对于使用制造商条形码追踪的库存,具有相同 ASIN 的每个卖家来源库存将分开存储在我们的运营中心。我们还可以追踪每件商品的原始卖家。
将商品的配送方式从卖家自配送更改为亚马逊配送时的 ASIN
您的首个亚马逊物流货件: 贴标
只有一个可扫描条形码,该条形码与亚马逊目录中的一个 ASIN 相符
注意: 如果制造商条形码与多个 ASIN 相符,则需要使用亚马逊条形码。在其他情况下,我们可能也会要求使用亚马逊条形码。如果发生这种情况,我们会提前通知您。
请等待 24 小时,确保更改得到完全处理,然后再创建新商品。
您在更改条形码后为某个 ASIN 创建的每个货件都将反映这一新设置,直到您再次更改为止。对于亚马逊条形码,您必须在每件商品上贴上标签。对于制造商条形码,您必须贴上符合要求的条形码(GCID、UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN)之一。
注意: 自 2018 年 4 月 17 日起,GCID 不可代替 UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN 创建 ASIN。如果您的品牌已获准加入亚马逊品牌注册计划且您的商品没有 UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN,请申请全球贸易项目代码豁免。
更改单个 ASIN 的条形码设置
【转换现有商品】。 您的现有商品可以直接从亚马逊条形码转换为制造商条形码。除非商品的库存正运往运营中心和/或已位于运营中心,否则现有商品均符合转换条件。
【创建新商品】。 如果商品库存正运往运营中心和/或已位于运营中心,则您需要创建新的卖家 SKU。新的卖家 SKU 不得超过 40 个字符。创建新商品需要 15 分钟或更短时间。
使用制造商条形码: 转换符合要求的商品时,符合要求的商品也可以转换为使用制造商条形码。您可以生成一个 Excel 文件,其中包含现有库存的资格详情,以及有关如何更新和上传文件以转换符合要求的商品的说明。
注意: 对于需要创建新商品信息(即卖家 SKU)的商品,请确保新的 SKU 名称和使用亚马逊条形码的 SKU 易于区分。
切换至制造商条形码或亚马逊条形码后,在创建新商品时,旧卖家 SKU 的信息通常不会继续适用。请阅读以下内容,了解需要在哪些方面对您的新 SKU 执行操作:
【库存建议。】新 SKU 将拥有自己的库存建议。为避免混淆,请考虑停售旧 SKU 商品并提交移除订单,申请将商品退还给您。
【推荐定价】。 推荐定价不适用于新 SKU。这是因为当商品在过去 60 天内但非最近七天内售出时,某些提示才会显示,无论其浏览量如何。我们建议您对新 SKU 使用过去的推荐定价。
【广告建议】。 仅当有一定数量的买家查看新 SKU 后,系统才会针对其显示广告建议。如果您收到过旧 SKU 的提示,并想使用可用的促销,请将其应用于新 SKU。
【企业商品价格和数量折扣】。如果您是 Amazon Business 卖家,您将收到这些建议。请考虑将这些建议应用到新 SKU,因为之前的建议不会立即面向新 SKU 显示。
【库存规划】。您的新旧 SKU 将在管理冗余库存、亚马逊物流库龄和无在售信息的亚马逊库存下分别拥有一个单独条目。
【定向广告。】如果您想继续发布商品推广等定向广告,请针对新 SKU 单独发布这些广告。
【计划中的 ASIN】。转换后的 ASIN 可能无法再参与卖家自配送 Prime 和亚马逊物流轻小商品计划。
【全球开店。】新 SKU 将仅面向美国商城创建。如果您想在全球范围内销售,请在每个目标商城重新发布。
【秒杀。】如果您想为新 SKU 创建秒杀,请将其库存发送到运营中心。库存仅在到达运营中心后才符合秒杀要求。此外,我们建议您追踪该 ASIN,以确保其始终符合秒杀要求。
Using the manufacturer barcode to track inventory
Each product fulfilled by Amazon requires a barcode. We will always use the manufacturer’s barcode to track your inventory throughout the fulfillment process, unless you change your barcode setting.
If multiple sellers have inventory with the same manufacturer barcode, Amazon may fulfill orders using products with that barcode when those products are closest to the customer. This happens regardless of which seller actually receives a customer’s order. We use this process to facilitate faster delivery.
How the manufacturer barcode works
When you receive a customer order:
We may fulfill that order using another seller’s unit of the same product if it’s closer to the customer
You receive credit for the sale
We instantly transfer a unit of the ordered product from your inventory to that of the other seller
When another seller receives an order for the same product:
We may use a unit of your inventory to fulfill that seller’s order
That seller receives credit for the sale
We instantly transfer a unit of the ordered product from the seller’s inventory to yours
For inventory tracked with the manufacturer barcode, each seller’s sourced inventory of the same ASIN is stored separately in our fulfillment centers. We can also track the original seller of each unit.
To fulfill your orders exclusively with your inventory, you can switch to the Amazon barcode at any time (see Changing your barcode setting below).
You can change your barcode setting for:
Each offer you create or
The ASIN when you change a listing from Fulfilled by Merchant to Fulfilled by Amazon
For more information, see these Seller University videos:
Your first FBA Shipment: Labeling
Inventory Labeling Requirements
How to Label Products for Fulfillment by Amazon
Product eligibility
To ensure that we can track your inventory accurately, Amazon has specific eligibility requirements for products using the manufacturer barcode. To qualify, products must:
Be in new condition
Have only one scannable barcode that is matched to one ASIN in the Amazon catalog
Have no expiration date
Not be consumable or topical products such as skin creams, shampoos, or cosmetics
Not be dangerous goods
Note: If the manufacturer barcode matches more than one ASIN, an Amazon barcode is required. We may also require the Amazon barcode in other cases. If this happens, we will notify you in advance.
Change your barcode setting
To change your barcode setting at any time:
Go to Fulfillment by Amazon Settings.
Scroll down to FBA Product Barcode Preference and click Edit.
Select Manufacturer barcode or Amazon barcode, then click Update.
Please allow 24 hours for the changes to be fully processed before creating new offers.
Because the new setting will apply only to new offers, you cannot change the setting for existing offers. To use a new barcode setting, you must create a new offer or change the barcode setting for each existing offer.
Each shipment you create for an ASIN after changing your barcode will reflect this new setting until you change it. For the Amazon barcode, you must apply a sticker on each unit. For the manufacturer barcode, you must apply one of the eligible barcodes (GCID, UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN).
Note: As of April 17, 2018, GCIDs can no longer be used in place of a UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN to create ASINs. If your brand has been approved for the Brand Registry program and you don’t have UPCs, EANs, JANs, or ISBNs for your products, apply for GTIN exemption.
Changing the barcode setting for a single ASIN
You can use the manufacturer barcode for eligible products by changing a listing from Fulfilled by Merchant to Fulfilled by Amazon. For offers that are already set to Fulfilled by Amazon, you must create a new offer to use the manufacturer barcode.
The same process applies when you change to the Amazon barcode.
Removing inventory tracked using manufacturer barcodes
If you submit a removal order for inventory tracked using manufacturer barcodes, you will receive units with those same barcodes. However, they might not be the exact units that you originally sent to Amazon.
Converting to the manufacturer barcode
Every time you create a shipment, a notification on the Set Quantity page will show which of your offers qualify for the manufacturer barcode. To begin switching from the Amazon barcode to the manufacturer barcode, click Convert. You can also replace your current offer with the offer just created.
You can convert to the manufacturer barcode in one of two ways:
Convert an existing offer. Your existing offer can be converted from the Amazon barcode. Offers qualify for conversion unless inventory for the item is on the way to a fulfillment center, already at a fulfillment center, or both.
Create a new offer. When inventory for the item is on the way to a fulfillment center, already at a fulfillment center, or both, a new merchant SKU is required. The new merchant SKU must be no longer than 40 characters. Creating a new offer takes 15 minutes or less.
Eligible offers can also be converted to the manufacturer barcode when you go to Manufacturer barcode: Convert eligible offers. You can generate an Excel file with eligibility details for your existing inventory, along with instructions on how to update and upload the file to convert your eligible offers.
Note: For offers that require a new listing with a merchant SKU, make sure that name of the new SKU and the SKU that uses an Amazon barcode are easy to tell apart.
Important changes between old and new offers with the Manufacturer barcode
When you create a new offer after switching to the Manufacturer barcode or Amazon barcode, information from the old merchant SKU usually won’t apply. Read the following to see where action is required for your new SKU:
Inventory recommendations. The new SKU will have its own recommendations. To avoid confusion, consider closing the old SKU’s offer and placing a removal order to have units returned to you.
Pricing recommendations. Recommendations will not be available for the new SKU. That’s because certain nudges will show when a product has sold in the past 60 days but not in the past seven days, despite glance views. We recommend using the past pricing recommendation for the new SKU.
Advertising recommendations. Recommendations will not be shown on the new SKU until a certain number of customers has viewed them. If you received a nudge on the old SKU and want to use available promotions, apply them to the new SKU.
Business prices and quantity discounts.If you are an Amazon Business seller, you receive these recommendations. Because past recommendations will be not be immediately available for the new SKU, consider applying them to that SKU.
Inventory planning.Your new and old SKUs will have separate entries under Manage Excess Inventory, FBA Inventory Age, and Stranded Inventory.
Targeted advertising. If you want to continue targeted advertising such as Sponsored Products, launch them separately on the new SKU.
ASINs in programs.Converted ASINs may no longer be eligible for Seller Fulfilled Prime and FBA Small and Light.
Selling globally. The new SKU will be created only for the US marketplace. If you want to sell it globally, relist it in every desired marketplace.
Lightning Deals. If you want to create a Lightning Deal for the new SKU, send inventory for it to a fulfillment center. The inventory will be eligible only after it arrives there. Also, we recommend that you track the ASIN to make sure it remains eligible for Lightning Deals.