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符合wish平台A+物流计划的订单将可享受其一系列利好政策,同时将受到《商户服务条款和协议》和《A+ 物流计划政策》约束。相关的政策和利好包括但不限于以下:

  • 符合资格的 A+ 物流计划订单应在订单释放给商户后的168小时(7个自然日)内送达正确的 A+ 物流计划仓库并且扫描入库。请注意,仓库最多可能需要24小时才能完成订单的扫描和入库。如果订单送达和扫描入库的时间晚于168小时,平台将按照价格表向商户收取 150% 的运费。因此,wish平台强烈建议商户及时将符合条件的订单送达指定仓库。

  • 商户可通过 Wish 支持的揽收物流服务商或自寄的方式,将相关订单配送至 A+ 物流计划仓库,仓库地址可在 Wish 商户平台和 WishPost 上找到。点击此处可查看揽收物流服务商列表。

  • 为了帮助商户更高效地配送 A+ 物流计划订单,wish平台商户可以基于符合规定的原因直接在商户平台移除某些 A+ 物流计划订单:

    • 如果订单受确认妥投政策约束,则商户必须使用 WishPost 来履行订单,并选择提供尾程物流跟踪信息(即确认妥投信息)的 WishPost 物流渠道和服务等级;

    • 如果订单不受确认妥投政策约束,则商户可以自由选择任何 WishPost 物流渠道来履行订单。

    • 配送此类被移除的订单应遵守商户政策5.8的相关规定。也就是说,被移除的订单必须由可确认妥投的物流服务商来履行。因此,商户还必须遵守商户政策5.4和商户政策7.5规定的确认妥投时效要求。

    • 目前,商户可基于“从中国大陆以外发货”这个符合规定的理由移除芬兰和美国路向的 A+ 物流计划订单,以便直接从中国大陆以外的仓库发货,从而缩短交货时间并提升用户满意度。

    • 目前,除了“从中国大陆以外发货”这个原因之外,商户还可以基于其他符合规定的原因移除美国路向的 A+ 物流计划订单。如需了解商户可以基于哪些原因移除美国路向的 A+ 物流计划订单,请点击此处。对于因其他原因移除的订单,由于这些订单仍从中国大陆地区发货,因此必须使用 WishPost 履行。但是,商户可以根据所移除的订单是否受确认妥投政策约束来选择合适的 WishPost 物流渠道。具体来说,

    • 根据商户政策5.8,基于不符合规定的原因移除 A+ 物流计划订单可能会被处以每个违规订单100美元的赔款。多次违反此政策可能会被处以进一步惩处,例如暂停账户。

  • 满足以下要求的 A+ 物流计划订单有可能更快(自确认履行之日起20个自然日后)获得付款资格:

    • 在订单释放至商户账户时,店铺拥有白银、黄金或铂金店铺排名

    • 订单必须有可跟踪的确认履行时间;

    • A+ 物流计划订单必须在释放后168小时(即7个自然日)内送达指定仓库并扫描入库。

关于更快获得付款资格这一利好,需要特别说明的是:对于 UTC 时间2020年11月2日凌晨0时之后释放至商户的 A+ 物流计划订单,在满足上述三项要求的前提下,订单有可能在确认履行之后的20个自然日后获得付款资格。


Policies and benefits of the Advanced Logistics Program

Eligible orders included in the Advanced Logistics Program are subject to Wish for Merchants Terms of Service as well as all Advanced Logistics Program Merchant Policies. All eligible orders will also receive a number of logistics benefits offered by the Advanced Logistics Program. Relevant policies and benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • Eligible orders should be delivered and scanned into the correct Advanced Logistics Program warehouse within 168 hours (7 calendar days) of the time the Advanced Logistics Program order is released to merchants. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for the warehouse to scan and check in orders. If the order arrives and scans into the warehouse later than 168 hours, merchants will be charged 100% of the shipping fees based on pricing schedule, plus an additional 50% of the original shipping fees. As such, we strongly suggest that merchants timely deliver eligible orders.

  • Merchants may use a number of Wish-supported pick-up carriers or self-delivery method to deliver corresponding orders to the Advanced Logistics Program warehouse indicated in the shipping address on Merchant Dashboard and WishPost. See a list of pick-up carriers here.

  • To help merchants ship certain Advanced Logistics Program orders more efficiently, merchants may remove certain orders from the Advanced Logistics Program directly in Merchant Dashboard based on qualified reasons:

    • If the order is subject to the Confirmed Delivery Policy, merchants must fulfill the order with WishPost and select an appropriate WishPost logistics channel and service level that provide last-mile tracking (i.e. delivery confirmation);

    • If the order is not subject to the Confirmed Delivery Policy, merchants may fulfill the orders with any WishPost logistics channel of their choice.

    • Shipping these types of orders removed from the Advanced Logistics Program is subject to specific requirements, per Merchant Policy 5.8. That is, these types of orders are required to be fulfilled with one of the Confirmed Delivery Carriers. As such, merchants must also comply with the confirmed delivery timeline requirements outlined in Merchant Policy 5.4 and Merchant Policy 7.5 for these orders.

    • Currently, Finland- and United States-bound Advanced Logistics Program orders can be removed from the program for the qualified reason of “Shipping from outside of Mainland China”, so that merchants can ship relevant orders directly from their warehouses outside of Mainland China, reducing delivery time and improving customer satisfaction.

    • Currently, United States-bound orders can also be removed from the program for qualified reasons other than “Shipping from outside Mainland China”. Merchants may learn more about a list of qualified reasons for removing United States-bound orders from the program here. As these orders are still shipped from within Mainland China, they must be fulfilled with WishPost. However, merchants may choose the appropriate WishPost logistics channels based on whether the removed order is subject to the Confirmed Delivery Policy or not. Specifically,

    • Per Merchant Policy 5.8, order removal found to be based on non-qualified reasons may be penalized $100 per non-compliant order. Repeated violations of this policy may be subject to further penalties such as account suspension

  • Advanced Logistics Programs orders that meet the following requirements may be eligible for payment faster (i.e. 20 calendar days after confirmed fulfillment):

    • The store must have a Silver/Gold/Platinum Merchant Standing at the time the order is released to merchants;

    • The Advanced Logistics Program order must have a tracked confirmed fulfillment time;

    • The Advanced Logistics Program order must arrive at and scan into the designated warehouse on time within 168 hours (i.e. 7 calendar days).

Specifically for the benefit of being eligible for payment faster, Advanced Logistics Program orders released to merchants starting on November 2, 2020 12:00AM UTC may become eligible for payment 20 calendar days after confirmed fulfillment if the above conditions are met.

