











很显然,用户会倾向于购买更喜欢买适合她们尺寸的的产品! 在Wish平台上,如果商户提供了完整精准且多种尺码的产品的商户,那么 他们的销售表现会明显好于那些只提供有限尺码和款式的商户。

首先,登入你的Wish商户账号。 你可以通过点击右上角的”登陆”按钮,来进入你的账号。





How To: Add Sizes And Colors To Products Via Manual Or CSV Upload

Add More Sizes & Colors via Manual Upload

Adding additional colors and sizes manually is super simple. First, you'll need to get to the Manual upload page. Here are some quick directions for doing so:

  1. First, log into your Wish for Merchants account. You can do this on the Wish for Merchants homepage by clicking “login” in the top right-hand corner and entering your merchant credentials.

  2. Once you're logged in, go to the manual upload by clicking “Products” in the top left-hand corner. Then, hover under “Add New Products” and click “Manual.” This should take you to the manual upload page, which you can also get to by clicking here once you're logged in.

  3. Enter in all your other item about your information.

  4. Wish offers a small selection of default colors that you can simply click if your item comes in that color. Please select all colors that your item comes in. If you do not see your item's color, try typing it into the “other” box. If your color does not come up in the “other” box, please email your account manager and we can help you out.

  5. In the “Sizing” area, select the category that your item fits into by clicking on that category. Then, select all sizes that your item comes in. For apparel, please use the sizing chart to establish sizes your items. If you do not see the category or variation that you please is accurate for your item, please email your account manager and we'll see what we can do.

  6. Our system will automatically come up with all the different combinations you can make with your sizes or colors: no tricky math or complicated variation analysis! Finally, enter a unique SKU for each of your items, select a price and quantity for each variation.

  7. Click the big blue submit button. You're done! Congratulations, you've uploaded all your variations of one item to Wish!

For more insight on how to add more sizes and colors in your manual upload, visit here!

Add More Sizes & Colors via CSV Feed File

It's super helpful for users to see a wide variety of sizes for your items. Obviously, they're interested in buying something that fits them! Merchants on Wish with a large collection of accurate sizes tend to do much better selling on Wish than merchants with a very limited collection of sizes and variations.

  1. First, log into your Wish for Merchants account. You can do this on the Wish for Merchants homepage by clicking “login” in the top right-hand corner and entering your merchant credentials.

  2. Once you're logged in, go to the feed file upload by clicking “Products” in the top left-hand corner. Then, hover under “Add New Products” and click “Product CSV File.” This should take you to the feed file page, which you can also get to by clicking here once you're logged in.

  3. When creating a feed file, you'll need to create columns for all the different properties of your item. Simply create a row for each one of the variations of your item. The best way to make sure you cover all your variations is to make a row for each color of every size, and then move on to the next color and write all the sizes. Just keep in mind that every variation of an item has the same parent SKU, but a different variation SKU!

  4. Simply upload the feed file in the “Upload CSV file” area and you're set!

