使用您的 Shopify Payments 余额支付账单
如果您的商店位于美国并且您的 Shopify Payments 账户余额中有足够的资金,那么 Shopify Balance则会被选为您用于模板购买和一次性应用购买的默认付款方式。如果您想使用 Shopify Payments 账户余额支付经常性费用,则必须在账单设置中启用它。
如果费用超出了您 Shopify Payments 账户余额中的资金,则不会从您的余额中扣除付款费用。在这种情况下,会从您已存档的信用卡中收取账单的全部金额。
Shopify Email
所有拥有付费 Shopify 套餐的商家每月开始时都可免费发送 2,500 封电子邮件。电子邮件费用按以下规则计算:
系统会按照电子邮件活动所发送到的每个电子邮件地址来计算电子邮件的数量。例如,向 800 位订户发送 1 封促销电子邮件计数为 800 封电子邮件。
超过 2,500 封免费电子邮件后,您可以发送额外的电子邮件,每封额外的电子邮件的费用为 0.001 美元。例如,发送 1000 封额外的电子邮件将花费您 1 美元。费用未达到 0.005 美元时,您无需支付额外的电子邮件费用。
Shopify 不提供额外的订阅套餐,并且 Shopify Email 仅对您额外发送的电子邮件收取费用。
您每周最多可发送五次宣传活动。每 7 天在 UTC 的午夜时会重置一次。
有关详细信息,请参阅 Shopify Email 费用。
任何额外的电子邮件费用都将作为营销电子邮件添加到您上月的 Shopify 账单中。有关每项电子邮件活动的费用的详细信息,请点击 Shopify 后台的账单部分中的查看详细信息。
Use your Shopify Payments balance to pay bills
If your store is based in the United States and you have sufficient funds in your Shopify Payments account balance, then Shopify balance is selected as your default payment method for theme purchases and one-time app purchases. If you want to pay recurring charges using your Shopify Payments account balance, then you must enable it in your Billing settings.
If the charges exceed the funds in your Shopify Payments account balance, then the payment is not taken from your balance. In this case, the full amount of the bill is charged to the credit card that you have on file.
Shopify Email
All merchants with a paid Shopify plan have 2,500 free emails to send at the beginning of every month. Email cost is calculated using the following rules:
Emails are counted based on each individual email address that an email activity is sent to. For example, sending 1 promotional email to 800 subscribers counts as 800 emails.
Unused emails don’t carry over to the following month.
You can send additional emails beyond the 2,500 free emails at a cost of $0.001 USD per additional email. For example, sending 1000 additional emails would cost you $1 USD. You aren’t billed for the additional emails until the cost reaches $0.005 USD.
There’s no additional subscription plan and Shopify Email only charges for what you send.
You can send a maximum of five campaign activities per week. This resets every seven days at midnight UTC.
For more information, refer to Shopify Email cost.
Any additional email costs are added to your Shopify bill for the previous month as Marketing emails. For further details about the cost of each email activity, click View details in the Billing section of your Shopify admin.