- 您必须在 2 个工作日内配送媒介类商品(图书、音乐、影视)。对于非媒介类商品,您必须于您在商品上传数据中为此类商品指定的配送有效日期之前发货。
- 您必须向亚马逊确认您已完成发货后,才能获得订单付款。此确认还将触发亚马逊向买家发送发货确认电子邮件并设置预计送达日期。
- 检查默认配送设置,并针对您的配送模式进行自定义设置。
- 每天至少检查一次您账户中的订单。
注意: 即使您的商品状态已设为不可售,您也必须在 24 小时内处理退货请求并回复来自买家的消息。
- 安排订单报告,确保为所有订单和订单详情生成权威报告。
- 请勿在包装材料上随附任何营销或促销材料。
- 请勿依靠电子邮件通知来了解账户活动。电子邮件可能丢失或被删除。
Expectations for shipping buyer orders
There are certain shipping expectations you must follow in your order fulfillment processes.
- You must ship media products (books, music, DVD, and video) within two business days. Non-media products must be shipped by the shipping availability date you specify in the product feed.
- You must notify Amazon once you have shipped your orders so that you can receive payment. This notification will also trigger Amazon's shipment confirmation email to the buyer, which includes the estimated delivery date.
- Review default shipping settings and customize to fit your fulfillment model.
- Check your account at least daily for orders.
Note: You must process return requests and respond to messages from customers within 24 hours, even if your listings are set to Inactive.- Schedule order reports to ensure an authoritative report of all orders and order information.
- Do not include any marketing or promotional materials with packing materials.
- Do not rely on email notifications of account activity. Emails can get lost or deleted.