛选,但是只有使用 Advanced Shopify 套餐或更高级的套餐时才能保存筛选后的报告。例如,如果您的商店使用的是 Shopify 套餐,那么您可以对报告进行筛选并打印或导出报告,但是您无法保存筛选后的报告并稍后重新打开它。


  1. 打开报告。

  2. 点击管理筛选条件

  3. 点击添加筛选条件

  4. 从下拉列表中选择筛选条件。筛选条件是按类别分组的。

  5. 设置筛选条件:

    如果要按空值筛选,请选择 N/A 以表示该值不适用。

    您可以指定多个值。如果筛选条件使用相同的 name 运算符,则在任何匹配的情况下,数据将包含在报告中。 3. 如果您想设置更多筛选条件,请点击添加筛选条件并设置更多筛选条件。如果筛选条件使用不同的名称运算符,则仅在所有筛选条件都匹配时才会包含数据。

    1. 在该字段旁,对运算符选择

    2. 在搜索区域中,键入要筛选的任何值,或从下拉列表中选择一个值。下拉列表显示与报告和时间范围相关的值,即使这些值当前并未在报告中显示。

  6. 点击应用筛选条件

如果您想保存筛选后的报告以供将来使用,并且您的商店使用的是 Advanced Shopify 套餐或更高级的套餐,请点击另存为,然后输入名称并点击保存。随后您就能从报告页面上的自定义报告部分打开您的报告了。

如果您的商店使用的是 Shopify 套餐,则您可以打印或导出筛选后的报告,但无法进行保存。



若要删除筛选条件,请点击它旁边的 X




  1. 点击管理筛选条件

  2. 点击添加筛选条件

  3. 在下拉菜单中,选择销售渠道名称

  4. 搜索字段中,开始键入 online,然后选择在线商店。您不必选择 is 运算符,因为它是默认值。

  5. 点击应用筛选条件。报告现在仅显示通过在线商店渠道实现的销售额。筛选条件显示在图表上方,有效筛选条件的数量显示在日期范围下方。如果想进一步筛选数据,以显示除一种特定产品外的所有产品的销售额,请进行以下操作:

  6. 点击管理筛选条件

  7. 点击添加筛选条件

  8. 在第二个筛选器的下拉列表中,选择产品名称

  9. 搜索字段中,开始键入产品名称,并在出现时选择该名称。在本例中,产品为 Dock Shoes

  10. 选择不是排除此产品。

  11. 点击应用筛选条件

报告现在有两个筛选器。报告仅显示通过在线商店渠道实现的销售额,并且不包括 Dock Shoes 产品。

如果这是一次性使用的报告,那么您可以打印或者导出此报告。如果您想保留此报告以供将来使用,并且您的商店使用的是 Advanced Shopify 套餐或更高级的套餐,那么您可以保存此报告。



备注:尽管您可以在除“财务”报告以外的任何报告中添加和删除列,但是如果要保存编辑后的报告,您的商店需要使用 Advanced Shopify 套餐或更高级套餐。例如,如果您的商店使用的是 Shopify 套餐,则您可以在报告中添加列并打印或导出报告,但是您无法保存编辑后的报告并在以后重新打开它。


  1. 打开报告。

  2. 点击编辑列。下拉列表会显示您可以添加或删除的列。默认显示的列带有复选标记。

  3. 查看要添加的列。取消选中要删除的列。

如果您想保留编辑后的报告以供将来使用,并且您的商店使用的是 Advanced Shopify 套餐或更高级的套餐,请点击另存为,然后输入名称并点击保存。随后您就能从报告页面上的自定义报告部分打开您的报告了。


如果您要引用按推荐来源显示流量报告,并且需要有关推荐来源的更具体的详细信息,请点击编辑列,然后选择 推荐来源网站


如果这是一次性使用的报告,那么您可以打印或者导出此报告。如果您想保留此报告以供将来使用,并且您的商店使用的是 Advanced Shopify 套餐或更高级的套餐,那么您可以保存此报告。


Filtering and editing your reports

If your store is on the Basic Shopify plan or higher, then you can filter your reports to show the specific information you need. You can also add or remove columns in your reports.

If your store is on the Advanced Shopify plan or higher, then you can save your filtered and edited reports or create custom reports from scratch. If your store is on the Shopify plan, then any filters or edits that you apply are temporary.

On this page

  • Filters overview

  • Filter your reports

  • Add or remove columns in your reports

Filters overview

You can think of a filter as being like a mathematical expression that uses numbers or words. Here’s an example:

Billing country is Australia

If a sales report uses this filter, then the report shows only your sales that were made to Australia. All the other sales are left out of the report.

The filter is shown above the report's data.

Here’s a second example:

Billing country is not Australia

If a sales report uses this filter, then the report shows all your sales worldwide, except for any sales in Australia. The Australian sales are left out of the report.

Components of a filter

A filter is always made up of three components in the following order:

name  operator  values

  • The name identifies a specific filter, and corresponds with a column. For example: Billing city.

  • The operator compares the values that you specify to the actual data. Currently, two operators are available: is and is not. The is operator requires an exact match, like an equals sign.

  • The values are the specific words or numbers that you want to filter on. For example: Australia, or Toronto or New York.

For the example filter Billing country is Australia:

  • Billing country is the name

  • is is the operator

  • Australia is the value

Here are a few more examples of filters:

  • Sale channel name kind is Online Store A report that uses this filter shows only Online Store sales. Sales through other channels are left out.

  • Product type is not Bracelet A sales report that uses this filter shows the sales for any product, except bracelets.

Using more than one filter

You can set up more than one filter for a report:

  • If a filter has one name component and uses the is operator, but has more than one value, then data is included in the report if any of the values match. For example: Billing city is Toronto or New York City. In a report with this filter, data is shown for both Toronto and New York City sales.

  • If a filter has one name component and uses the is not operator, with more than one value, then data is included in the report if none of the values match. For example: Billing city is not Toronto or New York City. In a report with this filter, data is shown for everything, except Toronto and New York City sales.

  • If the filters use the is operator and have different name components, then data is included only if all the filters match. For example: Billing city is Toronto and Sales channel name is Online Store In this example, data is included only for sales to Toronto that were made in the online store. Toronto POS sales are not included. Neither are online store sales to New York.

Filter your reports

You can filter reports to narrow down the information that is shown by default. For example, you can add a filter to show only sales for a specific sales channel, or to a specific shipping area.


  1. Open a report.

  2. Click Manage filters.

  3. Click Add filter.

  4. From the drop-down list, select a filter. The filter are grouped by category.

  5. Set up the filter:

    1. Beside the field, select the operator is or is not.

    2. In the search area, type any value that you want to filter by or select a value from the drop-down list. The drop-down list shows values that are relevant to the report and time range, even if those values aren’t currently displayed in the report.

      If you want to filter by a value that is empty, then select N/A to indicate that the value is not applicable.

      You can specify more than one value. If a filter uses the same name operator, then data is included in the report if any of the values match.

    3. If you want to set up more filters, then click Add filter and set up more of them. If the filters use different name operators, then data is included only if all the filters match.

  6. Click Apply filters.

If you want to save the filtered report for future use and your store is on the Advanced Shopify plan or higher, then click Save as, enter a name, and click Save. You can then open your report from the Custom reports section on the Reports page.

If your store is on the Shopify plan, then you can print or export your filtered report, but you can’t save it.

Remove filters

If you don't want to use a filter any more, then you can permanently remove it. You can't recover filters, so if you have set up a complex filter, you might want to save the report with a new name.

To remove a filter, click the X beside it.

Example: Filter the Sales by month report

The Sales by month report displays your sales across all your sales channels. You can limit your sales date to your Online Channel only.


  1. Click Manage filters.

  2. Click Add filter.

  3. In the drop-down list, select Sales channel name.

  4. In the Search field, start typing online, and then select Online Store. You don’t have to select the is operator, because it’s the default.

  5. Click Apply filters. The report now shows only sales through the Online Store channel. The filter is shown above the graph, and the number of active filters is shown below the date range. If you want to filter the data further to show sales in that channel for all but one specific product, then:

  6. Click Manage filters.

  7. Click Add filter.

  8. In the drop-down list for the second filter, select Product title.

  9. In the Search field, start typing the name of the product and select it when it appears. In this example, the product is Dock Shoes.

  10. Select is not to exclude this product.

  11. Click Apply filters.

The report now has both filters. It shows only the sales through the Online Store channel, and excludes the Dock Shoes product.

If this is a one-time use report, then you could print or export it. If you wanted to keep the report for future use, and your store was on the Advanced Shopify plan or higher, then you could save it.

Add or remove columns in your reports

You can add and remove columns in most reports to show more or less information than is shown by default.


  1. Open a report.

  2. Click Edit columns. A drop-down list shows the columns that you can add or remove. The columns that are shown by default have a checkmark.

  3. Check the columns you want to add. Uncheck the columns you want to remove.

If you want to save the edited report for future use and your store is on the Advanced Shopify plan or higher, then click Save as, enter a name, and click Save. You can then open your report from the Custom reports section on the Reports page.

Example: Add a column to the Sessions by referrer report

If you're referencing the Sessions by referrer report and you want more specific details about your referrers, click Edit columns, and then select Referrer site.

The report now displays the column that you added and the site referral data.

If this is a one-time use report, then you can then print or export it. If you want to keep the report for future use and your store is on the Advanced Shopify plan or higher, then you can save it.

